Teacher at Prince George’s former school admits paying £65,000 to view child abuse
If they’ve got that much cash to spend…..
Teacher at Prince George’s former school admits paying £65,000 to view child abuse
If they’ve got that much cash to spend…..
I couldn’t be bothered to read this story. It sounded too silly.
Was he paying for live shows ?
It’s a bit like these stories of people running up debts of hundreds of thousands on those fruit machines in bookies.
Paedophiles can’t be rehabilitated, but thankfully the ocean is free.
It’s an independent school, so we don’t know how much he was paid.
I’ve noticed that a lot of independent school male teachers are failsons: they have an upper middle class background, but for whatever reason couldn’t hack it in other jobs and ended up teaching as a fallback. Plenty of independent schools don’t require teaching qualifications: they’re just interested in whether you can do the job.
Seems like a lot to pay when you can see a near infinity of cat pictures on insta. Also dogs and the odd dinosaur etc.
they’re just interested in whether you can do the job
The way some teachers have been reported as behaving recently (all overcome by wokeness), it might be argued that the possession of teaching qualifications is, prima facie, evidence of not being able to do the job.
Seems like a lot to pay when you can see a near infinity of cat pictures on insta
Indeed, you’d wonder why anyone would pay for any sort of porn. This was bespoke livestreamed noncery though. Attracts a premium. Looking on the bright side, imagine the difference £65k must have made to the kids in India….
I think only one of the teachers at my school had a PGCE. Don’t think my education suffered. Although, I never learned the term “failson”….
“Looking on the bright side, imagine the difference £65k must have made to the kids in India…”
All trained by Oxfam, apparently. Aid works!
I can think of much better things to cut in this particular case.