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Police were called over a community council meeting at which homophobic remarks were allegedly made about a transgender laird.

Samantha Kane – a barrister who is believed to be the only person in Britain who has changed gender three times – bought Carbisdale Castle in Scotland in 2022 for more than £1 million.

But, but, why would anyone move *to* Scotland?

27 thoughts on “”

  1. Igor: You know, I’ll never forget my old dad. When these things would happen to him… the things he’d say to me.

    Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: What did he say?

    Igor: “What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? Why don’t you get out of there and give someone else a chance?”

  2. Three times! Is that all? There are people on TikTok who claim their gender changes between breakfast and elevenses, between elevenses and lunch, between lunch and dinner and between dinner and supper.

  3. Dennis, Who Has Sensitivity Out The Blow Hole...

    Ah, Scotland… Where you can change genders three times but can’t buy a gas boiler.

    Once again, I thank my ancestors for getting on the boat.

  4. Ms Kane, who goes by Lady Carbisdale, …
    Interesting. Do they have “Lords of the Manor” in Jockistan? If so, did it buy it with the castle? Or second hand on the used “Lords of the Manor” * (never raced, rallied or mini cabbed) market (Ebay/Exchange & Mart)? Or is it just taking the piss?

    * I know a geezer bought one of these things & insists on being referred to as ‘His Lordship’. Yes. You can imagine… Although at least he’s not insisting he’s a womanl.

  5. Interesting. Do they have “Lords of the Manor” in Jockistan?

    Not really, it’s all make believe.

    Like transgenderism.

  6. Actually, that reminds me of The French Bloke. One afternoon, I was sitting in a barber’s in the University district of Glasgow, waiting to have my hair cut, listening to the conversation between the barber and the guy currently in the chair. Turned out he was a student from Cannes. So he was talking about growing up down there, his first job serving drinks on the beach, all that business.

    “So why the hell would anyone wi’ a guid job on the beach at Cannes come to bloody Glasgow? Did ye no’ know?”

    (That’s actually only the start of the story, which involves a girfriend in Edinburgh and a stunningly, heartstoppingly, beautiful Romanian flatmate who paid all his bills – some blokes just have it made – but I’ll leave it there.)

  7. “Interesting. Do they have “Lords of the Manor” in Jockistan? If so, did it buy it with the castle?”

    “Landlord”: land … lord. That’s really all it is, when it comes down to legal brass tacks. I’m not sure how it works in Englandandwales (looking at the site BiS links to, it seems to be some kind of subdivision of an existing Manor), but here in Jockland my understanding is that anyone who owns land is, legally, “Laird” of it.

    It doesn’t make you a Peer of the Realm, though.

  8. “ why would anyone move *to* Scotland?”

    The answer’s in the quote – a castle, a dubious title and probably lots of land for £1million.

    Not that I’d think it was worthwhile. My godfather tried it for a while (not the dubious title, but a big house and more forest than you could see for the price of a suburban 3-bed); he realised fairly soon that it wasn’t worth it. But I can see that some people would.

  9. The legal status of being a “Laird” is that it’s perfectly legal to call yourself a “Laird” (or “Prince” Naseem, “King’ Kong or “Samantha Kane”), as long as you’re not doing so for the purpose of fraud or infringing Warner Bros IP.

    According to the Lord Lion:

    The term “laird” has generally been applied to the owner of an estate, sometimes by the owner himself or, more commonly, by those living and working on the estate. It is a description rather than a title, and is not appropriate for the owner of a normal residential property, far less the owner of a small souvenir plot of land. The term “laird” is not synonymous with that of “lord” or “lady”.

    It’s a traditional and courtesy title, which means it’s meaningless. We are not a society that respects tradition or courtesy… the cunts.

  10. Something to be said for mild conversion therapy for trannies.

    “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again”

  11. The answer’s in the quote – a castle, a dubious title and probably lots of land for £1million.

    Nah, this is a wealthy, and obviously eccentric foreigner buying a ruin for the purposes of doing it up and prancing about as Her Ladyship.

    Tbf, the Highlands are full of eccentrics anyway.

    Of all the wacky gender bending escapades we hear about these days, this one is positively wholesome. Sexually identifying as Penelope Keith isn’t even the worst thing I’ve heard today.

  12. . . . buying a ruin . . .

    Very much not a ruin but could easily become one if you didn’t have a lot of cash for regular upkeep. Buying it for a million quid isn’t that much different from buying it for one quid compared to the total cost of ownership. A very odd construction with a weird aspect. You’re basically in shade for half the year, and the posh view to the east and south-east is blocked by trees. The immediate northerly view of the river is granted to what looks like the staffs’ gaffs. No gardens, but not needed that close to Iceland.

    Just a quarter mile to the south west is the proper place for a proper castle.

  13. Hmmm…. should I tell my tenants in my shop to refer to me as their Laird? It seems to be a description of a) landowner that b) has tenants on that land.

  14. Why would anyone move to Scotland?
    Bit less vibrant maybe?
    Recently arrived Vibrants tend to migrate to warmer climes dahn sarf as soon as they get the chance?

    Who’s to say that Schkotland may be somewhat less fecked in this regard than Englandistan.

  15. Who’s to say that Schkotland may be somewhat less fecked in this regard than Englandistan.

    Everybody, just not out loud yet. That’s why English people are moving there in big numbers. Scotland is objectively worse off than England in most measures, but people will go the extra 300 miles to live amongst white people. In America the acceptable euphemism is “good schools*.

    PJF – Yarp, but compared to my castle it’s a bit crap. I fart in its general direction, homophobically.

  16. Dennis, Inconveniently Noting Reality

    “ why would anyone move *to* Scotland?”

    The answer’s in the quote – a castle, a dubious title and probably lots of land for £1million.

    Yeah, but it’s in Scotland.

  17. Anecdote, our family moved from Scotland to Ireland and one of the reasons my Dad gave was because it rained *less* there.

    Unfortunately it seems that the blessings of diversity seem to be having a bit of an impact on Ireland at the moment.

    May have to consider reverse migration on our part, weather be damned.

    Perhaps somewhere with metre thick walls and a moat isn’t all that bad an idea in these ‘interesting’ times.

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