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Well, yes Polly, quite possibly so

Sunak’s anti-green stance exposes his reckless dishonesty. His fate is what matters, the planet can go hang
Polly Toynbee

But this is true of every politician, they’ll do what benefits them – staying in office – rather than what benefits the people.

This is why politics is such a lousy way of running anything

29 thoughts on “Well, yes Polly, quite possibly so”

  1. This is why politics is such a lousy way of running anything

    Idk, since the Blairite Ascendancy (1997-????), they’ve been taking more and more decisions out of the realms of political debate, because TPTB agree on everything and hate us.

    It’s how we ended up with fuckwit MPs legislating for Net Zero in the first place, with no public debate of any kind. The most expensive Act of Parliament in history, and it got less scrutiny than the ban on laughing gas.

    Instead, they’ve just been screaming lies in our faces with ever more maniacal fervour. REEEE! THERE’S A FIRE SOMEWHERE HOT! STOP BREATHING CO2 RIGHT NAO!!!1!

  2. You do have a point Steve. If the fuckwit pollies get too above themselves, the only way to dump them would be civil war.

    That’s even more expensive than just buying them off the way we do.

  3. TPTB are having a right old hissy fit about Rishi’s alleged u-turn (the Times is going mental about it, at great length) but it looks like just another empty pledge. Car manufacturers will still be required to sell 80% EVs by 2030.

  4. Sadly every jumped up tosspot local official from mayor Sadiq to the dunny-on-the-wold chief executive of climate change will contrive to ban petrol cars anyway, leading to an effective ban.

    The only place you will be allowed to drive and have a steak will be Great Yarmouth, where you can still smoke in pubs. Probably

  5. Idk, since the Blairite Ascendancy (1997-????), they’ve been taking more and more decisions out of the realms of political debate, because TPTB agree on everything and hate us.

    Indeed. The convergence of party politics has vastly reduced choice, so the the only differences are which particular bunch of troughers are closest to the trough. Why is why they’re so adverse to extremism/populism. The only remedy is to give them extremism good & hard. At this juncture it really doesn’t matter which political direction it comes from. One will will inevitably breed the other.

  6. The planet much prefers higher temperatures and CO2 levels. Those who want to deny the planet the CO2 it craves are the real planet haters.

  7. At this juncture it really doesn’t matter which political direction it comes from.

    Look at Deutschland. The consensus comprises a governing coalition and a CDU-CSU “opposition” that agrees with the government which leaves the increasingly popular AfD teetering on the edge of being banned for being “undemocratic” and Die Linke (heir to the party of Ulbricht/Honeker/Krenz) whose standard-bearer, Sahra Wagenknecht (lovely name!) is thinking of setting up a new party of the left which will embrace nationalist aspirations. It may not be fun but it will be interesting. On second thoughts, it might indeed be fun.

  8. He announced it on the same day the “Online Safety” Bill passed its Third Reading. Now isn’t that a coincidence?

  9. AfD teetering on the edge of being banned for being “undemocratic”
    There’s always extra-democratic.
    I’m inclined to think democracy was abolished in the UK by Blair. (US by Clinton?) Don’t think there’s really much difference between the UK & Putin’s Russia. Putin has to contend with strong extra-democratic challenges which requires brutal strength. The UK has virtually no extra-democratic strengths other than its governments so can do the iron fist in the velvet glove (Although for a very poor quality alloy).
    One thing you can’t do is counter extra-democratic with democratic. As the Leave referendum proved. The only way is to overturn it is with force.

  10. He announced it on the same day the “Online Safety” Bill passed its Third Reading.
    I read a piece championing that cause in the Torygraph yesterday. It cited the experience of a father who was so inadequate as a parent he permitted his 14 y/o daughter long term exposure to internet stuff encouraged her to suicide. FFS! What was so dysfunctional in that family they let this happen under their noses?

  11. When she and others of her ilk give up their nice houses and fancy holidays I’ll agree to the Net Zero measures. I’ve often said the Murphy is the closest thing to Pure evil extant in the media today but she is right up there in the top ten. Appalling on every level.

  12. V_P. Pol is & always has been a gig. What she preaches may be evil but she herself is just an unconscienced chiseller. I’m inclined to think the same of Murphy. He’s just not nearly as good at it.

  13. Bloke in North Dorset

    Bearing in mind that the Spectator’s last political editor was Sunak’s best man and is now his chief political advisor ….

    Last night’s Coffee House Shots podcast was all about how Sunak believes in cost benefit analysis and telling the electorate hard truths about the costs of policies and today this from Fraser Nelson:

    If he’s true to this we might be in for an interesting year and possibly a reason to vote for him. Possibly.

  14. Sarah Wagenecht has the big advantage of being
    A) a babe
    B) really quite brainy

    Although on balance I think being tied up and beaten by Alice Weidel is preferable

  15. BIS,

    I’ve become convinced that mental health is endemic to the person. Some people are just more emotionally fragile than others.

    If internet was doing so much harm to kids it would be in the stats. We’ve really got 20 years of data that says that porn and Facebook don’t do that much harm.

  16. Die Linke (heir to the party of Ulbricht/Honeker/Krenz) whose standard-bearer, Sahra Wagenknecht (lovely name!) is thinking of setting up a new party of the left which will embrace nationalist aspirations.

    Nationalist socialism in Germany? Can’t think of a thing that could possibly go wrong. It’s worked so well for the Scots, after all.

  17. ‘Analysts have observed that Wagenknecht is offering something that has never been seen before in Germany: Conservative social values allied with socialist economic values.’

    Strange isn’t it Chris? Makes me think of the National Socialist German Workers Party.

  18. The Little Brown Hope.

    A damn sight better than the fat lying bastard (Johnson) who spoke out against Sunak’s delays.

    In a way it doesn’t matter if Rishi doesn’t mean it. It’s now an upfront political issue instead of a suppressed one. The term “bankrupting the British people” is now spoken by ministers of the crown instead of typed on blogs.
    The fact they’ve grasped the nettle at all is an indication that someone high enough in government has realised that this crazy shit literally can’t work and they have no physical choice but to dial it back.

  19. The fact they’ve grasped the nettle at all is an indication that someone high enough in government has realised that this crazy shit literally can’t work and they have no physical choice but to dial it back.

    I wouldn’t have the least confidence. They’ve been blown by the winds of presumed public opinion & they’re just as likely to blown in another direction. None of this has anything to do with the future of the country or even supposed climate problems. It’s all about political careers in the present. And behind that the self & commercial interests that shape them

  20. @WesternBloke
    You’re spot on.
    I was staring at suicide stats from 1990s onwards recently – it’s remarkable how low they are now for the young compared to when the internet was nothing and television really meant something to the kids. I think kids are aware of television in the sense of being aware of litter bins, but the internet is where they go ‘cos they get interaction.
    The step change in suicide stats also correlates with the growth of coffee shops, so it could mean nothing of course.

  21. PJF – it’s thin gruel indeed, but I agree that at least somebody is very tentatively starting to put some sort of theoretical limit on Greeniebollocks, however ineffectually and dishonestly they’re doing it.

    And such small portions!

    But I have Net Zero faith in the tiny banker (banker for money, does what they want him to do).

    Here’s what I would expect an actual Tory to do:

    * Slash corporation tax to below Ireland’s
    * Slash VAT to below Europe’s
    * Slash foreign aid and greenie subsidies
    * Dig and frack all the hydrocarbon we reasonably can from our own shores
    * Repeal the Climate Change Economic Suicide Act

    A man can dream.

  22. There is a plurality of people who think the planet is in danger. Probably a majority that thinks CO2 is to blame.
    People with a connection to reality face being cut off by their smart meters.

    But not to worry. The population of Africa is forecast to grow by a billion. Europe will host millions of morbidly obese starving African underage democracy activists from the religion of peace. Their traditional knowledge of nuclear engineering and distribution networks will plug us into the mains in no time.

  23. Steve.

    You’ve made me dream that the UK also builds enough nukes so those foul foreign fiends (carefully unnamed) can’t just shut off her ‘leccy as though the sun had gone behind a cloud.

    But I might as well expect them to build nukes before they shut down the coal burners here in Oz. Though I’ve persuaded myself that they’re showing a bit of hesitancy these days. I think they expect the bastards like me to vote them out when they turn off the lights.

  24. I have to say I’ve long been an admirer of Ms Toynbee. Her contempt for the likes of Emma Thompson (“I do so love breakfast in LA with it’s lovely fresh orange juice then dinner in Paris”) and her resolve to cycle to Italy 8 times a year. Of course, the 238 pieces of luggage are a bit of a problem but it helps Polly with her famous altruistic principles for the working class who are kept fit by pedaling such long distances…

  25. Thought experiment:

    In the interests of Net Zero there will be a tax of 100% on all earnings above £50,000 per year to fund green initiatives.

    Would Polly Toynbee still be so keen on Net Zero?

  26. But I might as well expect them to build nukes before they shut down the coal burners here in Oz.

    They’ll take my coal scuttle from my cold, dead hands, Boganboy.

    Even if we cancelled Net Zero right now, we’d be in for perhaps decades of economic pain thanks to all the Net Zero, Covid and other foolish decisions our Conservative government has made to date.

    We literally cannot afford this. Our government is like a deadbeat gambling addict, now pawning the children’s Christening gifts to fund another tilt at the roulette wheel. Whee!

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