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OK, let’s do so

So, let’s face reality and talk about taxing wealth in 2024.

The assumption is that:

This is correct – and exactly why UK public spending is rising, and needs to rise (much) more, because that is the only way to meet the demand for essential public services when for the majority of people private needs are actually being met.

Given that I disagree with the assumption therefore I disagree with the conclusion. Thus we can talk about taxing wealth in 2024.

Let’s not.

7 thoughts on “OK, let’s do so”

  1. Interestingly this post introduced a new element into the equation which either as hadn’t discerned in the various word salads of these largely reheated proposals which are lifted second hand from the 1950s and 60s.

    To pretend that growth will avoid the need for these decisions is false in a world where economic growth as we have known it needs to stop.

    So the decree has come down – he will take over command of resource allocation across every house, every person and every street. I can’t think of anyone, even in a mental institution less suited to such a task.

  2. Could someone ask him how to measure wealth? Is it just investments, cash, property or does it include art, jewelry, cars, designer clothes, contents of your freezer, old underpants …..?

  3. Economic growth has stopped. No new decisions are needed. Spud has won. Almost everything he’s fought against has lost, almost everything he’s fought for he’s gotten. Austerity didn’t happen, neoliberalism is an ember of what it was, the NHS got bigger. He’s so unaware he doesn’t even realise it.

  4. One way to meet the demand for public services would be encourage workers in the public sector to work as hard as those in the private sector.

  5. AARAGH!!!! I bugfixed some code last night, that created an increase in value, aka economic growth. Forgive me father, I have sinned. I shouldn’t have done that!

  6. john77

    His ex-wife has as far as I’m aware been off work for more than a decade on Full pay or some suchlike. You’ve more chance of Men from Mars arriving than Public Sector productivity sitting much above zero in the foreseeable future, certainly in the NPPS (Non productive public sector)

  7. The Lord High Potato of Ely has deemed this time the peak in growth and human advancement. Jesus was pretty good at growth, water in to wine – impressive. But even holy miracles are now deemed to be finished. The messiah of Ely will tax your wine and allocate you water as he deems fit.

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