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It’s amazing the bollocks people can make themselves believe, isn’t it?

Israel controls food supply into Gaza. No one else can.

There’s a border with Egypt. Israel does not conrtrol the Rafah crossing.

There’s a coastline, folk are landing food on it. The Americans are airdropping food in.

But of course everything is because the Joos.

24 thoughts on “It’s amazing the bollocks people can make themselves believe, isn’t it?”

  1. One of the most annoying things about coverage in the Hamas-media has been how they constantly refer to Gaza as an “enclave”. It is of course no such thing!

  2. The important thing about belief is what you want to believe

    Hence the poor ‘genocided’ Palestinians

    Climate change

    Feasibility of Net Zero

    Immigration boosts GDP


  3. Surely Egypt will be only too happy to ensure the flow of food to their Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza?

    It’s not even tricky; there’s a deep water port and international airport at Arish, which is less than an hour’s drive from Gaza.

  4. I’ve noticed complaints that the trucks are unsafe in Gaza. This is deemed to be the fault of the Israelis.

    Naturally those protesting are adamantly determined that the Israelis must leave the local gangsters alone.

  5. Matt – Schrödinger’s genocide: the Palestinians are simultaneously all dead, and won’t shut the fuck up about it.

    Marius – Egyptian lorries delivering food and medical supplies to the Palestinians have been attacked by Palestinians.

    The mystery of why no other Muslim country wants them deepens.

  6. John – yarp. There’s really no brighter future for us that doesn’t involve public executions of lawyers and MP’s.

    (After a fair and full trial, of course)

    I know that sounds a bit out there, but so does Net Zero.

  7. BiND

    Maybe the evil joos (virtually hitler) are infringing his human rights by refusing to allow him to wear his traditional garb including the concealed explosive vest?

  8. Huh I bet the Zionazis cancel the Gaza Pride march too ! That’d be a step too far, then Owen Jones will be really angry.

  9. Whilst true that technically Israel does not control the Rafah crossing it does inspect everything that comes through. The trucks are unloaded and everything put on local trucks for transport through Gaza and the empty Egyptian trucks go directly back. No fuel is permitted through this crossing. This makes it very difficult.

  10. @ Ottokring

    Owen Jones needs to be shown more often what the real world outside his metropolitan bubble is like. Maybe debate the rights of the Pali’s with some Chelsea fans down the pub?

  11. AndyF beat me to it. Even the MSM admit this – occasionally, when they let their guard down. Google it for yourselves in the time you have to spare from wishing Arabs dead.

    Tim? A correction on page 94 perhaps?

  12. Israel does not control the Rafah crossing it does inspect everything that comes through.

    And this stops food and medical aid how? Have you considered why a) Israel might insist on this or b) why Egypt might agree…?

    Google it for yourselves in the time you have to spare from wishing Arabs dead.

    I don’t actually spend much time thinking about Arabs. Of course I would spend zero time thinking about these particular Arabs if they were not such enthusiastic supporters of gang rape, torture and the genocide of Jews. And if these genocide and rape enthusiasts were not so vigorously supported by so many on the streets of Londonistan.

  13. Google it for yourselves in the time you have to spare from wishing Arabs dead

    What Marius said, but also I’m a multitasker.

    Israel is a civilised country that’s an asset to the world, whereas we don’t need “Palestine” at all.

    There isn’t an electron microscope sensitive enough to measure how many fucks I give about people who were dancing in the streets to celebrate the rape and murder of helpless Jewish girls just a few months ago.

    They’re not dancing now though, are they? Lol.

  14. Owen Jones needs to be shown more often what the real world outside his metropolitan bubble is like. Maybe debate the rights of the Pali’s with some Chelsea fans down the pub?
    I think he had a little episode in the Caledonian Road one night.

  15. Owen Jones is from Stockport (read one the wealthy parts of Cheshire just happening to have an SK postcode)…

    I’m sure he enjoyed many a trip to Canal Street in central Manchester in his early coming out celebrations, but trying talking his sh*t in Rusholme or Levenshulme or Cheetham Hill? At least we wouldn’t have to suffer it all these years later…

  16. @ Maurius
    Whilst the need for inspection is obvious, it nevertheless produces a choke point that can and does control what food and aid comes through that tiny crossing which is the size of a small backstreet. Inspections go at wherever speed the inspectors permit.

  17. Google it for yourselves in the time you have to spare from wishing Arabs dead

    Whereas of course Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ as has been proven so often in the past few decades.

    Pull the other one. Apparently it has bells on and plays a jaunty tune

    I think if we can get Jews back into Gaza exclusively hopefully it can set a pattern for Europe and indeed the rest of the World- certainly going forward hat’s the only way what civilisation we have created can survive,

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