Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.
The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.
Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.
Winston Smith is working overtime….
I saw a YouTube video about this (which might or might not be accurate but seemed to make sense).
Early Brits might (might) have had a darker complexion than we have today. But that doesn’t mean they were ‘black’ in the sense meant here – that they had sub-Saharan links. That they had sub-Saharan DNA links. They absolutely categorically did not.
Neolithic UK individuals were close to Iberian and Central European Early and Middle Neolithic populations, modelled as having about 75% ancestry from Anatolian farmers with the rest coming from Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHG) in continental Europe.
Sub-Saharan DNA? Hardly a drop.
By this author’s test, I become black after two weeks on holiday in the Med.
No doubt these poor blacks were enslaved by the wicked straight white capitalist males who infested the place.
The book, published by Bloomsbury and promoted by Arts Council-funded literacy charity The Book Trust, states that “Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, “and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”
The introduction says that “Britain has been a mostly white country for a lot less time than it has been a mostly black country”.
This stuff is designed to habituate you to the fact that you’ve lost your country (see also: everything on telly).
It’s gone, so there’s no point in being upset about it. Maybe we natives can live on reservations if we ask nicely enough.
“the very first Britons were black”.
And then they invented soap. Another thing Africans don’t seem to have managed
And I’m pretty sure that those who built Stonehenge or did anything else remarkable were all gay.
@Andrew C
Evidence seems to be stacking up that Homo Sap did not evolve in Africa. Recent archaeological finds seem to indicate Eurasia for the earliest populations. Which will certainly put the cat amongst the …. crows? So the default skin tone maybe pale with black an adaptation
Steve has it down to a tee (and is often criticised by certain trolls for his candour)
Even one of the critics of the approach quoted in the Telegraph (I happened to attend lectures by David Abulafia when I was a student) is a tenured academic near to retirement. What young white male academic would risk his career and future (even in the unlikely event he did think the author was a serial fantasist who ideally wouldn’t be let near children) sticking his head above the parapet?
With the likely adoption of reparations by the next Labour government it will not be long before a specific tax is levied on White britons. Whether my children will escape being enslaved at some future point by people like this author is a question I admit which does trouble me.
When will this nonsense end. It is very clearly advancing the ethnic cultural cleansing that has been going on for some time, and soon that will just be ethnic cleansing. The fact that it is complete bollocks doesn’t seem to matter to most people.
Similar claims are made that Roman citizens included many ‘blacks’. There were certainly plenty of them from the Maghreb, but they’d have been no more ‘black’ than the average Syrian is today. Egyptians would have included some Nubians, who were undeniably black-skinned, but sub-Saharan Africans? No.
As my gran used to say “I don’t care what they tell you at school, Boadicea was a one-legged, black, trans-man”
Father Christmas lives on the equator and has a wind powered Mercedes drawn by thirteen zebras.
GB was a poor island until the Normans arrived and started winning things. Didn’t really start making headway out of mediocrity until Elizabeth I sort of legalised privateering and sorted out the currency and religion on her side of the border and then James VI came down south to unify the place. So if somebody wants to take credit for GB being on average a bit of schithole before that, I’d let them.
Stonehenge was hardly a contender for inclusion in the 7 ancient wonders. It isn’t even Gobekli Tepe level interesting.
Early Brits might (might) have had a darker complexion than we have today.
Sure, but that’s not what they are claiming. It’s that yer proper Black Africans came here and built everything before erm… something.
While this might seem like obvious nonsense to most, there’s great swathes of the black population which will swallow it whole.
I was once recommended to check out #blacktwitter and it is awash with delusion. There’s plenty who believe black people built everything from the pyramids to the internet, yet it was unaccountably stolen from them by stupider, weaker, less numerous white people. The fact that neither they, nor anyone they know, has ever created anything useful is no barrier to belief.
Surrender Steve:
It’s gone, so there’s no point in being upset about it. Maybe we natives can live on reservations if we ask nicely enough.
Was it the little “Spitfire” in african colours that made you realise the game was up? You’re right, we can’t win against these overwhelming odds; no point fighting until the last Chelmsfordian – best seek terms now.
Besides, jesus wos Black, init.
PJF – I did say there’s no need to be upset.
It’s not your fault, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Was it the little “Spitfire” in african colours that made you realise the game was up?
I don’t know what that is.
You’re right, we can’t win against these overwhelming odds; no point fighting until the last Chelmsfordian – best seek terms now.
What fighting?
Besides, jesus wos Black, init.
So is I, blood.
Steve T – The fact that it is complete bollocks doesn’t seem to matter to most people.
See also: Net Zero, Covid, and today’s excitement about Russell Brand.
VP – What young white male academic would risk his career and future (even in the unlikely event he did think the author was a serial fantasist who ideally wouldn’t be let near children) sticking his head above the parapet?
David Starkey and Roger Scruton aren’t safe from cancellation, so none of us are.
So children are taught Britons were black 4 000-5 000 years ago. Therefore the British climate was hotter and anthropogenic global boiling is a lie?
I don’t know what that is.
It’s on the cover of the book*. It had me giggling all the time I was feeding the birds and putting the bin out.
*It’s worth checking out on Amazon. The illustrations are hilarious. Ratings not good (currently, won’t be surprised if the one stars are disappeared).
GB was a poor island until the Normans arrived and started winning things.
England pre conquest was actually pretty rich and fertile. Which was why the Vikings kept on invading. The AngloSaxons had a remarkably efficient state which allowed the Normans to take over quite quickly once they had their hands on the levers.
. . . today’s excitement about Russell Brand.
They’ve so overdone it that it’s morphing into a general meejia witch hunt. Send kindling.
“ I was once recommended to check out #blacktwitter and it is awash with delusion. There’s plenty who believe black people built everything from the pyramids to the internet,”
Has anyone asked them why all these things were built everywhere but in Africa?
At last a logical explanation why so many Welsh and Scottish are black skinned with frizzy hair.
Or summat.
There might be some internal inconsistencies in the detail of its claims.
We iz all raysist bludclarts, innit fam.
@Ottokring Indeed, English Common Law, as a means of settling disputes, was already well-established. If it aint broke; don’t fix it, so the Norse men left it alone and added a few bits hither & thither.
Needed a few more centuries for that there habeas corpus; trial by jury etc…
I am amazed that blacks went around the world building and inventing everything, whereas at home in Africa they didn’t get round to the wheel, written language or two storey buildings.
This has gone beyond lying with menaces, and into outright fraud.
So we are to believe that the people who left Africa some two million years ago stayed black for 1,995,000 years, built Stonehenge 5,000 years ago, then suddenly turned white.
I did like the argument that I saw in the Daily Mail pointing out that we therefore don’t owe anyone reparations. Indeed when I look at my skin, it’s becoming blacker by the minute.
Perhaps blackface should become the new fashion to celebrate our ancestry?
“Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, “and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”
Nah, that’s wrong. Stonehenge was actually built in Africa and continental drift dumped it in Wiltshire but left the blacks behind.
Anyway all these stone circles were built by aliens as aerials.
I saw it on that Quatermass series with John Mills.
This is following the same gameplan as the alphabet people where each concession leads to ever more outrageous demands, almost as if that’s the whole point.
Now the historical illiteracy of “black people have always been here” is being ramped up to claim that black people have always been here AND they invented everything.
Why are they so desperate to steal our history? Have they no achievements of their own?
Craig. I think it’s because they feel it gives them an excuse to steal everything else.
Adapting this classic:
Stonehenge was built by Black people.
You may not agree, you may have evidence to the contrary – but is it really worth risking your job over?
Stonehenge was built by Black people…
the very first Britons were black
No. They. Weren’t. No matter how much they wish it, no matter how much the repeat this lie, it is still a lie, much like a man can become a woman.