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The climate counsellor

“It sucks… and it’s only going to get worse,” my client says, disbelief colouring their facial expression.

I’m inclined to agree, it does suck.

I can feel my hands starting to get clammy as my memory flashes back to the catastrophic climate events I’ve watched unfold recently.

Bearing witness to the climate crisis can feel surreal at times, yet I do not mention this to my client. I have a job to do, and it is not to escalate their rational anxieties and fears, it is to manage what is manageable; to teach coping strategies, to encourage connection to nature and social relationships, to channel their grief into sustainable action that feels meaningful.

Presumably this is where the Extinction Rebellion protestors come from…..

39 thoughts on “The climate counsellor”

  1. Pyschologist: A person with a mental disorder and a degree in pyschology who earns a living by talking to people with a mental disorder but no degree in pyschology.

  2. When Hamas come knocking down her door with a veil and chador planning to roger her into submission I wonder if she’ll give two f&£is about the ‘Climate crisis’…

  3. But she isn’t telling all these drongos to give ME!!!!! lots of their money in compensation for the damage they’re doing to my lifestyle.

    I want lots of cash from you lot. Right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Martin Near The M25

    Loads of people have bought into this. I don’t know why the climate scam has been so effective. It’s a classic doomsday cult.

    Some of the younger people I know are denying themselves holidays and all kinds of things because of the “climate impact”. They seem to know it’s irrational on some level and they’re being neurotic but can’t break through the brainwashing.

  5. my client says, disbelief colouring their facial expression

    Apart from reinforcing her client’s neuroses, the Doberwoman can’t even write decent English.

  6. Martin near the M25, at least they are, to some degree, practising what they preach, unlike the vast majority of those telling us there is a problem and something has to be done but still using FF’s or jetting off to somewhere nice.
    Like the minge pictured on a jet wearing a Just Stop Oil T shirt….. (after it lands, obvs).

  7. “I constantly return to the message that there is so much beauty and life in the world that can be saved – and is absolutely worth fighting for.”

    I thought we had passed the point of no return/tipping point several dozen times in the past decade.

  8. As a psychologist I have witnessed a surge in climate grief.

    I probably would have laughed at one time, but they’ve been brainwashing children into this dismal eschatological cult for decades so it was only a matter of time before it showed up as mental illness in the gen pop.

    I always advise such people “fuck the environment”, when they question how much stuff I burn in my garden. But that doesn’t always seem to help their deep seated neuroses and fantastical beliefs in invisible deities such as “the council”.

    Silly people. The council won’t save you.

    Note what she’s saying I work closely with adolescents and young adults, and I have witnessed yet again this summer an alarming surge in feelings of anger and despair over the climate. The source of their distress is not a personal trauma or a fleeting setback

    These people are victims of brainwashing and derationalisation, which starts at a very early age in the British educational system and is constantly reinforced through the digital propaganda arms of Clown World. You have to be on top of this as a parent, or your children will be cowering in gibbering fear before Swedish Climate Mongoloid.

    VP – you ever watched The Sopranos?

    I thought that show dealt with anxiety and depression issues in a realistic way. At one point, Tony Soprano is so blue he’s basically a walking corpse.

    What snaps him back to life, and loving life, is a near death experience with two black guys sent to whack him.

    So we can probably cure ecological anxiety with a bus trip to Nottingham.

    Addolff – Yarp, but.

    It’s like how people get scolded for self-medicating. At least they’re medicating. I.e. trying to fix a problem in themselves.

    Therapists are also nutters, but at least they’re trying to get well. The talking cure isn’t that great imo but it’s better than not talking.

    Unfortunately this lady believes the same irrational fears as her patients, so idk how she can expect to help them. It’s like asking Charlie Manson to deprogram one of Jim Jones’ followers.

    Jim Jones knocked out more black guys than Muhammad Ali, but he never gets any respect for being ahead of the progressive curve. All the insane murdery stuff 70’s radicals were doing is so on trend right now.

  9. I’m not in the least surprised that young people who have been brainwashed by something really silly are going nuts. In my own family a young couple have vowed not to have children until we have “overcome the climate crisis”. The CCP fucked up their country with the 1 child kick but here we’re doing it of our own accord. So, yes, there IS a climate crisis, just not in the way the nutters think…

  10. I don’t think there was so much of this idiocy when most of us could smoke a pack a day. We may have coughed a bit in the mornings, but no one got all suicidal if summer was a bit warm. or winter became cold.

  11. I remember when the Swedish muppet first came to the UK to encourage school pupils to strike. One of the talk radio stations was conducting vox pops outside a school and these girls were literally hysterical, sobbing that they would never see their 30s because the planet would burn. The brainwashing is nothing less than child abuse.

  12. Jim – I don’t think there was so much of this idiocy when most of us could smoke a pack a day

    Tobacco is too expensive, intit?

    I’m thinking of cutting my sticky bud with crack cocaine to save money. Super Hans did nothing wrong, Jez.

  13. “The source of their distress is not a personal trauma”

    No, I’ll bet it isn’t.

    “I can feel my hands starting to get clammy as my memory flashes back to the catastrophic climate events I’ve watched unfold recently.”

    Such as… ?

  14. @ Penseivat

    No doubt in my mind it’s man made. There is a nice graph going back 66 million years at which demonstrates higher CO2 levels correlate with higher temperatures.

    Just ignore the low current levels of CO2 and temperature compared to the past. Clearly that wasn’t sustainable as all the mammals would have died out since they evolved around 225 millions years ago and so had to live through the higher temperatures.

  15. Another twenty-year scandal? Terrifying a bunch of kids (of all ages) and bleeding their money away to perpetuate the con while ruining their future not through climate catastrophe but by destroying their chance prosperity and a decent life with a car, a house, meat, whatever.

    It’s not only evil but it would be just as evil if climate change were true. I hope it gets exposed but way too many scammers rely on it for their grift to let that happen.

  16. Pensievat @11.01; pendant alert… we are still in an ice age. The present warm period is an “interglacial”, and one which is cooler than previous interglacials.

    Dumb down the proles, then fill their heads with whatever propaganda you want.

  17. Joe: That shows one of my current peeves with a lot of modern diagrams, seemlingly random axis labels. 2.6, 16. 33.9, 51. WTF? What’s wrong with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50? Similarly the colour key, -3.2, 0.3, 5.6, 13.6. Apply clue-stick. -3, 0, +3, +6, +12.

  18. I will start to believe in global warming when the following happens:

    1. The good and great of the WEF go to Davos on public transit.

    2. Barack Obama sells his seaside property and moves to Denver.

    3. John Kerry flies coach to the next climate conference.

    Do as they do and not as they say

  19. Rhoda – I was reading an article in the paper about “eco houses”. The article was trying to sell them as a good thing.

    Apparently they’re “almost air tight”. That’s a selling point, apparently.

    Now, I’m not a doctor or nothing, but I think I can see some potential medical problems with having people who already spend too much time indoors live inside an “almost air tight” tiny house.

    Nobody’s thinking about what they’re doing, are they? Stupidity is winning.

  20. Climate crisis/catastrophe my arse. As any fule kno we need global warming to stop the next ice age ( as predicted in the 1970s).

  21. @Steve

    Years ago I was looking at building an eco home. When I met with suppliers and contractors I was told that the house being “air tight” was desirable. It was at that point I decided it wasn’t for me…

  22. What professional adult uses the term “it sucks” and demands to be taken seriously? Only in Clown world.

  23. “…higher CO2 levels correlate with higher temperatures.”

    This is basically true but the CO2 levels lag behind the temperatures. The higher temperatures appear to cause the higher CO2 levels rather than it being the other way around.

  24. Apologies for triple post. Just seen this. I don’t really know where to start

    DekeDeke 17 hours ago


    Guardian Pick

    As the parent of a 10 year old who suffers anxiety and depression because she worries about climate change and animal extinctions, I can tell you more work is needed in this area.

    While many of the recommendations here make total sense, just for any of us to maintain some sanity, but for kids sequestering feelings and rationalising information don’t come quite as easy.

    We have been raised with indifference and denial. But our children are being raised with awareness and fear. This is a paradigm shift in culture that modern psychology does not seem to be well equipped to deal with. Especially with child psychology, we’ve gone to therapist after therapist and when my daughter articulates her fears it’s clear they don’t know what to do.

  25. One of richest men in the world buys 2 Miami beachfront properties worth $150m on an island where lots of other billionaires have houses:

    Weird really when we are told such areas are about to be covered by rising sea levels in the coming decades.

    Or you could follow the money and realise that what these people are saying doesn’t match what they are doing…….

  26. I don’t know, it is is just the times a’ chngaing. I reme,ber being terrified by an item on Pebble Mill at One ( really ) when I was little about the impending Ice Age.

    Also living under the threat of imminent nueclear annihilation didn’t do my teenage neuroses any good. My attitude however was not to join CND, but to “get the bastards first”. Which is why I took a job at the MoD, and was most disappointed when it emerged that I had h little chance of getting my hands on a nuclear trigger.

  27. @Sam Duncan

    “Such as?”

    Such as snow falling in London in June 1975 and the long hot drought in 1976 or even the big freeze of 1963? Perhaps not: we had weather in the past. Now we have climate.

  28. Steve

    What an episode that was – ‘Isabella’ – penultimate episode of Season 1. 25 years young this year!!!

    You could be right, Although some of my work colleagues are so deranged they would probably demand she feel ‘compassion’ for the Hamas rapist. The ‘Thunbergian candidate’ style brainwashing is deeply, deeply ingrained.

  29. Sebalto – right?

    You wouldn’t buy an airtight gerbil cage, so I’m struggling for reasons why anybody would live in one.

    Especially with child psychology, we’ve gone to therapist after therapist and when my daughter articulates her fears it’s clear they don’t know what to do.

    Children like these aren’t gonna get better in airtight houses.

    As the parent of a 10 year old who suffers anxiety and depression

    You’d think a mother saying that would be ashamed, but of course she isn’t. I get the horrible feeling she’s humblebragging. Whatever it is, there’s zero self awareness.

    There’s middle class English people out there intentionally raising their (usually just the one) children as psychologically crippled and emotionally retarded shut-ins who just can’t even. They read The Guardian, and put pronouns in their bios.

    A 19th century anthropologist just back from studying the foot-binders and head-shrinkers of the primitive Orient would be right at home here. He would immediately recognise the modern Guardian reader for the ignorant, superstitious voodoo savage that she/her is.

  30. VP – 25 years?

    Fuhgeddabouddit! It was 5 years ago, max.

    That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. I’ve had enough of this getting old shit.

  31. Such as snow falling in London in June 1975

    In Lincolnshire at the time, my first and only (so far) White Birthday.

  32. “I work within an eco-psychological framework”


    “This can result in sleepless nights, racing thoughts, rumination, and an inability to concentrate or focus”

    I suffer from some of those symptoms, not because of a non-existent climate crisis, but the realisation that my (remaining) years are being shaped by fuckwits like Carly Dober…

    “Where everyone has enough resources to meet their needs”

    “Where you own nothing, eat bugs, and will be happy”

    “I talk to them about nature based therapies- hiking, swimming, listening and watching wildlife, attending beach clean ups and tree planting days”

    None of which will be possible when Net Zero & 15 minute cities has been fully implemented.

    These “Air Tight” Eco houses have to employ mechanical (i.e. electrically powered) heat recovery systems to ensure the inside air is changed regularly. Which is great until there’s a long power cut during a heat wave – you can’t open the bloody windows because they don’t open!

    “Weird really when we are told such areas are about to be covered by rising sea levels in the coming decades”

    Like the Maldives, which are supposed to be disappearing beneath the waves imminently, yet have just spent $millions upgrading their international airport.

  33. These “Air Tight” Eco houses have to employ mechanical (i.e. electrically powered) heat recovery systems to ensure the inside air is changed regularly. Which is great until there’s a long power cut during a heat wave – you can’t open the bloody windows because they don’t open!
    I worked in one of those buildings during the moderate summers of the noughties. The ****wits thought putting standard fans in the rooms and circulating the baking air around would miraculously cool it down.

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