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We have a correlation!

Trans people in England more likely to have long-term poor mental health – study
Research suggests risk of a mental health condition is up to five times higher than for cisgender people

Now what we need is some work on causation…..even, possibly, some on the chicken and the egg question.

15 thoughts on “We have a correlation!”

  1. The research, led by the University of Manchester in collaboration with the Proud Trust and LGBT Foundation, was published in the Lancet Public Health journal.

    No institutional bias there then

    Meanwhile, a coalition of charities and human rights groups said on Wednesday that they “strongly oppose” the government’s draft guidance on how schools in England should treat transgender students. The alliance, including Stonewall, Liberty and Mermaids,

    What was I saying about institutional bias? Never mind. So what was this shockingly oppressive guidance?

    The draft guidance, published late last year, advised schools that they had no “general duty” to let students change their preferred names or uniforms – known as social transitioning – and emphasised that parents should be involved where possible.

    Oh the inhumanity.

  2. Only five times more likely is actually good news.
    Latest estimates are that 9% of children and young adults have mental health issues. So that implies that 45% of trans have poor mental health. So over half of them are in perfect mental health. Trebles all round.

  3. allthegoodnamesaretaken

    From the Professor of Studies in the Department of Studies: research shows mentally ill people are mentally ill.

  4. Bloke in North Dorset

    I forget who said it: We really have to stop talking about mental health, for the sake of our mental health.

    And we really don’t need any more tax payer funded research to tell us the blindingly obvious which way round the causation runs.

  5. Trans people in England more likely to have long-term poor mental health – study
    Research suggests risk of a mental health condition is up to five times higher than for cisgender people

    From this we can infer that twenty percent of the non-trans population has some form of mental health condition

  6. BIND
    Scott Alexander on Astral Codex Ten has been banging the “let’s stop talking about our mental health” drum. He’s got an article somewhere proposing something like that, but I can’t find it right now.

  7. In other news: Gravity still works, water is wet, and the Lancet has as yet to regain their reputation as a serious scientific journal.

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