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It is prejudice for those in countries like the UK to think of migrants as invaders of our space when for centuries people from this country claimed those migrant’s space – and in too many cases, their ancestors – as our own, when that was simply untrue.

Right, so when we claimed their psace we were wrong.


But now they’re claiming our space we’re still wrong?


8 thoughts on “Eh?”

  1. Immigration is simultaneously Our Greatest Strength and our collective punishment for beating the Fuzzy Wuzzies at civilisation 200 years ago.

  2. Guy I work with. He’s Polish, his wife is half Polish / half Ghanain (not sure if it’s the top half etc). She has lived in quite a few countries including the USA and considers England to be the least racist country she has ever known.

    I also am flummoxed……..
    Have you noticed that whenever whitey has gone anywhere inhabited by not whitey it has been deemed to be an unmitigated disaster for not whitey and ‘a hideously bad thing’, but when not whitey goes anywhere inhabited by whitey, whitey has to accept it unquestioningly and as a completely positive ‘good thing’.
    Strange eh?

  3. Bloke in North Dorset


    That sounds like one of those situations where the police know what’s going on and it suits them not to break it up and let the criminals police themselves within tolerable margins. Better the devil they know.

    Not dissimilar to when we were kids and under age drinking. The police knew exactly where we were, not on street corners or other locations, and they knew the landlady was keeping us on the straight and narrow. The landlady knew we were under age, or I was at least because she was my mum’s best friend.

  4. Immigration in the past was of the natural order, it was evolutionary. The Romans came, kicked the shit out of the Iceni, took over for a while, some probably blended in, improved society. Or, Jewish film producers came, made some great movies, probably got wives, improved society. Britain is a better country for The Third Man and The Red Shoes.

    Current immigration policy is just a surrender without even a shot fired, and treacherous against the people of this country.

  5. Ha. I saw a documentary about Freddy Mercury nez Farouk Bulsara over crimble. It was mid 90s i guess (Brian May was still a brunette) and Freddy’s 1st common law wife Mary was still a fox. But when it switched to the scenes of the indian prep school he went to (st. peters) it all made absolute sense. Even 40 years after he went there there they showed the dress the rules, the cross country running, the school play and the hym singing despite all his exoticocity he was highly aligned with all those britons who went to schools run on the same lines who ended up in 1960s london university.

  6. Hmmm… lemme check…

    Set of stone/bronze age cultures that we’ve got actual evidence of, Pictii, Scotii, Anglii, Romans, Irish, Saxons, Danes, Normans, Spanish, Dutch, and Germans.
    You could argue that the Mercians were definitely Upwardly Mobile, even though that was more familial infighting..

    Nope.. not all successful, especially the latest attempts, but all of them most definitely worked By The Book, and started Niceties with Invasion before Bringing the Family over and importing Cousins.

    So yeah…

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