’…the human tendency to worship the profane and shiny, to look to the small and material rather than the large and transcendent.’
Regurgitating the Guardian’s modus operandi there, Naomi?
Hallowed Be
The anaphora is strong in this article. TLDR- IronlionZion is a false idol. Geddit?
Judaism cannot be contained by an ethnostate, for […] Judaism is internationalist by nature.
The Guardian, or Mein Kampf?
Israel’s population is 27% non-Jewish. It’s a funny old ‘ethnostate’.
It’s a bit like this ‘genocide’ which only has only managed to off a few thousand Arabs….
The batshit lunacy of La Klein and her determination to see Israel destroyed makes a mockery of claims that the world’s Jews are working to the same agenda. Lemming liberals like her work night and day for a world which would destroy them.
Dennis, Inconveniently Noting Reality
I don’t remember her bitching about the CCP’s genocide of the Uyghurs.
The Meissen Bison
Dennis – paradoxically perhaps, this is because she is not chinese.
An ethnostate can exist as long as the 73% disregard the interests of the 27%
Marius is correct. Speaking as a Jew I despair of the likes of Ms Klein.
Sadly they are legion (and very very noisy) as the US Democrat party has known and benefitted from for so many years.
Love the bit about Israel being militaristic. I suppose that being attacked in 1948, 1967 and 1973 by your neighbours and currently being surrounded by people whose religion mandates that all Jews should be slaughtered is NOT a cause of this militaristic outlook. I’m pretty sure that the Israelis would rather not have to spend approximately 5% of it’s annual GDP on it’s military. I’m sure they’ve got better things they’d rather spend the money on.
Naomi the Lesser tries that Old Time Religion:
It is a false idol that has led far too many of our own people down a deeply immoral path that now has them justifying the shredding of core commandments: thou shalt not kill.
Now do abortion.
Thou shalt not steal.
Now do tax.
Thou shalt not covet.
Now do “the 1%”.
Nice argument Steve.
Dennis, Correct And Therefore Hateful
Dennis – paradoxically perhaps, this is because she is not chinese.
Perhaps. The far more likely answer is that there were not complaints because she is a communist.
Israel attacked the UNEF in 1967.
bloke in spain
Israel attacked the UNEF in 1967.
If I remember my history correctly, UNEF was requested to withdraw by the UAR in May 67. To which the UN consented. Final withdrawal of personnel was completed by June 17. So Israel certainly didn’t attack the UNEF
bloke in spain
The UAR requesting the UNEF withdrawal was of course the precursor to the 6 Day War,because it signalled Egypt’s intention to attack Israel. Turned out to be Not A Good Idea. Very sad. Never mind.
’…the human tendency to worship the profane and shiny, to look to the small and material rather than the large and transcendent.’
Regurgitating the Guardian’s modus operandi there, Naomi?
The anaphora is strong in this article. TLDR- IronlionZion is a false idol. Geddit?
Judaism cannot be contained by an ethnostate, for […] Judaism is internationalist by nature.
The Guardian, or Mein Kampf?
Israel’s population is 27% non-Jewish. It’s a funny old ‘ethnostate’.
It’s a bit like this ‘genocide’ which only has only managed to off a few thousand Arabs….
The batshit lunacy of La Klein and her determination to see Israel destroyed makes a mockery of claims that the world’s Jews are working to the same agenda. Lemming liberals like her work night and day for a world which would destroy them.
I don’t remember her bitching about the CCP’s genocide of the Uyghurs.
Dennis – paradoxically perhaps, this is because she is not chinese.
An ethnostate can exist as long as the 73% disregard the interests of the 27%
Marius is correct. Speaking as a Jew I despair of the likes of Ms Klein.
Sadly they are legion (and very very noisy) as the US Democrat party has known and benefitted from for so many years.
Love the bit about Israel being militaristic. I suppose that being attacked in 1948, 1967 and 1973 by your neighbours and currently being surrounded by people whose religion mandates that all Jews should be slaughtered is NOT a cause of this militaristic outlook. I’m pretty sure that the Israelis would rather not have to spend approximately 5% of it’s annual GDP on it’s military. I’m sure they’ve got better things they’d rather spend the money on.
Naomi the Lesser tries that Old Time Religion:
It is a false idol that has led far too many of our own people down a deeply immoral path that now has them justifying the shredding of core commandments: thou shalt not kill.
Now do abortion.
Thou shalt not steal.
Now do tax.
Thou shalt not covet.
Now do “the 1%”.
Nice argument Steve.
Dennis – paradoxically perhaps, this is because she is not chinese.
Perhaps. The far more likely answer is that there were not complaints because she is a communist.
Israel attacked the UNEF in 1967.
Israel attacked the UNEF in 1967.
If I remember my history correctly, UNEF was requested to withdraw by the UAR in May 67. To which the UN consented. Final withdrawal of personnel was completed by June 17. So Israel certainly didn’t attack the UNEF
The UAR requesting the UNEF withdrawal was of course the precursor to the 6 Day War,because it signalled Egypt’s intention to attack Israel. Turned out to be Not A Good Idea. Very sad. Never mind.
Climate Deniers killed my bay ?
that Naomi Klein ?
Bb – thank you my upside down friend.
Israel attacked the UNEF in 1967.
Egypt blockaded the Strait of Tiran at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. That’s technically an act of war.