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That other fractious split

The Observer is also not on the trans side – unlike US Guardian:

Just how badly wrong things went at the gender identity development service (Gids) is evidenced in the fact that Cass felt she had to explicitly state that, while some people argue that clinical care for children should be based on a “social justice” model, “the NHS works in an evidence-based way”. That should never have been up for debate: as the British Medical Journal argued in its editorial on the Cass review last week, it is deeply unethical to provide untested medical interventions for children that lack evidence of benefit, yet are life-altering and come with potentially very significant harms.

But that is exactly what has happened to a growing cohort of children seen by Gids, which has since been shut down. Disproportionately made up of girls and same-sex attracted children, many were put on an irreversible medical pathway without diagnostic criteria. This is despite the fact it can lead to infertility and damage adult sexual functioning; there are also as yet unquantified risks for brain development, bone density and in potentially prolonging gender-related distress that evidence shows may resolve itself naturally in many children.


11 thoughts on “That other fractious split”

  1. while some people argue that clinical care for children should be based on a “social justice” model, “the NHS works in an evidence-based way”

    You know, not that long ago, some people were experimenting on people without consent in the name of an ideology.
    We fought a war with them. The Global International Domestic Conflict 2 – the reconflicting.
    I look forward to the Nuremberg trials for these NHS (and other ) “doctors” for mutilating and ruining the lives of many children in the name of an ideology – “social justice”.

  2. In the future there will be lawsuits.

    And big pay outs.

    But it won’t cost those responsible a penny.

    It will be you and me paying through our taxes.


  3. I disagree: the NHS is explicitly about “social justice” and always has been. And the DEI tendency will make it worse 🙁

  4. Are the police investigating these violent assaults on children? Surely crimes have been committed.

    The incentives have to be changed – jail a couple of dozen of the medical bastards.

  5. ‘It will be you and me paying through our taxes.’

    All too true Andrew C.

    Still, I really don’t like mutilating children. Perhaps this is because I saw my little great-nephew Robbie when I visited Canberra recently.

    So I support dearieme’s idea of changing the incentives. Impalement anyone??

  6. It’s hardly surprising that most papers are not on the trans side. Papers “sell” to people with a similar mindset to the paper’s editorial biases. The fact that the US Guardian bucks the trend is surprising. Either they are happy with near exclusive access to a fraction of a percent of the population, or they are numerically challenged and don’t realize that half of one percent is somewhat smaller than on half.

  7. People go mad in herds and recover their wits one by one. (C MacKay)
    Let’s hope it will happen soon with Net Zero, DEI, quangos, management consultancy, immigration, the triple lock…

  8. I wonder if there’s been any shift in the coverage that medical malpractice insurance companies will provide given the increasing evidence of lack of evidence, that’s when the writing will be on the wall

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