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Not an appealing package really, is it?

The framework of the new political consensus is straightforward: taxes will be high, spending higher and wealthy foreigners in particular will be taxed until the pips squeak. Low-income foreigners, on the other hand, will be waved through Britain’s open borders to benefit from the generosity of the welfare state.

Can’t see that it will work all that well as a plan either.

6 thoughts on “Not an appealing package really, is it?”

  1. Forward to the Seventies !

    Funnily enough, I’ve been saying this for years and with the embracement of “Shagger” Wilson’s policies it will be finally fulfilled.

  2. I’m thinking of starting an advertising agency shouting out YOU.GOV so that people are able to view on their phones the benefits that the invaders can instantly claim after they are escorted to the south coast. Might stir up a few of the millions of hard right activists that march though London demanding that our borders are made secure. That’s what they’re marching about, isn’t it?

  3. BTW. I am now haunted by visions of hot threesomes involving Wilson, Ms Hewlett Davies and Marcia Falkender.

    It is worse than Major/Currie by several factors.

    My teeth and hair have both started to fall out and fingernails have gone black.

    ps I am trying to think who Wilson’s squeeze looks like. Is it Sheila Hancock ?

  4. ps I am trying to think who Wilson’s squeeze looks like. Is it Sheila Hancock ?
    I’m fascinated that she does indeed resemble a photo of a woman I was shown in the late ’60s in connection with Wilsonian dalliances. Looks like my informer* of the time may well have had his finger on the pulse. So one wonders how much this may have been common knowledge rather than the purview of the privileged few. But they were kinder times.

    *The Street of Shame being a mere stroll from the Heart of Rabid Capitalism there was some considerable overlap of watering holes & interests.

  5. Low-income foreigners, on the other hand, will be waved through Britain’s open borders to benefit from the generosity of the welfare state

    And the result, as Rod Liddle writes, is a Trojan horse

    Is there anybody in the country who doesn’t laugh or sneer when our intelligence services or some quango tell us, with a straight face, that the greatest threat in this country comes from Right-wing extremism? In fact, a new survey from the Henry Jackson Society shows British Muslims revere Hamas, hate Israel and wish to see our own country governed by Sharia law
    And yet when I was on television talking about this poll, the presenter felt it necessary to assure the viewing public that actually ‘ordinary’ Muslims were totally opposed to terrorism and had no love for Hamas. Remarkable. The poll findings were right there in front of her. But they came up against the received official opinion, the correct thing to think, the stuff we must all continue to think even though there is all too much evidence to the directly contrary



    Back in time to the 1070s

    Inflation, high tax, strikes, power cuts, fewer driving, gov’t going bust…

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