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To whom?

NatWest chair vows to stay on to provide ‘stability’ after Farage controversy

The bank or the personal income?

14 thoughts on “To whom?”

  1. Howard Davies is a prime example of failing upwards. He’ll be gone by suppertime.
    I went into a Natwest branch yesterday. The staff were all smiles and the atmosphere was one of jollity. I think that’s because they might be able to get rid of all the Pride shit cluttering up the place. Sadly, they are probably mistaken.

  2. Howard Davies doesn’t need to worry about money – he has a variety of civil service pensions in addition to his various Director’s fees

  3. He does appear to have had a lot of great-and-good non-job sinecures – not exactly what one might call a stable career progression. No doubt, when he quits RBS (which is still the NatWest holding company), they will continue…

  4. Martin Near The M25

    My local Natwest frequently has queues out of the door, only one counter and one cash machine. I’m now waiting for them to remove the cash machine, or close the branch. Or maybe they’ll start punching customers, they don’t seem to like them very much.

  5. Britain seems to be brimful of worthless fuckholes like Davies who stagger from one well-remunerated and/or cushy sinecure to another and they all seem to be former civil servants. The nation would be vastly improved if these grifters, plus the 1,000 best-paid public sector workers, were dragged out into the street and humanely kicked to death.

  6. Theophrastus (2066)

    I expect the ghastly Alison Rose to be appointed to some quango – even the chairmanship of the BBC – under the forthcoming Starmer Tyranny…

  7. This Davies guy is a silly old duffer isn’t he ? Talk about a complete inability to read the room.

    If he had had any cojones ( or brains ) both Rose and Flavel would’ve been frogmarched out by security just carrying a Tescos bag containing the photos from their desks.

  8. Well, Davies is already toast – and he knows it. Reuters have “NatWest Chairman Davies intends to stay until 2024”.

    So, about six (minimum) to nine months then. Probably no more than twelve.

    “Davies has himself come under pressure, with one top-20 investor telling Reuters on Thursday his position looked increasingly shaky after the board backed Rose on Tuesday evening, only for her to leave hours later”.

    Yeah, probably gone by March, nicely between full results for FY 2023 sometime in February, and the AGM in April to confirm his successor.

  9. I plan to close the accounts I have with Natwest as soon as I can. Partly because of the current Farage scandal, partly because I don’t need them any more, and partly because they are utterly sh*t. I’ve just logged on to transfer some money from a Natwest savings account to my Natwest current account, ie an intra bank transfer. Its just informed me this transfer will now be actioned on Monday. FFS! In the age of online 24/7 banking they are unable (or unwilling) to do what other banks do routinely. Barclays allows me to shift money around between accounts at all times of day and night and the money is where I want it instantly.

  10. It would not be “helpful” for NatWest’s chairman to quit over the row that has followed the closure of Nigel Farage’s account, the city minister has said.

    Andrew Griffith made the comments after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak declined to back Sir Howard Davies on Thursday.

    Sir Howard has faced calls to resign after he initially backed NatWest CEO Dame Alison Rose over the row, hours before she resigned on Wednesday.

    NatWest row: Not helpful if chairman quits over Nigel Farage, says minister

    Rishi the snake chooses back NatWest Chairman, best he can get is a weak “Not Helpful” from a minister. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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