The academic and writer Kehinde Andrews will join us for a livestreamed event to introduce his new book, The Psychosis of Whiteness.
Through regular appearances on TV debates, Andrews has become increasingly frustrated by the irrational tone of conversations about race and racism. In The Psychosis of Whiteness, he invites us into a strange and alarming world – one in which Piers Morgan is an authority on race, Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are seen by the majority as the ‘right (white) man for the job’, and white people are queuing up to buy books to help them cope with their whiteness.Andrews is the first professor of Black Studies in the UK, and the author of bestselling books Resisting Racism, Back to Black and the New Age of Empire. Join him as he discusses this witty yet vital new perspective on race and white privilege. You will also have the opportunity to put forward your own questions at this livestreamed event.
I’m washing my mustache that day….
The Psychosis of Whiteness, by a professor of Black Studies.
professor of Black Studies
Don’t judge before you read his dissertation on how to breakdance on a piece of cardboard.
“Psychosis of whiteness”
Projecting so far, his bile has circulated the entire universe and hit him in the back of the head, removing what remnant of intellect he had left (assuming he had any to start with).
“Queueing up to buy books to help them cope with their whiteness”
Not his illiterate, racist shite obviously.
Sorry “blackademics”, we can’t help you with your universe spanning inferiority complex. We just can’t, only you can do that.
But you have to acknowledge your problem first.
Join him as he discusses this witty yet vital new perspective on race and white privilege.
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for The Negroes.
white people are queuing up to buy books to help them cope with their whiteness
I can’t say I’ve seen any queues, of any colour, at any of our local bookshops, even though I passed the three main ones in town this morning.
I’m washing my mustache that day….
I’m committed to rewiring the gerbil. Such a shame.
“Moustache”, surely?
A black man chattering about Psychosis is surely guilty of cultural appropriation.
Through regular appearances on TV debates, Andrews has become increasingly frustrated by the irrational tone of conversations about race and racism.
So why doesn’t he shut the fuck up then?
Roll up, roll up, whities!
Here are some of the exciting offerings on Amazon:
You can also get Prof Andrews to read his book to you on audible. This may be because Prof Andrews’ own delivery is particularly authoritative or it may be because Jeff Bezos reckons there’s no money in the proposition if he has to hire a “voice”.
“You will also have the opportunity to put forward your own questions at this livestreamed event”
Why don’t you go fuck yourself, you ignorant twat?
TMB – You can also get Prof Andrews to read his book to you on audible
Pretty bold of him to claim he can read.
Race Baiter and Race Grifter in Chief. Sorry, it clashes with watching Thomas Sowell.
Birmingham City University (not). When it was Brum Poly, it was well regarded – how far things have fallen.
I can remember watching ‘Roots’, and being surprised that the first black slave had an ‘a’ on the end of his forename.
The bloke is a racist, racemongering arse. No rational person would listen to his drivel.
Good to see these academics taking up the Black Man’s Burden and bringing civilisation to the white natives.
On the general subject, the Telegraph had an obituary today for a ballet dancer who was , they claimed, the first black man to dance at Sadler’s Wells. Odd, I thought, he doesn’t look black in that photo.
But if you read on you discover that he was a Cape Malay from South Africa i.e. a brown man. Why did they lie?
I’m assuming that, with the title given to the tome, the print will be black on black pages. Gotta be a best seller.
Of course you will keep taking this shit, won’t you? With hardly a murmur. Just remember something. The philosophy this guy’s spouting is ultimately backed up with violence. You’ve seen it on the streets on the news. This isn’t a uni debating society. It’s an attack on you has multiple prongs. This is just one of them.
‘Why did they lie?’
To show that he had that aristocratic non-white blood, dearieme.
After all, why did they make such a fuss about Meghan having that beautiful black blood?? To make clear the sacrifice that she’d made to pollute herself by assuming rule over you beastly white plebs.