By seemingly giving carte blanche to Israel, the EU has sacrificed hard-won credibility with civil society in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
The definition, these days, of civil society is the sort of screaming lefties who support killing Jews because Palestinians are lovely. So, such a shame, eh?
What civil societies are these, then? Most of Africa & the Middle East doesn’t deserve the term civilised.
Sounds like a double-win!
I agree with Emil, open the champagne!
“the EU has sacrificed hard-won credibility with civil society in Africa, Asia and the Middle East”
I’m glad that we in the UK are no longer part of that disgusting organisation. One immediate benefit of Brexit is that we can sacrifice our own hard-won credibility with civil society in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
So kleptocratic, Islamic shitholes are what counts as civil society now? Whodathunkit.
What a totally unexpected perspective from a guardian writer called shada islam.
This presumably means that fewer Africans and Middle Easterners will want to come and live off European taxpayers. Or are we still good for the handouts, even if we are now even more kuffar than before?