Prince Harry: ‘Piers Morgan subjected Meghan and I to horrific personal attacks’
Duke of Sussex accuses ex-Mirror editor of embarking on a personal vendetta against him and the Duchess in retaliation for court case
No, really, this freedom, liberty, shtick.
Him can’t even speak English proper.
Now, now Tim. Freedom of speech is something you do to them.
It’s hate speech if they do it to you.
Piers v Harry…almost the inverse of a popularity contest.
Geoffers. Quite.
A plague on both their houses.
But forced to choose a horrific personal attack, I’d go for Morgan.
He (Morgan) added: “I wish him luck with his privacy campaign. I look forward to reading it in his next book.”
That’s actually quite funny.
Subjected ****ME***** you illiterate little turd.
And freedom of speech was traditionally matched by the freedom to give the insulting yobbo a punch on the nose. But journalists claim freedom without responsibility and will scream to high heaven if their victim gives them a well-desrved nosebleed.
Piers Morgan subjected Meghan and I to horrific personal attacks’
Subjected ****ME***** you illiterate little turd.”
Quite right. The rule of thumb on using ‘me’ or ‘I’ is to take the other person out of the sentence.
“Piers Morgan subjected I to horrific personal attacks” hmmm.
The rule of thumb on using ‘me’ or ‘I’ is to take the other person out of the sentence
That’s if one hasn’t learnt to distinguish bettwen the subject and the object in a sentence or clause.
or how to typ 😉
Mocking a member of the royal family for unfamiliarity with the accusative case is like mocking a washing machine for lack of facility with calculus.
He’s ginger, leave him be.
Is there a ginger equivalent of elder abuse?
It would serve the ginger twat right if he won against Piers Morgan and that motley crew and then Megain took it all in the divorce.
Entitled prick.
He’s still defending the honour of a yatch girl who’s had more cock than Bernard Matthews.
Simping must run in the family.
@The Meissen Bison – “That’s if one hasn’t learnt to distinguish bettwen the subject and the object in a sentence or clause.”
To a Royal, we’re all subjects.
To a Royal, we’re all subjects
My cat has got as much royal blood as him.
Here’s an article idea of how up themselves these two are
Man drops round a bike as a free gift for their son.
They can’t even be bothered to sign a thank you note themselves, never mind take the five minutes to write it themselves.
Even though that’s easy good publicity, which they desperately need… Cnuts the both of them.
My cat has got as much royal blood as him.
I’ve met his father. He was working as a greeter at a Marbella restaurant. Marbella! Second homes for Europe’s third rate criminals. He certainly found his level. And Hal’s following in his footprints.
Allegedly, of course.
Here’s an article idea of how up themselves these two are
Not sure about that one Chernyy. From what I can see, it was an unsolicited gift. From a bling bike seller’s point of view, investing under 300 bucks (retail – so to buy in much less) in the gift & receiving a thankyou letter signed by either of the couple would be a nice little trophy. Not exactly “By Royal Appointment …” but I don’t suppose Yanks would understand the finer points on that one, reading it framed on the shop wall. The help signing it, devalues that somewhat. Style would have seen it returned with a note “We regret we are unable to accept unsolicited gifts…” but the moneygrabbing Prince & Princess of California don’t do style do they?
Surely it is “Meghan and one’s self”?
No, because the ginger twat is not a monarch nor holder of equivalent singular office.
Neither was St. Margaret of Thatcher.