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The Guardian gets everything wrong. Again

Portugal’s two-week general election campaign has officially begun with centre-right and centre-left parties leading in the polls, but a far-right populist forecast to collect almost a fifth of the vote is a further sign of Europe’s nativist drift.

Everyone in politics in this country is a thieving bastard. Further, the entire place is run for the benefit of the haute bourgeois professions – notaries, VAT accountants, bank managers and the like. The fiscal oppression of the actual working people is immense. So too is the lack of power of anyone not inside that gilded ring of those of the right job and position.

It’s a lovely place to live but God Forbid you should ever try to make a living here.

That there’s a party shrieking a pox on all their houses – and doing well by doing so – is not all that much of a surprise. Actually, it’s welcome.

8 thoughts on “The Guardian gets everything wrong. Again”

  1. Bloke in North Dorset

    The Guardian should be thankful that we have voting as a feedback mechanism otherwise the displeasure of the proles will be expressed through other means and they wouldn’t like that because they’ll be on the wrong end of the revolution. Now all they need to do is take the hint.

    On a similar theme farmers in southern Germany have been disrupting Green Party meeting by blocking access, banging on widows, whistling, letting off firecrackers and making a general nuisance of themselves in protest at their policies. The Greens are not happy and have started muttering about threats to democracy, the protests being driven by the AfD and wanting the office for the protection of the constitution to step in and ban them.

    At the same time the AfD’s popularity is around 30% in some states and was 19% nationally at the start of the month, down a bit but that’s party because of the new hard left party (5%), which is also anti current immigration policies.

  2. The fiscal oppression of the actual working people is immense. So too is the lack of power of anyone not inside that gilded ring of those of the right job and position.

    Amazing how well that’s lasted through monarchy, republic, dictatorship, socialism and eurocracy.

    That there’s a party shrieking a pox on all their houses – and doing well by doing so – is not all that much of a surprise. Actually, it’s welcome.

    Unless they start seizing property owned by foreigners to help themselves “those actual working people”.
    If things get very “populist” I’d defo keep an eye out for that

  3. a far-right populist

    I know nothing about this party, but on the current form of the lying left, I will assume they are basically sound.

    BTW, the only significant ‘far-right’ force in Europe is Islam.

    It’s a lovely place to live but God Forbid you should ever try to make a living here.
    See also, the UK

    Well, apart from the ‘lovely place to live’ bit…

  4. Hi BiND –

    …farmers in southern Germany have been disrupting Green Party meeting by….banging on widows….

    I hope all concerned are having a good time and not disturbing the horses….


  5. @Jimmers & Longrider
    And The His Royal Highness’s Kingdom of Spain.
    The dago version of self-employed is autonomo. And going autonomo will put you straight on the hook for over 500€/month social security contributions right from the off. Before you’ve earned a cent/ if you don’t earn a cent. You wonder the reluctance to start small businesses/work off the black/pay taxes?

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