No watering-down, no new red tape: it’s time to fully decriminalise abortion in England and Wales
Stella Creasy
So any bird should be allowed to kill any kid – right up to the point of birth itself – for any reason or none?
Might that not be considered something of an extreme position?
Also, fuck off.
MP’s are just a lump of cells.
Are they sentient, though ?
( By the way, has this woman always been this evil ?)
I told you, feminism’s aim is zero accountability for women for anything. Murder your unborn kid, not your fault, hormones innit? Murder your husband, not your fault, he was a wife beater. Get blind drunk and have sex with a random bloke, he raped you!
Otto – they won’t be.
Nb this article by Stella “Stab a Baby” Creasy begins:
When the far right stokes culture wars…
See, it’s you gammon and your “culture wars” who are to blame.
( By the way, has this woman always been this evil ?)
I’m one of those old fuddy-duddies that thinks that abortion is murder. However, sometime murder is necessary. I think that such cases should be few and far between, and justified by more than just ‘it suits me’, or ‘he dissed me’ or ‘infidel!’
With the assisted suicide at one end, and free-for-all abortions at the other, and the death jabs in the middle, it’s almost like the folks who repeatedly say there are too many people in the world are trying to depopulate us.
Interested – Psalm 55:
Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.
As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me.
Nice to see eugenics making a comeback. Is she a Fabian?