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This gives an insight

Mark Rylance says he took garlic solution instead of Covid vaccine
Actor claims ‘science started to sound like religion’ and says a friend broke up cancer cells with the vibrations of a Tibetan sound bowl

Actors may be very good at readin’ out words written by others. This does not make their own views sensible or even consistent with reality.

Something worth remembering when they try to tell us something about economics.

13 thoughts on “This gives an insight”

  1. Perhaps he was afraid of Covid turning prople into vampires, like in that book I am a Leg End.

  2. Having the Covid vaccine in there as the representative of “sensible” and “reality” does diminish your point somewhat, Tim.

  3. I would pay an African witch doctor to glue magic healing crystals to my arse before I’d get Mystery Injection.

  4. Gosh, Steve, where’s your sense of adventure? It’s probably no more of a risk than going on a deep sea trip in….

    Oh. Yeah.

  5. Mark Rylance says he took garlic solution instead of Covid vaccine

    At least you’re not going to suffer from post-vaccine regret with a bunch of garlic…or vampyrs for that matter.

  6. Bloke in the Fourth Reich

    Well, the statement that “science started to sound like a religion” is 100% accurate.

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