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No, shoot them all

In a networked world where fighting methodologies, communications circuits and recognised pictures are shared and homogenised between allies in an instant, there is seemingly little consensus on how to fight within the information battlespace.

That’s from an article complaining that the tweets from a British ship in the Red Sea aren’t very amusing.

Shoot the entire media class. All of them.

13 thoughts on “No, shoot them all”

  1. In fairness to him it’s at least a different tack to the incessant pro Ukraine content sourced from MI6/CIA which backs this insane war that is the ‘meat and drink’ of the Telegraph comment stream.

    Having ‘failed’ with Pestilence (at least for now) in the form of Chinese bioweapons and MRNA vaccines looks like Schwab, Soros (and our own King!) and co are switching to War as the next of the four horseman to get those 5 billion deaths they aspire to. With Food prices skyrocketing Famine looks like being a ‘slow burner’ as well!

  2. Twitter is just one channel, and this is only a snapshot, but it does reflect the US habit of being more forward-leaning with their engagement.

    What a poof.

    And yarp, by “the information battlespace”, this simpering child-man who has never won a fight does indeed mean Twitter.

    “THOSE WHO TWEET ALSO SERVE” should be the motto of the King’s Own Terminally Online Soyboys.

    Reaching potential recruits shouldn’t just be by occasional documentaries and shiny recruiting videos, it should be an ongoing, year-round and wholly-coordinated effort across all relevant channels.

    The USA does this stuff brilliantly, and their navy failed all its recruitment targets in 2023, again. People working in their massive, globe-girding American armada report disturbing levels of overwork and under manning, leading to dangerous situations.

    An example: the largest and most expensive warship ever built is the USS Gerald Ford. It cost over $13 Bn to construct, and lost 500 sailors last year according to Forbes:

    The cuts appear to be deep and dramatic. Over the past six months to a year, some 500 to 600 sailors have left the USS Ford and not been replaced. In fact, the USS Ford has shed so many crew members that the ship’s company (core crew members that operate the vessel) is now below the Ford-class Carrier Program’s original Acquisition Program Baseline objective of 2,391 billets—a goal set back in 2004 that many observers considered unrealistic

    NB this is the flagship of the US Navy.

    Other American services aren’t faring better. White men are shunning their armed forces in droves, and Diversity is not making up the shortfall. The palpable desperation of Yank military recruiters as they try to snag gullible youngsters via text message has become a funny internet meme in itself.

    Standards in the US Army and Marine Corps are now so low, most of their current officers would have been rejected as having too low an IQ to command a platoon in WW2. Take from that what you will, but dumb people rarely win at life. (Steve is just lucky)

    Anyway, their Twitter game is on point. They might all end up at the bottom of the South China Sea, but the memes will be epic.

  3. @JUliaM – brilliant suggestion.

    We could ship a battalion of chairborne forces over there each week for the next year and they could live tweet from their foxholes as Ivan charges them.

  4. “He is clearly a larger-than-life personality, proud of his ship’s company who in turn respect and follow him. This has been confirmed to me in private by family members of the ship’s company on Twitter. In terms of wider engagement, it’s a bullseye.”

    Are you sure they said bull’s EYE?

  5. “In a networked world where fighting methodologies, communications circuits and recognised pictures are shared and homogenised between allies in an instant, there is seemingly little consensus on how to fight within the information battlespace.”

    I freely admit to being a bigoted old fart, but what the feck does that mean? Did the author not have time to write fewer words?

  6. I freely admit to being a bigoted old fart, but what the feck does that mean?

    “The Information Battlespace” = Twitter.

    “Fighting within the Information Battlespace” = sharing funny memes of Putler as a monkey on Twitter

  7. Journo whining he’s got nothing to write about, as no-one else is doing his job for him?

    Lazy fucker.

  8. Thanks from me too (bigoted old fart Nº 3). I was beginning to think there’d be no comments from Steve today – the best of Tim’s bunch of high-quality comentaristas.

  9. BiC – wow, thank you. That’s a very kind thing to say.

    BB – My friend, I prefer to think of us as The Ephors of Pendantry. (We are far too young and pretty to be gerontes)

  10. To all the witty but sadly mistaken commenters above, there is no denying (you’re not a denier are you) that the UK armed forces would be far more effective if a. they were vegan b. had their primary and secondary sexual characteristics surgically and chemically removed and c. used the right pronouns. Blue for a boy uniforms alternating with white is right in summer where have these people been the last few years? Do they not realize that their prime mission is to prevent global warming?

  11. They’ll never be amusing because a) the Left are incapable of humor, b) They’ll try to hang anyone who makes a joke – any joke – because someone will pretend to be offended, and c) the Left can’t meme.

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