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We might assume that Reform votes go to Tories. So, if Reform didn’t exist the Tories would have won both seats.

Which does rather make Reform like the old Ukip – enough of a thorn in the side that we might get somewhere.

57 thoughts on “Byelections”

  1. . Reform only managec 1400 ish in each constituency.

    This was a Tory voter stay-at-home pair of results.

    I have no idea how this will actually go, but I suspect a super low turnout next year, even lower than during the Blair Terror Regime.

  2. Numbers game, Carol:

    Mid Beds 2019
    Tory (Nadine Dorres) – 38,692
    Labour – 14,028

    Labour – 13,872
    Tory (Festus Akabanotgonnaworkhere) – 12,680

    The Reform vote (1,487) was a hair bigger than the margin of Tory humiliation*. So you could say that it was Reform wot won it, but that isn’t what really happened, is it?

    The Labour vote went down in both constituencies in absolute terms. The Tory vote simply melted away like that army we spent 19 years training in Afghanistan.

    Those 1,000 odd Reform voters weren’t going to vote Tory this time. Those people might not necessarily hit the brakes if they saw Jeremy Hunt in the middle of the road. The ‘Conservatives’ are no longer disliked, they are hated. And rightly so.

    So what do you do when you’re a very unpopular governing party that’s 13 years in to pissing off all of your potential voters, you’re 20 points behind and the economy is in the toilet, law and order is breaking down, taxes are crushing the life out of everybody, nothing works in the public sector, and you’re in £2Tn of debt and fighting two proxy wars at the same time?

    What urgent priorities do you use your precious remaining Parliamentary careers to address, in the hopes of saving your seats?

    Sunak to push ahead with delayed ban on gay and trans conversion practices
    Prime minister to include draft bill banning conversion practices in king’s speech, sources confirm

    Kiran Stacey Political correspondent
    Thu 19 Oct 2023

    Rishi Sunak will push ahead with long-delayed plans to ban gay and trans conversion practices after Conservative whips warned MPs could rebel if they failed to do so.

    Nota Benny, the Tampon Whisperer has only been king for 5 minutes, already making a clown’s arse of his coronation oaths (probably because he’s too thick to understand what he promised God).

    Maybe it’s a good thing if they take the monarchy down with them? We’ve got to stop pretending this is still Britain. This is not Britain, Britain was our home. We were welcome there.

    By the way, sorry if this sounds a bit negative. I’m not actually an unreasonable man, I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things.

  3. Steve

    Maybe you need to make PJF’s belief that you’re working out of Moscow a reality? Certainly despite all the problems caused by the Ukraine debacle, could one honestly hand on heart say their future prospects are worse than the UK?

    But you are spot on – the worry is that both parties seem to be a tribute to ‘Bachman Turner Overdrive’ and my sensation is in the fields of:

    – Trans rights and freedom for child molestation
    – Immigration
    – Crime and Law and Order

    And so many others

    Their message to us is channeling the the old 1974 favourite:

    ‘ You ain’t seen nothin’ yet
    B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothin’ yet
    Here’s something that you’re never gonna forget
    B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothin’ yet
    Nothin’ yet, you ain’t been around’

    I have a vision of a cataclysm whereby Gay London based journalists who think the British Empire is responsible for Homosexuality being illegal in the Gaza Strip and Semi- retired ‘accountants’ in Ely who think a 50% tax take by the government is ‘not enough’ (among many others) are dragged from their residences and subject to the same summary justice given to deserters by the German Army in 1945.

    I have to say it’s the one thing that gives me a sense of comfort…

  4. Sunak can promise change to his heart’s content. I will believe only what actually happens. My to be done list starts with repealing the Climate Change Act.

  5. Enough already.

    Steve was perfectly correct in his comment on another thread yesterday. The whole area of political debate as seen in parliament and in the media is trivial. Really who gives a toss about trannies or mean words on social media? How can they have time to pass trivial but illiberal legislation when they can’t fix the infrastructure or the various invasive species (sorry, my mistake, only plants and animals can be invasive, not people)? When they have net zero plans that just cannot work.

    And as for the tories (and the media) not understanding where their vote has gone, every MP has, by now, an inbox full of emails telling them why another constituent won’t be voting for them ever again. And all they do is return another weaselly form letter saying why voting as you are told is ‘the right thing to do.’

    As an aside, my telly news had an item on the slow takeup of smart meters and how we must be forced or power-nudged into getting them. NOBODY mentioned the ability of the grid to load-shed by switching your supply off by means of the smart meter. THAt is the main reason why people don’t want them.

  6. VP – Certainly despite all the problems caused by the Ukraine debacle, could one honestly hand on heart say their future prospects are worse than the UK?

    Good point. Where are Christian refugees meant to go, if not Russia? Britain is already low-key hostile to Christians and France is a grinning skeleton beckoning a future steeped in fire and blood.

    I’m not going anywhere tho.

    They’ll come day and they’ll come night
    They’ll have our children in their sights
    But if they don’t have faith their eyes are blind

  7. @ Steve “Where are Christian refugees meant to go, if not Russia?”

    Something I’ve been pondering as hanging about in this dump has few attractions. A colleague of mine is off shortly on holiday to Mauritius with a serious view to see if he’d like to retire there.

    Having checked it out, it has 10 golf courses and would require incredible determination from the inflatable boat brigade to get there.

    Tim might be interested that I did mention Portugal but my colleague just shook his head and said ‘nowhere in Europe’.

  8. “The Labour vote went down in both constituencies in absolute terms. The Tory vote simply melted away like that army we spent 19 years training in Afghanistan.”

    From what I recall, by-election turnouts are generally lower anyway. It isn’t going to change who is PM, so why bother?

    “Rishi Sunak will push ahead with long-delayed plans to ban gay and trans conversion practices after Conservative whips warned MPs could rebel if they failed to do so.”

    That’s the stuff that Conservative MPs are rebelling over? Is the 1922 committee like the Kit Kat Club or something?

    What a bunch of losers. If that’s what you’re focussed on, you deserve to lose. I’d go as far as to say that I don’t even want the shock of a Reform victory making the Conservatives rethink what they should do. I want the Conservatives annihilated as a party and replaced.

  9. I can’t think of any greater recent slaughter of Christians than those murdered in the 604 days of the people of Russia’s Special Military Operation.

  10. “plans to ban gay and trans conversion practices ”

    Fuck. I can’t even remember whether this means a ban on converting people TO being gay or trans or FROM being gay or trans.

    And I really don’t care either way.

  11. Tim might be interested that I did mention Portugal but my colleague just shook his head and said ‘nowhere in Europe’.
    I’m very seriously considering Brasil. Like many of these countries it’s essentially ungovernable. And for me that’s becoming a feature. There’s something to be said for good honest bribery & corruption.

  12. Maybe you need to make PJF’s belief that you’re working out of Moscow a reality?

    Van_Patten, you should be aware that people being sucked-up to regard their suck-ups with contempt.

    Where are Christian refugees meant to go, if not Russia?

    Good grief, Steve, you’ve pointed out yourself that Putin doesn’t give a fuck about religion vs woke so long as they do as they’re told. A rainbow Z on the BMP is fine so long as it drives forward at Avdiivka. The Muslims are much deeper entrenched in Russia than here and the demographics for the country are appalling.

    Besides, the traditional refuge for Christians is heaven. Transit via lions.

  13. Rhoda

    My energy supplier us becoming increasingly shrill about installing a smart meter. They keep on making appointments for me, ehich I ignore. It is worse than the NHS.
    Their latest trick is to pretemd that my meter is obsolete and does not meet their standard. They sre even promising mot to activate the remote sensorimg and control – so what’s the point of having it ?

    Being a State run French company, they are of course corrupt and not to be believed on any subject.

  14. Bloke in North Dorset

    Tamworth by election 1996 = 62% turnout
    Tamworth by election 2023 = 36% turnout

    How anyone can claim that was a victory for anything other than despair at our politicians is beyond me.

  15. PJF – as a boy, it used to amuse me considerably to mention that the Earl of Oxford was the real Shakespeare.

    Guaranteed apoplexy from my English teacher. I never thought the word “Russia” would have similar effects, but come not between a PJF and his wrath!

    Van_Patten, you should be aware that people being sucked-up to regard their suck-ups with contempt.

    Miaow! Reeeee!

    Besides, the traditional refuge for Christians is heaven. Transit via lions

    I come from a different tradition, where you
    do the Best of British to send the other bastards to meet God, and then pray for forgiveness. As I mentioned, I’m not going anywhere. 🙂

    Paul, Somerset – I agree with you, “to the last Ukrainian” is pure evil.

    WB – That’s the stuff that Conservative MPs are rebelling over? Is the 1922 committee like the Kit Kat Club or something?

    Tory MPs must really, really, REALLY love Cabaret starring Liza Minelli.

    Andrew C – we’ve been very lucky to be alive during a time when Western Europe was incredibly safe by historical standards, but I agree those days are closing, have been since the turn of the century in fact.

    The more pity, that fools may not speak wisely what wise men do foolishly.

  16. Bloke in North Dorset

    Good point. Where are Christian refugees meant to go, if not Russia?

    That good Christian country where the church blesses nuclear weapons and has now started to building its own private army?

    Good idea, shouldn’t be long until the church has conscripted you and you’ve been shipped off to feed the meat grinder in Avdiivka or wherever else Putin decides is a good place to sacrifice what’s left of young Russian men stupid enough to stay in the country.

  17. Otto: looks like we get our leccy from the same company. The current “scary missive” is that my meter works off the switching signal on 198kHz which is shortly to disappear. No, my meter has a built-in clock, which has drifted over 30 years to my advantage fortunately. I did tell them once not to keep bothering me as I’ll never have one, but I still get the letters and texts regularly. I might consider having one if they didn’t have a built-in off switch but that’s a standard feature.

    Of course the govt has set them targets with, I think, penalties if they don’t meet them, hence the increasing panic. I wonder how big the cohort of hold-outs like us really is.

  18. I wonder how big the cohort of hold-outs like us really is.

    I also ignore the “appointments”. My supplier is kraut, so they’ll probably just use their jackboots to kick my door in and install one anyway.

  19. OK, the Tories are utter shite. You have me there. The question is: if Labour have a huge majority, just how bad will it get? There’s no point in saying that the Tories are rubbish, however true that is, if you then give worse a big majority. It’s a conundrum to which I have no answer.

    By-elections, like Local elections, are an opportunity to register a protest vote, or not vote at all. A General election is different, because it matters, and the above conundrum comes into play. It depends on how much you dislike one party more than the other.

  20. Bloke in North Dorset – I’m ~medium bullish on Russia.

    Terrible demographics, rotten government, etc. But they’re still the biggest country in the world, have somehow managed to clamber from the darkest depths of the 90’s (when their children were selling themselves to foreigners on the streets of Moscow) to where they are now, (barely) retaining their great power status despite the soles of Uncle Sam’s wingtips grinding on their fingers the entire time.

    Russia should be dead.

    But, comrade, Russia lives. And they’re giving your boys one hell of a beating. You can count the ways in which this proxy war hasn’t gone to plan for its NATO crowdfunders, but you’ll need an extra pair of hands.

    Their regime doesn’t seem to be bought into the Net Zero LGBTQIA death cult either, which is nice. (Is simply personal death cult, for enemies of Putin). Maybe they’ll continue to get richer and maybe they’ll even turn their demographics around. You can be sure they’ll give it a try. We… laugh at the very mention of birth rates in British politics.

    As I’ve mentioned before (because as an Englishman it annoys me) it’ll be pretty difficult to make fun of the Russians and Chinese when they’re still driving about in cheap petrol cars and turning on the central heating at whim while we’re ULEZED and heat pumped into poverty.

    I’d like to see an immediate end to the Ukrainian war, and our cold wars with Russia and China.

    I’d like to teach the world to trade
    In perfect harmony.

    Anyway, have a lovely weekend.

  21. PJF

    I think you’ve been implying that Steve was in the pay of Putin For about 20 months. For me to suggest he move to Moscow could I suppose be viewed as ‘sucking up’ – whatever floats your boat.

    My praise was more for the substance of what he’s saying in his first post. We face Armageddon.

    – Energy prices are likely to go through the roof again this winter, and we’ll end up spending more money we don’t have in a futile attempt to cap prices for consumers while continuing down the path to ‘Net Zero’ unabated

    – We have a large population of hostile immigrants with reinforcements arriving on the boats daily. Fifth columnists are in place to assist them in achieving what Hamas managed in Israel across the country and once the bodies are buried imprisoning you (at least if you are white) for raising concerns

    – The streets are around as safe as Mogadishu and certainly in London get more dangerous by the day

    And the response of our elected leader is to prioritise ‘banning gay and trans conversion’ practices – when paradoxically that’s probably the only policy area where Hamas’ Attitude towards such people might get be widespread appeal of allowed to be offered as a manifesto.

    Saying his analysis is spot on is merely stating a fact. You appear to have nothing to counter it, beyond accusing him of being in Putin’s pocket,

  22. if Reform, the Tories didn’t exist the Tories Reform would have won both seats.
    Whilst the rotting, stinking, maggot ridden cadaver of the Tory Party still lurches across British politics there is no hope for any form of conservatism in the UK.

    As for Moscow Steve, I take my opinion of Putin’s Russia from russians. Just because the UK is a heap of shit doesn’t mean Russia isn’t a heap of shit. Just different shit. Different enough, I’d give someone like Steve’s life expectancy in Russia as being about 5 minutes.

  23. We might assume that Reform votes go to Tories. So, if Reform didn’t exist the Tories would have won both seats.

    That’s not a safe assumption. Reform supporters are severely disaffected voters who may largely but not exclusively be former Tory voters.

    Come the general election, with Rishi still inevitably in place and with the firebrand Tice leading Reform there may well be a Labour “landslide” on the lowest ever turn-out.

    I shall be voting for someone on the ballot paper who is not a candidate for Labour, LibDem, Reform or the particularly loathsome senior member of Rishi’s cabinet whom I would like to see crushed, annihilated and lionised with extreme manes.

  24. Van_Patten – well put.

    PJF isn’t a bad bloke, he’s just angry at Russians and probably frustrated with the same shit we are. Hence the verbal jabs. The angry at Russians bit… I always told Russians they were lying when they accused us of Russophobia.

    Now, I can’t remember the Russian word for “sorry”, but they were right. Some of us really do hate the damn Russkies. It’s like… remember in the 80’s, when you’d occasionally meet somebody who really hated the Irish? Some kind of primal tribe thing.

    Emelyn Hughes, of the squeaky voice and funny girl’s name fame, used to hate, hate, HATE the Jocks. Used to be a source of great amusement to the other lads in the England dressing room during home internationals.

    I think we’re a better country when we’re like those other lads. It’s not worth hating the Russkies, they are what they are. Foreigners shouldn’t be our tribal blood foes, they’re comic stereotypes we handily thrash with calm English superiority, before having a Pot Noodle and a wank.

    BiS – I’d give someone like Steve’s life expectancy in Russia as being about 5 minutes.

    Gosh, thanks. (Tbf I’d never pass the airport drug detectors)

  25. An MP asked the relevant government departments what the new conversion ban bill would make illegal that isn’t already illegal and the answer was nothing, so it’s virtue signalling by the government and the activists will use it to sneak through some ‘unintended consequences’

  26. Which does rather make Reform like the old Ukip – enough of a thorn in the side that we might get somewhere.
    God help you! Where? UKIP. A party that campaigned for a referendum on leaving the EU that hadn’t got a clue what do if they got the result they wanted.

  27. Well UKIP never formed a government, so it was never their job to work out how to implement a Leave vote, it was the Government and Parliament’s job. Call Me Dave even *promised* hand-in-groin to implement Leave if it won.

  28. Now, I can’t remember the Russian word for “sorry”,

    Menya zhal
    (I’m sorry)



  29. Good point. Where are Christian refugees meant to go, if not Russia?

    El Salvador seems to be headed in the right direction…

  30. @ Paul, Somerset
    If you add up all the murders of Christians (mostly of whole villages) by the assorted ISIS-supporting jihadists in Africa over the last two or three years that would almost certainly probably exceed the number of Christian killed in Ukraine by Putin’s henchmen. This doesn’t get the headlines because Reuters doesn’t have a correspondent in every village in Africa.
    However you are not *far* wrong

  31. And they’re giving your boys one hell of a beating.

    That’s remarkably upbeat considering this is, what, the 605th day of the 3-day Special Operation.

  32. Wat,

    Until February 2022, there were folk who claimed Russia had the second most powerful military in the world.

    Then it turned out they had the second most powerful military in Ukraine.

    The speculation now is who’ll demonstrate that Russia has the second most powerful military in Russia, since the wild’n’wacky adventures of Wagner Group and their allegedly deceased leader… just what could Russia now do if China looked at Eastern Siberia and said “why don’t we take care of that for you?”

  33. ” just what could Russia now do if China looked at Eastern Siberia and said “why don’t we take care of that for you?””

    Escalating Mushroom Clouds….

    NATO would *most likely* not initially take part, since it wouldn’t be aimed at them, and it’d take out two main contenders.
    But North Korea is *bound* to be Stupid, and do a Final March before everything gets glassed.
    No telling what the Indians and Pakistanis will do with the “opportunity”.
    But sooner or later NATO *will* get involved.

    But honestly.. China, like the US , like the saber-rattling, but they aren’t likely to do anyhting to upset the apple cart too much, at least in my opinion.
    It’s much easier for them to Invest in the interesting bits, for a Price, of course, and Long March their way into “owning” it without all the hassle of actually having to deal with all the useless bits.

  34. Wat/ Jason Lynch

    So the Ukrainian offensive is dead in the water despite feeble attempts to say it is ‘on the e verge of a breakthrough’ by various CIA/ MI6 plants but the West is running so short of money they can’t even fund their trolls on the Daily Telegraph comments pages let alone ammunition and weapons.

    I agree it’s a quagmire and Russian casualties exceed Ukrainian (they have more people to lose) but they are dug in and they’re won’t be another Ukrainian offensive next year as they don’t have enough men.

    In the meantime all our weaponry is gone so when Islamic extremists begin an attack like the one we saw in Israel in the U.K. we won’t have any means of stopping them – so civilians in the U.K. will be reliant on a police force full of corrupt racists and people that think ‘transphobic tweets’ are a higher priority than burglary. Let’s hope that keeps fine for you.

  35. Then it turned out they had the second most powerful military in Ukraine.

    They’re chewing through the Ukrainian military fairly effectively.
    Sure, they’re taking some losses but that’s to be expected, and they’re not losing anywhere near as many as Ukraine is.
    Their industrial output has ramped up so they can now replace tanks and equipment faster than it can be destroyed.
    Ukraine on the other hand is having to call up women and old men to fight because they’re running out of fighting age men.
    Just because Russia are taking their time, doesn’t mean they’re losing. Especially now the West has effectively run out of spare weapons and ammunition to give to them.

  36. Excavator Man,

    “OK, the Tories are utter shite. You have me there. The question is: if Labour have a huge majority, just how bad will it get? There’s no point in saying that the Tories are rubbish, however true that is, if you then give worse a big majority. It’s a conundrum to which I have no answer.”

    The trade-off is short vs long-term. Tactical voting might mean the least worst option of 2 wins, but it also means that you are endorsing crap. You vote for the current state of the Conservatives, they’ll keep serving that garbage up. Or, you vote Reform, the Conservatives lose, but maybe that leads to Conservative meltdown and we get a new party, or someone moves in and starts annihilating the wets from the party.

    If everyone had tactically voted Conservative in 2010, we wouldn’t have had an EU referendum. Cameron would have won a majority. It’s only that UKIPs vote scared them that we got a referendum.

    And yes, by-elections are a protest, but the Conservatives still should have won Mid-Beds. That’s a very safe seat. They lost because over 8% of their vote went to an independent who is like a proper Conservative and to Reform.

  37. @jgh
    Well UKIP never formed a government, so it was never their job to work out how to implement

    Only the terminally naive would initiate something without the strategy & tactics would carry it through to completion. Why rely on “democracy” when it was patently obvious the Remain side would ignore it? Fucking bunch of public schoolboys who think politics is cricket or rugby.

  38. So…. women campaigned for Parliamentary votes, and once they succeeded, women – as a mass, all of them – should have all done…. what?

    18-to-20-year-olds campaigned for an adult franchise in the 1960s. They got it in 1969, so *ALL* 18-to-20-year-olds should have, as a bloc, done….?

    No. You campaign to get the system changed, then work in that new system. Campaigning to change the systems doesn’t make you the same post-change bloc.

  39. @steve
    Those 1,000 odd Reform voters weren’t going to vote Tory this time

    Fix: Those 1,000 odd Reform voters weren’t going to vote Blair this time

    Those people might not necessarily hit the brakes if they saw Jeremy Hunt in the middle of the road. The ‘Conservatives’ are no longer disliked, they are hated. And rightly so

    Jeremy Hunt: A socialist same as Sunak and JRM agrees

    The ‘Conservative MPs’ are no longer disliked, they are hated. And rightly so, most are not Conservatives or Brexiters and CCHQ is parachuting in more of the same as they did in 2019

    Sunak will push ahead with Hated by Conservative Voters long-delayed plans to ban gay and trans conversion practices

    …Along with Hated by Conservative Voters smoking ban, green crap, high tax & spend, foreign aid…

    If David Davis had beaten Cameron to be leader would we be in a better place?

    I think we would, what about rest of you?

  40. Pcar,

    “If David Davis had beaten Cameron to be leader would we be in a better place?

    I think we would, what about rest of you?”

    Almost certainly. Davis would have been a better “broad church” leader. Cameron really pissed off the right of the Conservative party and a lot of them left for UKIP, seeing no point in being involved. The problem then is that your party is just made up of wets from the activists up. People who just want a job or are bored. If you join, go to events, you realise this and realise there’s no way to help shift it, so quit.

  41. BniC
    October 20, 2023 at 8:46 pm
    An MP asked the relevant government departments what the new conversion ban bill would make illegal that isn’t already illegal and the answer was nothing, so it’s virtue signalling by the government and the activists will use it to sneak through some ‘unintended consequences

    Here is the purpose of the “conversion ban” and similar legislation already on the books

    VANCOUVER — The father of a transgender teenager has been sentenced to six months behind bars after exposing sensitive personal and medical information about his son, in violation of a publication ban intended to protect the boy’s privacy

    This is a Clown World, so we must decipher the clown words. What happened in Canada was that the state decided to transsexualise a vulnerable girl and her father tried to prevent her from being pumped full of male hormones and having her tits sliced off.

    So the Canadian state put him in a cage.

    The conversion ban is not merely virtue signalling, it is a major government priority with big international funding behind it and serious lobbying power the general public has no clue about. There’s a distressingly high number of rich perverts, queering our political process.

    Put it this way, the conversion ban is so trivial and decorative, it somehow managed to survive three Prime Ministers and is going to be implemented despite it being desperately unpopular. But they “can’t” change the law to let you do 80 mph on a motorway.

    That’s a lot of effort to spend on something that’s not gonna change anything, isn’t it.

    Jason – Then it turned out they had the second most powerful military in Ukraine.

    It’s this kind of big brained take that makes me realise why the days have gone down in the West.

    Awful, awful, terrible take. Many such cases!

    It’s like a guy who just stuck his dick in a wasp’s nest, smirking that the wasps didn’t like it either. Yeah, big fucking victory. Take the rest of the week off!

  42. @jgh
    So…. women campaigned for Parliamentary votes, and once they succeeded, women – as a mass, all of them – should have all done…. what?

    18-to-20-year-olds campaigned for an adult franchise in the 1960s. They got it in 1969, so *ALL* 18-to-20-year-olds should have, as a bloc, done….?
    Sorry but your analogies just don’t work.
    How would women have felt if they’d succeeded in their campaign & then a majority of MP’s said we’re not going to enact the legislation. We’re going to talk about it for the next three years & try to overturn it. And 7 years later they still hadn’t got the vote in general elections, only parish.
    Same story with the 18-20 year olds. (Although, to be honest, being contemporary with that period I don’t recall any of us being particularly bothered about getting the vote, let alone campaigning for it. It was a Labour ruse intended to increase the size of its constituency. In the belief the age group would tend to vote Labour. I can’t even remember voting in the ’70 election. Far more important things to do. So in reality, the opposite of what you’re suggesting)
    The Leave result was always a victory in an opening skirmish in what would be a long & protracted war. A war that should have been planned for.

  43. Bloke In T'Yorkshire

    When you look at the wikipedia pages of the tory-twat & the labouroid scum who won, it is a veritable cornucopia of mediocrity.

    Some non-entity from Nigeria who studied at the “London College of Printing and Distributive Trades” (about as renowned as Shitty University), followed by a masters at that bed of marxism for thick people, SOAS.

    Who also messianically ‘urged fellow black Britons to join him in voting remain’ during the Brexit referendum in a further display of his mediocre credentials & really should have stayed in Lagos scamming old ladies via email.

    Given the boxes being ticked, of course he was the tory candidate. They wouldn’t want anyone espousing actual conservative values now would they…

    As for the liebore ‘winner,’ with the vacant expression; a PPE identikit clown with no meaningful private sector experience but plenty serving as, for example, cabinet member for 15-minute cities, whose ‘partner’ is a member of Greenpeace.

    I think we can all guess his position on Net Zero; trannies etc…

    We truly have the elected filth we deserve, now where’s that asteroid or, in the interim, a nice bungalow in Buenos Aires will suffice.

  44. @BiS

    But the Leave vote was, like all such votes, a vote of a coalition. What policies do you think Nigel Farage and Gisela Stuart and David Davis could all agree on? The only thing Enoch Powell and Tony Benn (and their heirs and successors) agreed on was that the UK should not be a member of the EU.

    And if the Leave campaign had been on the basis of “We want to leave the EU so that we can do X, Y and Z”, then all those who didn’t want X, Y or Z would have voted Remain, and Leave would have lost.

    I voted Leave because I believe the only people who should be making the laws governing the UK are those elected by the people of the UK. I’ve been around long enough to realise that those making the laws can be frighteningly stupid, but at least we have the periodic opportunity to vote the buggers out, unlike the swivel-chair-polishers in the Berlaymont.

  45. Chris

    BiS’s point is exactly that.

    “I voted Leave because I believe the only people who should be making the laws governing the UK are those elected by the people of the UK.”

    Ie, the referendum vote in itself did not deliver that; it needed serious subsequent battle to ensure that the referendum decision was delivered through Parliament, and it never was (for example, wrt Northern Ireland).

  46. Catching up . . .

    @ Van_Patten
    I think you’ve been implying that Steve was in the pay of Putin For about 20 months.

    What you think and what is real are different things. There has been an array of people arguing with Steve about Ukraine and I do recall some using that kind of language. But I haven’t; I regard such talk as idiotic and unhelpful and have said so on several occasions. A quick search showed this from the early days:
    Remember, you’re the one who dragged my name into this with an unprovoked attack based on your warped imagination. If you don’t like stupid prizes, don’t play stupid games.

  47. @ Steve

    PJF isn’t a bad bloke, he’s just angry at Russians and probably frustrated with the same shit we are. Hence the verbal jabs . . .
    . . . Some of us really do hate the damn Russkies.

    Unprovoked attacks upon me based on misrepresentation will encourage “verbal jabs”.

    I don’t hate the Russians. I’ve mentioned before on here that we (the west) need to find a way of defeating the Russian adventure in Ukraine without defeating Russia as a viable nation. Given that the sanctions have been so pathetic that’s probably the goal.

    And they’re giving your boys one hell of a beating. You can count the ways in which this proxy war hasn’t gone to plan for its NATO crowdfunders . . .

    The war plan was Russia’s. Gerasimov is telling Putin that it’s all golden but personally I’m not sure that Moscow getting attacked, the Black Sea Fleet having to scarper from Sevastopol, deep airfields getting trashed, plus an attempted coup against the government were original operational aims. But then I’m no military expert and the Russians do have their own special needs ways.

    It’s like a guy who just stuck his dick in a wasp’s nest, smirking that the wasps didn’t like it either. Yeah, big fucking victory.

    Not your intent, but a good summary of the Russian winning position. The big fucking victory seems to be based on the dick still being in there and big enough to make the wasps run out of stings. But the wasps have mates supplying more stings.

    Their regime doesn’t seem to be bought into the Net Zero LGBTQIA death cult either, which is nice.

    No, but they’ve done their best to encourage it all amongst us, which isn’t nice. Actually, fuckit, they can burn.

  48. @Steve, October 21, 2023 at 10:44 am


    Conversion Therapy ban is a UN order, same as ESG, DIE etc

    We’ve left EU and are now directly governed by UN instead of the middle-man

    @PF, October 21, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    All I’ve seen is this:

    “Suspected” Terrorist Attack In Britain
    Police Refuse To Name Arrested Illegal Immigrant Suspect

    Also of interest:

    Tube Driver Encourages Pro Hamas Chants on Train


    Why are Politicians and MSM Silent on Ukraine?

    Don’t Forget about me” Zelensky says as Putin confirms end of Ukraine’s counteroffensive

    Ukrainian President Zelensky may be wondering why his phone isn’t ringing. Part of it is because Israel is now the war du jour and part of it is because the counteroffensive is over. That counteroffensive has cost over 90,000 lives and pretty much no one ever thought it would succeed in regaining territory

    It’s a tragic story about so much loss which is why President Zelensky has been trying to regain internationally attention after losing the stage to the conflict in Israel. Last week he had a speech to European parliament canceled and an invitation to tour Israel on a “solidarity tour” declined. Does this mean that the Zelensky’s media star has fallen?

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