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Have you seen the latest thing?

So, woman self aborts at 32 to 34 weeks. Gets jugged. So now there’s to be a march for the right to kill at 32 to 34 weeks.

Yes, yes, I know, I’m an extremist on this point. I’ve still not worked out what I think about the morning after pill. And I’m definitely against the idea that there should be a distinction made between handicapped and non-handicapped after whatever cut off date (me, extremist, conception, while realising that near the entirety of society disagrees) is agreed.

But even thorugh this fog of extremism I’m still astonished. That there are enough people in the country to form a march for the right to kill babbies at 32 weeks. Really?

10 thoughts on “Have you seen the latest thing?”

  1. A very strange case. She obviously knew she was pregnant, so why did she not have the abortion earlier? Even after 24 weeks there is an exemption for the life of the mother, which I suspect many doctors would sign off on without question. I wonder if there is something else going on here we are not being told about.

  2. That there are enough people in the country to form a march for the right to kill babbies at 32 weeks. Really?

    ‘Course there is. Any trendy, progressive, stick it to the man cause will do.
    Look at these just stop oils wankers, they can’t all possibly believe what they say. And further back, look at the wimmins at Greenham common – I’ve heard a few radio shows with them talking as how it was just a great laugh, really. Get a few zealots and true believers and a load more are just hangers on.

  3. But even thorugh this fog of extremism I’m still astonished. That there are enough people in the country to form a march for the right to kill babbies at 32 weeks. Really?

    Which is the whole problem with the whole “killin’ babbies” issue, the range of sentiment goes from the extremity of it’s always infanticide to bludgeon them to death at birth. The plurality of opinion, if it exists, is around that survivability threshold.

    If those sufficiently horrified by the situation want to campaign for a change in the law they’re welcome to, but I suspect that they’ll have an uphill struggle.

    A very strange case. She obviously knew she was pregnant, so why did she not have the abortion earlier?

    Probably trying to get some bloke on the hook for marriage, thought he was hooked and then he said “No”. Been there, done that (although not to the point of 32/34 weeks.

    Still, she must have known the law, because she lied about it. Open and shut case.

  4. A very strange case. She obviously knew she was pregnant, so why did she not have the abortion earlier?
    Covid lockdown, doctors refused to see her?

    As for the emergency contraceptive pill, if taken correctly, it triggers a period before the sperm has had chance to meet any available egg (that’s the 72 hour bit) so is *contra*ception (prevents conception) not an abortifant (destroys after conception).

  5. @jgh – You’re talking about the “morning after pill”, which I don’t think this is what this is (although the Grauniad article doesn’t specify):

    In the end she obtained abortion drugs from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) under a lockdown measure allowing for remote consultations without attending a clinic, intended solely for women less than 10 weeks pregnant.

    Reading the literature for the “Pills by Post” scheme it suggests that the prescription contains:

    Medabon pack containing 1 tablet of mifepristone (step 1) and 4 tablets of misoprostol (step 2) plus 2 plastic wrapped misoprostol tablets (step 3)

    Neither of which is a contraceptive, but rather trigger an abortion through initiation of premature labour. I am not a doctor though.

  6. Most people know a pregnancy lasts around 9 months, but don’t equate that to about 38 weeks from conception.

    If she was described as being almost eight months pregnant people would understand the implications a lot more clearly.

  7. @John Hall
    I think JGH was explaining for the benefit of Tim (“I’ve still not worked out what I think about the morning after pill.”)

  8. That there are enough people in the country to form a march for the right to kill babbies at 32 weeks. Really?

    In this country there is a party with abortion up until birth as it’s holy sacrament. It encompasses about a third of the population.

    It also embraces necroballoting, so maybe there is a connection there.

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