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A fat gene which makes an adult six times more likely to be obese has been found by scientists.

Around 1 in 6,500 adults, or around 10,000 people in the UK, are thought to have the faulty version of the BSM gene, also known as “Bassoon”.

Watch as 10 million claim to have the gene had by 10,000

5 thoughts on “Amazin’”

  1. This journalistic “medical” statistic is blowing my mind. Reputedly 25% of the UK population is obese, so does this mean the people with this gene are going to have a 150% chance of being obese?

  2. How the gene causes obesity is unknown but the scientists think it may be that affected people have issues making new neurons and the subsequent neurodegeneration could worsen appetite control.

    “We don’t know how it actually works, but we have this statistical correlation without corroborating evidence towards causation, so we’re making something up that fits the Narrative of our Sponsors.
    That it’s in the brain makes it easy, because no-one really knows how it actually does things, and it makes us sound smart.”

    He said that this is the first gene linked solely to adult obesity and those who possess it are up to 10kg heavier, on average, which equates to an extra four BMI points.

    “See ?!! Using modern Scientific Homeopatic Measurements we can prove that more people having this mutation fall into the Bad! Category!!
    What do you mean: “10 kilo is a rounding error well within variance when it comes to adult weight”? It’s Science™! ”

    Honestly.. If that gene diminishes impulse control in some manner, overeating is but one expression of that much-varied behaviour.
    The gene seems to be linked to some other related diseases, including “fatty liver” , according to the actual Nature article, so to me the obesity seems to be a more general side effect of that mutation doing something to the entire fat metabolism, tilting it towards fat stockpiling.
    At which point “impulse control” has very little to do with it, since your body will be doing that regardless of which diet you choose..

  3. At which point “impulse control” has very little to do with it, since your body will be doing that regardless of which diet you choose..
    Sorry Grikath but that doesn’t make any sense. What you’re saying is someone will starve to death whilst eating because their body will accumulate fat whilst not providing their metabolism with necessary nutrients. I doubt it somehow.
    It is all about impulse control. There is no other reason for people getting fat.

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