The Cabinet Secretary has been warned by senior civil servants of a “woke takeover of Whitehall” that risks “improperly” influencing Government policy.
Simon Case was told in a letter signed by 42 staff from 16 departments that ideology on gender promoted by trans activists has become embedded in the Civil Service in a “significant breach of impartiality”.
Presumably this is the one thing too stupid even for them. But what about all those other upper middle class virtue signalling nonsenses?
Nice jobs. Good pay. Sinecures, really, for the mandarin class.
So, you take it as long as you can, until you hit a place where you can’t. Apparently that’s genital mutilation of kids. So, good for them, really.
I think all those upper middle class folk have finally got pissed off having to come in to the office to attend classes on how to divest themselves of their white privilege and curb their microaggressions when they’d got used to lying in the garden sipping their G&Ts while watching the gardeners clip the lawn…
Simon Case looks like what you’d expect: some effete beardo soytwat who looks like he cycles to work listening to Ed Balls’ podcast, and probably does half the housework.
So that letter was a waste of time.
I can only agree with you bobby b.
Of course I also agree with Steve that it was a waste of time.
Has anyone suggested that the bits chopped off would be renewable, sustainable environmentally-friendly fuel for power stations?
This is the problem though. If they turn back the tide on trans, then it opens the floodgates for all the other nonsense. That’s why they’re pushing trans so hard.