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The idea of being liberal seems to have vanished

Meal deals are to be stripped of crisps and fizzy drinks in Scotland under SNP plans to tackle an obesity crisis.

Proposals unveiled on Tuesday state that the popular supermarket offers, as well as temporary price reductions on unhealthy food and drink, will fall within the scope of a new junk food crackdown north of the border.

Options in a consultation for “rebalancing meal deals towards healthier options” include banning any food or drink classed as being high in fat, sugar or salt from the promotions in meal deals. These typically consist of a sandwich, snack and drink for a set price.
As well as lunchtime meal deals, evening “dine in” offers, in which consumers can purchase a main dish, side and pudding, would also face being banned if they included unhealthy components.

There’s gotta be a point at which we tell the cunts to fuck off. Sure, I’m well past it, but when is the general population going to do so?

26 thoughts on “The idea of being liberal seems to have vanished”

  1. Bloke in the Fourth Reich

    They’ll just say that the climate is doomed if they don’t do it.

    You can persuade anyone to do anything if you say the climate is doomed if they don’t.

  2. So the porridge wogs can’t have a meal deal with deep fried pizza, mars bar and Irn Bru then? Will that be enough to kick out the Scots Nazi Party?

  3. As their contempt for the people who enable them to live in luxury grows I think the fuse is now shortening quite quickly. Making us pay for their private security has probably gone down badly and the anger of the Jocks is probably held in check by the “patriotism” fostered by Saint Nicola, but the time feels near…

  4. Perhapsthey should suggest alternatives instead of banning stuff :

    Something with natural products such adTopic or Snickers or Bounty

    Something non fattening to drink such as Buckfast

    Popadums make a good alternative to crisps.

  5. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ Will that be enough to kick out the Scots Nazi Party?”

    And replace the with Labour? Doesn’t that get the same classification as 2nd & subsequent marriages: the triumph of hope over experience?

    Or rather in this case the triumph of stupidity.

    Although given the current state of politics the colour of the rosette tells us nothing, they’re falling over each other in the race to the bottom of nanny statism.

  6. Grist

    Unfortunately I don’t see an upwelling of anger or frustration. Partly because, as BiND says, the alternatives don’t look any better. And partly because each little thing is stupid when it’s proposed, annoying when it’s implemented, and then normal when it’s been in place for 6 months.

    Nobody’s going to set up the barricades and start singing La Marseilles for a packet of McCoy’s Salt and Vinegar.

  7. See how they swerve straight from “unhealthy” to “high in fat, sugar or salt”. So… bellanonna will be fine. Devil’s ink cap will be fine. Green potatoes will be fine. Rhubarb leaves will be fine. Breast milk and baby formula will be banned (98% fat). Honey will be banned (95% sugar). Himalayan cleansing sea salt will be banned (98% salt!).

  8. There just are not enough of us who believe in freedom and personal responsibility any more, just those who believe the authorities should use their power to stop other people doing things that they disapprove of. And if that’s a preposition at the end there, tough.

    Here’s a video which this post prompted in my memory..

  9. I suspect that most people are lazy like me.

    Instead of joining the local party and making sure that your member gets into power and does what you want, they just loll back and expect everyone else to do it for them.

    Only the ratbags have the energy and determination to do anything.

  10. It pisses me off that they believe that I, with a healthy BMI of 22.8 and a 32 inch waist, am at risk of making myself obese by consuming meal deals. Can’t the shops just put a sign on them saying “not suitable for fat bastards”.

  11. Actually, AndyF, someone with a BMI of 27.8 is healthier than you in terms of all cause mortality, and someone with a BMI of 32.8 is as about as healthy as you.

    Relative to normal weight, both obesity (all grades) and grades 2 and 3 obesity were associated with significantly higher all-cause mortality. Grade 1 obesity overall was not associated with higher mortality, and overweight was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality.

  12. I see across the pond Wendy’s variable pricing is causing much consternation amongst the usual suspects. Apparently there are some W’s here now. When i asked the young son of a friend who proudly told me of a recent visit whether he liked square burgers better, he said what are you on about? I thought square burgers was the whole point of Wendy’s! Wouldn’t be surprised if the SNP junk food Kaiser mandates square burgers for all to eliminate pie based food volume from the Scotch diet.

  13. Hallowed Be,

    “I see across the pond Wendy’s variable pricing is causing much consternation amongst the usual suspects.”

    The problem is that none of those people would be OK with non-variable pricing. They’d expect to get paid for night work, for working Christmas Day.

    I really just want people to grow up, though. Company X charges a bit more? Maybe stop doing that. You could just cook some burgers instead of going to Wendy’s.

    Also, isn’t this just Schrodinger’s Lefty Bitching? 5 minutes ago, didn’t they want all this stuff out of business? All that Super Size Me stuff. Junk food is too cheap and all that? Well, Wendy’s just did as you asked, and now you’re complaining? Fuck these people.

  14. It seems some Scots will put up with no end of oppression from a foreign led government for the sake of their national independence.

  15. T’was ever thus, Boganboy. Here’s the 19th Century Scottish theologian George Macdonald: “It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen.”

    “Rule by the people” is a nonsense when most people don’t want to do any ruling at all. What universal-suffrage “democracy” has actually done is give the sociopaths who do free rein under the cover of “presumed consent”. If there were an election tomorrow, the Nats would be out on their ears. But there isn’t. We don’t get a chance to boot them out until 2026. Untill then, they can rampage through our freedom as much as they like and we’re “presumed” to have consented.

    dearieme: Campbell can get fecked. He was all over them like a rash until they lost their referendum. If it wasn’t for the likes of him, they’d still be a bunch of fringe cranks in kilts, the tartan Monster Raving Loonies.

  16. DocBud

    Is that right? There doesn’t appear (unless I missed it) in that study to be any split of 18.5-25 into lower and upper, ie perhaps 18.5-21/22 and 21/22-25?

    Because I recall (I think DM or you or someone on here may have pointed it out to me?) a study that showed a clear distinction between those two categories (ie within the 18.5-25 range). The outcome of which suggested that yes, nearer to 18 was not so beneficial but the ~22-25 range was no worse than 25-30, or something like that. Ie, there might well be a range – circa 22-30/32 ish (or whatever) – that might appear to tend towards a broad sweet spot?

  17. And now just spotted Bongo’s comment/link on the other thread. A more finely calculated J-curve which intuitively seems right?

  18. Instead of soda you can drink the chocolate milk. That’s high in fats and has had massive amounts of sugar added to it.

  19. Heavily armed young men, many with families back home, facing imminent and almost certain death, wouldn’t shoot the few NCOs and officers threatening them to get up that ladder and over the top into the machine gun fire of the Somme, Tim.

    They could have ended it all in an afternoon but instead they did as commanded.

    People are weird.

  20. The attitude ( cerainly in the British and German armies ) was one of “let’s get in with it”. Interviews of veterans give the impression that all normal soldiers were in a real funk, but that the hanging around was even worse and that ‘going over the top’ was what they were expecting and expected to do.

    There was really very little coercion required in the British Army because the officers and NCOs went with them.

  21. I am for liberty.
    The right to be free, and love who you want?
    Scottish people tend to support Glasgow Rangers and Glasgow Celtoc. Or Aberdeen Hearts, and Hibs.

  22. @Otto

    The attitude ( cerainly in the British and German armies ) was one of “let’s get in with it”. Interviews of veterans give the impression that all normal soldiers were in a real funk, but that the hanging around was even worse and that ‘going over the top’ was what they were expecting and expected to do.

    Going over the top – bad.
    Hanging around – worse.
    I’m not buying that, and anyway it is irrelevant as to the point, which is that if they’d shot 50% of the officers and NCOs it would all have ended very quickly.
    If they’d shot their politicians and royals when home on leave, quicker still.

    There was really very little coercion required in the British Army because the officers and NCOs went with them.

    There was really very little coercion required in the British Army because (as per my comment above) people are weird. Most people follow. Even to death. Weird.

    I know very well that officers and NCOs went with them – to a point. There weren’t too many generals and brigadiers going over the top, and the firing squads were all commanded.

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