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You know my opinion on all this

Women in England and Wales accused of having illegal abortions have been held in custody after pregnancy loss, had their children taken into care and been saddled with debt, an expert has said.

Dr Jonathan Lord, a co-chair of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) abortion taskforce, said he was aware of up to 30 “deeply traumatic” cases where women had been investigated by the police, with some suffering “life-changing harm”.

He said: “We’ve had patients lose everything – lose their home, lose their children, lose their relationship with their partner – purely as a consequence of the investigation.”

This happens to all sorts of people accused of murder.

His warning comes after the RCOG issued new guidance on Monday saying doctors and other healthcare staff should not report suspected illegal abortions to the police as prosecutions were never in the public interest.

Gosh, that’s fun. So the abortionists are now determining the public interest are they? Isn;t that a bit of aggrandisement?

Now, it is possible to have different views on abortion, obviously. But the way the law works having an abortion outside the current law is an unlawful killing. Like that recent incident where the bird took the pills at what was it, 32 weeks? Which, you know, most of us would consider infanticide, not abortion.

But the folks who plug in the vacuum pumps for a living decide it’s not in the public interest to investigate?

Oh, right.

12 thoughts on “You know my opinion on all this”

  1. I’m part of ‘the public’ and I’m VERY interested in seeing people illegally procuring abortions investigated and prosecuted, Jonathan.

  2. Perhaps all the wannabe Dr Mengele’s fear that prosecutions might uncover them performing abortion on demand instead of when the mother is at actual risk. Not twisting the mental health exemption if she says she’s not happy about being banged up.

  3. One is left wondering what ‘the rule of law’ means anymore. Indeed, one suspects that it means ‘whatever I want’, provided you are the right sort of person.
    I thought we ditched this attitude in the 1850s.

  4. ‘I thought we ditched this attitude in the 1850s.’

    No, it still means that, all that’s changed now is the definition of the right person.

  5. Looks like the RCOG is standing into danger here

    Potentially perverting the course of justice, aiding and abetting etc

    Who are they to determine the public interest

  6. “ “life-changing harm”.”

    Not life-ending though, eh?

    Frankly, in recent years I’ve heard far too much from the medical profession on matters outside their expertise.

  7. “Frankly, in recent years I’ve heard far too much from the medical profession on matters outside their expertise.”

    The last few years have proved the medical profession have no expertise at all, certainly not in medicine. Their only job is to parrot the lines given them by their paymasters, the State, and by proxy the pharmaceutical companies (the pharmaceutical companies having bought up the relevant parts of the State apparatus that ‘regulate’ them).

  8. Dennis, Correct And Therefore Hateful

    He said: “We’ve had patients lose everything – lose their home, lose their children, lose their relationship with their partner – purely as a consequence of the investigation.”

    Purely as a consequence of the investigation? Doubtful. It’s more likely that these consequences where the result of illegally killing an unborn human being.

  9. And of course as we all know, women are never ever to be held responsible for their actions. Its all the fault of a man or men somewhere……

  10. Having an illegal abortion is not murder as that only applies to a person who is born alive. However, that is a pendantic point. Of more general relevance is that pregnancy is dangerous (and used to be very dangerous before modern medicine). It is to be expected that many pregnant women will suffer complications which might appear very similar to the effects of abortion or attempted abortion. In contrast, it is extremely rare for people to find themselves in circumstances where they appear to have committed murder.

    As to whether or not doctors should report suspected cases, we used to have the principle of doctor-patient confidentiality, though that has been greatly eroded by those who favour ever greater intervention by the state.

    @JuliaM – “I’m part of ‘the public’ and I’m VERY interested”

    The “public interest” does not mean that which the public is interested in, any more than “public good” means something owned by the public.

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