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Don’t, ever, establish a charity to inherit your money

One of Britain’s biggest charitable trusts is dismissing its entire board as part of a diversity drive after branding itself “white and privileged”.

The Tudor Trust, which has an endowment of £288 million and received £2.35m of government funding in 2018, wants a “more diverse group” and to put “social justice and anti-racism” at the heart of its work.

The group, which awards about £20 million a year through charitable grants, was founded in 1955 with the financial support of Sir Godfrey Mitchell, founder of the construction company George Wimpey. Several of his descendants have held trusteeships, including Matthew Dunwell and his brother Benjamin, both of whom could face the sack.

An email from interim chair Raji Hunjan of the Tudor Trust, seen by The Telegraph, reveals that the charity plans a “wholesale change” of the family-led board. New trustees and a permanent chair “more representative of the demographics and lived experiences of the communities we serve” will be appointed instead. The overhaul is expected to be complete by August 2024.

Because this is what will inevitably happen. Whatever you meant, thought, the money would be spent upon it will just end up as the same group of twats spending it on their wishes. However you write the rules, it’ll still end up this way. Whoever Popham was, you really think s/he meant to fund Spud?

Hell, sign it over to the Treaury rather than this monstrosity.

19 thoughts on “Don’t, ever, establish a charity to inherit your money”

  1. “more representative of the demographics”

    So, of a board of 20, half a black person, one brown person, and 18 white people, and 0.00000000000000000000000000000001 tranny.

  2. “The Tudor Trust, which has an endowment of £288 million and received £2.35m of government funding in 2018, wants a “more diverse group” and to put “social justice and anti-racism” at the heart of its work.”

    That’s a rap artist in every tower block!

  3. Since the first waves of the new, improved racism started I’ve been forced to resort to reversing the racism to see if it would meet with the approval of the progressives who run so many public bodies.

    So would Raji congratulate me on telling her that the ANC must reform to appoint more white people to a special advisory body to recommend a strategy to make Africa whiter? Or would she subject me to vile abuse?

  4. Charitable fund gets rid of entire board in diversity putsch

    Isn’t this what the ‘British’ government is doing to Britain?

  5. Bloke in North Dorset

    Smart move, getting ahead of the curve for when Labour is elected and forces it on all charities and trusts. They’ll now be able to go and ask for Monday and pointing out how they voluntarily changed.

  6. I imagine Marlene Headley aka Ngozi Fulani could be tempted out of retirement by the right offer. She knows a lot about demographics and lived experiences.

  7. One is also forced to wonder why a “charity” with nearly three hundred million quid to fritter away is getting bunged a couple of million quid of taxpayers’ money?

  8. I’m a bit confused. Surely the trustees are the trust so how come they are sacking themselves? Or is this a case of a brown-skinned interim director acting outwith his authority?

  9. Don’t remember who said it first, but any NFP that isn’t specifically set up to be right wing will inevitably become left-wing.

  10. Bloke in the Fourth Reich

    Make Africa white again. Yeah, I can see that slogan catching on.

    But seriously, we aren’t far off the time when all this wokery seems just soooo 2018.

  11. The changes follow an internal “anti-racist review”, described in a press release last year as “a journey towards a better understanding of the history of racism”.

    The history of racism is: white man creates something good, provokes bitter jealousy from the Muggles, who can do nothing but recreate the Third World everywhere they go.

  12. We laughed at these tosswanks earlier in the year . . .
    . . . their journey of self-discovery continues, and the white-guilt Guardianistas have dejobbed themselves.

    So, of a board of 20, half a black person, one brown person, and 18 white people, and 0.00000000000000000000000000000001 tranny.

    Ah no, jgh, they want to represent the demographics and lived experiences of those they serve. And since new grant applicants will be asked to list whether their operations are led by “BAME, deaf or disabled people” the only white aspect welcome will be the money that makes the whole racket work. It has beome a racist race hustle.

    Basically, unless you have “local” knowledge of their work and structure, don’t give to charity.

  13. What asiaseen said. How do the parasites gain control? If trustees are descendants and all that, then how? It’s not like serial grifters or other deviants can go out and buy the shares or something?

  14. PJF

    “Basically, unless you have “local” knowledge of their work and structure, don’t give to charity.”

    Yep. Smaller ones tend to give you far better bang for buck. Large ones often spend on masses pro rata more on admin and fund raising (spent to raise more funds! LOL, that’s dilution immediately). Smaller often leverage (through the labour of volunteers) so – by contrast – your £ might get you more value output than your donation.

  15. @ PF
    How do the parasites gain control? If trustees are descendants and all that, then how?

    The descendents and colleagues are guilty white liberal spaztards. They’re handing over their legacy to fifty shades of non-white in order to make themselves feel better. Fifty shades lapping it up and taking over, ta.

    See also “The West”.

  16. Raji sounds like a greasy haired marketing MBA whose modus operandi is to get out before the fruits of their bad decisions hit the fan.

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