10 thoughts on “Summat, summat, far away country of which we know nothing…..”
Arthur the Cat
Apparently he promised to resign about now and has done so, so there really ought to be headlines reading “Major shock as politician keeps promise!”
‘Mr Drakeford is immediately standing down as Labour leader, but stressed he would continue to serve as First Minister until his replacement is found.’
No doubt he’ll still be collecting his pay until he’s finally turfed out as First Minister.
Well, just as with the Gordon Brown case, he can’t stand down as First Minister until they’ve picked his replacement. And, to be correct, he hasn’t even stood down as Labour Leader, he’s given notice he will stand down when his replacement has been chosen. He has merely given the formal request that the replacement process be commenced.
Chernyy Drakon
Thank fuck that he’s going.
Fascist twat.
The vacuous windbag cunt presumes to tell us all what’s good for us , especially during the COVID nonsense and with stupidly slow speed limits but can’t even raise a son who Isn’t a rapey violent shitlord.
God I hope the door hits him on the arse on the way out… Preferably straight under a fucking bus.
Bloke in Callao
Oh aye? Money or sex? Corruption? Underage girls? Boys?
Chris Miller
As I pointed out elsewhere, a political earthquake of similar magnitude to the resignation of the mayor of Swindon.
Apparently his most likely replacement is a chap called Vaughan Gething, who is perhaps a shade darker than Varadkar and the ‘Scottish’ ‘First Minister’ but about the same hue as Sunak.
Fuck me but we’re racist*, aren’t we?
*Sorry, I meant stupid and suicidal.
To my eye Drakeford always looks to be an archetypal sour-faced chapel elder.
Tee-totaler who would quite happily have banned pubs if he thought he could get way with it, absolute killjoy and the best example f why devolution is a bad idea as Westminster is scrapping the bottom of the barrel so the regional clowns are even worse
Albert Jobbins
Good riddance to the nob. Totally against the Welsh people. 20 MPH speed limits to reduce pollution and we have a road where I live that’s been closed for 3 years that adds another 15 minutes on the journey to go to the pub in the village. Plus has totally ignored a petition of over 500,000 signatures. F****** useless.
Apparently he promised to resign about now and has done so, so there really ought to be headlines reading “Major shock as politician keeps promise!”
‘Mr Drakeford is immediately standing down as Labour leader, but stressed he would continue to serve as First Minister until his replacement is found.’
No doubt he’ll still be collecting his pay until he’s finally turfed out as First Minister.
Well, just as with the Gordon Brown case, he can’t stand down as First Minister until they’ve picked his replacement. And, to be correct, he hasn’t even stood down as Labour Leader, he’s given notice he will stand down when his replacement has been chosen. He has merely given the formal request that the replacement process be commenced.
Thank fuck that he’s going.
Fascist twat.
The vacuous windbag cunt presumes to tell us all what’s good for us , especially during the COVID nonsense and with stupidly slow speed limits but can’t even raise a son who Isn’t a rapey violent shitlord.
God I hope the door hits him on the arse on the way out… Preferably straight under a fucking bus.
Oh aye? Money or sex? Corruption? Underage girls? Boys?
As I pointed out elsewhere, a political earthquake of similar magnitude to the resignation of the mayor of Swindon.
Apparently his most likely replacement is a chap called Vaughan Gething, who is perhaps a shade darker than Varadkar and the ‘Scottish’ ‘First Minister’ but about the same hue as Sunak.
Fuck me but we’re racist*, aren’t we?
*Sorry, I meant stupid and suicidal.
To my eye Drakeford always looks to be an archetypal sour-faced chapel elder.
Tee-totaler who would quite happily have banned pubs if he thought he could get way with it, absolute killjoy and the best example f why devolution is a bad idea as Westminster is scrapping the bottom of the barrel so the regional clowns are even worse
Good riddance to the nob. Totally against the Welsh people. 20 MPH speed limits to reduce pollution and we have a road where I live that’s been closed for 3 years that adds another 15 minutes on the journey to go to the pub in the village. Plus has totally ignored a petition of over 500,000 signatures. F****** useless.