Even before the war in Gaza broke out, people in the besieged Palestinian territory had some of the world’s worst rates of mental illness.
Israel and Egypt’s blockade of the Mediterranean strip is now 17 years old; a generation has grown up knowing nothing but cyclical escalation, a dire lack of public services and next to no freedom of movement. Research published by Save the Children in 2022 found that four out of five children in Gaza said they live with depression, grief and fear, and three in five were self harming.
Since 7 October, the charity found that there has – unsurprisingly – been a dramatic deterioration in children’s mental health. “Children here have seen everything,” one father, Wasseem, told Save the Children researchers. “They’ve seen the bombs, the deaths, the bodies … We can’t pretend to them any more. Now, my son can even tell what types of explosives are falling.”
I’m sure it is vile. I’m sure it’s very serious. I’d even agree that something more than PTSD might be useful as a description.
According to Dr Samah Jabr, chair of the Hamas-run Palestinian ministry of health’s mental health unit,
Ideologically aligned…..
Jabr’s has been inspired by the work of the mid-20th century psychiatrist and political philosopher Frantz Fanon.
Wiht an idiot ideology, however fashionable it is in leftie circles.
A study published last year in Middle East Current Psychiatry agreed with Jabr that PTSD and continuous traumatic stress disorder (CTSD) among Palestinians “cannot be changed unless the root of the problem is solved by ending 74 years of living under occupation”.
Well, yes, could be. So, the Arab nations take in the refugees – rather than their being stuck on that patch of sand forever – and the problem is solved, no?
If only the Palestinian government of Hamas cared as much about Palestinian children as the west does we might not be in this situation. And while I’m at it, teaching them nothing but vile hatred of Jews can’t be doing much for their mental health either.
So, the Arab nations take in the refugees – rather than their being stuck on that patch of sand forever – and the problem is solved, no?
Israel should take them in; after all, they broke it – they should fix it, or do Jews only think that applies to other people’s countries?
The Palestinians broke it themselves. Everything that has happened they have brought upon themselves.
Jonathan @ 8.09, “Israel should take them in; after all, they broke it”.
Have a gander at the history behind the Nakbah. I think you’ll find it was advice from the arab nations that were confident they were going to destroy the state of Israel that encouraged the arabs living in the region to get out.
Nearly 2 million arabs live very happily in Israel, are members of the Judiciary (one arab judge actually sentenced a former Prime Minister to prison a few years ago) and members of the Knessett.
Gaza is the way it is because that’s the way Hamas (and the vast majority of the electrorate, who voted for Hamas) wants it.
And i’ve just discovered that the area I live in (in a town on the Essex sunshine coast) has a population density of just under twice that of the Strip. Oh the inhumanity………
In the 21st century, many people who don’t have much knowledge are secure in the fact that it is their feelz that really matter…
Otto and Addolff.
Jewish activists and politicians in the West are happy to demand that we take in refugees who literally hate us and want us dead, because we destroyed their countries, from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. They claim this is according to their Jewish principles. Oddly, they never demand that Israel takes in refugees from places they make war on – presumably because this is also according to their Jewish principles.
There will always be some mentally ill in population but 74 years of evolution can make it worse.
To get on in Gaza you get a degree – the two most popular subjects at the universities being Civil Engineering and Islamic Studies.
Get the first, provided you’re mentally sound, can work in a team, not a criminal, and you get a skills visa to emigrate. By subtraction mental illness concentrates in the population that remains who have kids, lots of.
Actually it can be added to as the only immigrants to Gaza are mentally ill UNRWA aid workers and Hamas supporters.
Generalising a lot of course.
You might also wonder why the Egypian government closed their part of the border with the palestinians. And then research what happened when Jordan and Egypt took in some of their “brothers”.
Jewish activists and politicians in the West are happy to demand that we take in refugees who literally hate us and want us dead, because we destroyed their countries, from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. They claim this is according to their Jewish principles. Oddly, they never demand that Israel takes in refugees from places they make war on – presumably because this is also according to their Jewish principles.
This is an anti-semitic trope frequently spouted by hatemongerers like Jonathan, who has clearly been biting his tongue for months….
Firstly those Jewish activists and politicians who are in favour of open borders etc are no different from any other Western liberals in this regard. Their Jewishness is a red herring, unless you are an old school anti-semite. Secondly, to claim that they are all opposed to Israel doing the same is a downright lie. Many, if not most of them are ‘anti-Zionists’ and no friend to Israel.
The conditions in Gaza are the fault of the knuckle-dragging religious fascists who run things there, run things with popular support by the way.
Marius: “ANTI-SEMITIC TROPE!” – ignores links I’ve posted and spouts the usual anti-white tripe. Anti-Western scum like Marius want us dead.
Jewish activists and politicians in the West are happy to demand blaa blaa blaa blaa wibble wibble wibble…..
Like the shopkeeper, you start discussing mentally ill people and *puff* just like that they suddenly appear.
Harry, you can deny reality if you like but I notice you can’t refute the points I’ve made. Lol. Have there been any loud explosions near you recently?
This has been explained to you, with more eloquence and respect than you deserve by Marius already, you antisemitic mong . One more time for the simple minded :
“Firstly those Jewish activists and politicians who are in favour of open borders etc are no different from any other Western liberals in this regard. Their Jewishness is a red herring, unless you are an old school anti-semite. Secondly, to claim that they are all opposed to Israel doing the same is a downright lie. Many, if not most of them are ‘anti-Zionists’ and no friend to Israel.”
Now go back to sucking Nick Griffin’s tiny cock, you inadequate retard.
Predictably Marius’s diatribe is complete bullshit, and your fanatical devotion to Israel and the Jewish people is rather alarming.
Is Europe’s Chief Rabbi anti Israel? What about the ADL, are they anti-Israel too? They literally say, in the links, that bringing immigrants and ‘refugees’ into Europe and the USA is according to their Jewish principles, but I guess to fanatics like you and Marius there are no facts which could change your mind.
’your fanatical devotion to Israel and the Jewish people’
The sole race in that benighted area of the world that has only created good things for the west, never marched in our streets proclaiming their hate for all we stand for, not incited or carried out terrorist atrocities (outside of your fevered imagination), Jonathan?
Why wouldn’t we praise them?
Look at what the Palestinians have done to Lebanon, and tried to in Jordan and Egypt, and you’ll see why no Arab country wants to have any immigrants.
The logic of Gaza and West Bank “concentration camps” is pretty inescapable.
I can only echo what others have said – talk about Israel and Palestine and up pops an anti semite.
I note that 50% of Moroccans are mentally ill -per https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2017/07/224718/mentally-ill-mental-health-care-morocco. As far as I’m aware Israel and Morocco are not at war. Perhaps there is another factor that links mental illness in these 2 Islamic countries? If you are wondering about the other 50% of Moroccans in my experience they are cnuts though I know some of us on here disagree with that assertion.
…that has only created good things for the west… Lol.
…not incited or carried out terrorist atrocities… Errr:
And that’s literally 30 seconds on Google…
There have been 3 few studies of the IQ of Palestinian children and they arrived at averages of 83.3, 85 and 86. That’s slightly lower than the IQ of chronic juvenile offenders in the West.
The mistake Jonathan’s making is thinking all Jews are the same. FK why. It’s a well known fact if you ask two Jews about anything you’ll get three opinions.
He’s talking about the Marxist socialist Jews, mostly come out of the E. European diaspora. Often referred to to as the have your cake & eat it Jews. Simultaneously they want to be an accepted part of whichever culture they’re roosting in whilst, when it suits them, preserving a separate exclusionary identity. What has now been foisted on us as multiculturalism.* The roots they come from were actually opposed to the creation of the state of Israel. They don’t like Israel unless its governed by their faction. And I can assure him, most Israelis don’t like them. Then you have the ultra-religious frummers who have got their cake & no intention of sharing it with anybody. They don’t accept the state of Israel because it’s not the strict religious society they reckon was promised to them in their Book. Also strongly disliked by most Israelis. And the one’s currently & noisily demonstrating against being required to submit to conscription to defend the country their living in. Believing as they do, that a black hat, four corners & side locks give them an automatic pass. Israelis themselves, the sabra, are pragmatists. They’re Iraelis first & Jews a fairly distant second. Why quite a lot of them are Arabs.
Which is my my slightly longer way of saying FO, Jonathan.
*I suspect it was this lot foisted multiculturalism on the Labour Party. Which grew out of national socialism, not international socialism. It reconciled the party to members who were politically aligned but didn’t share the original we-are-all-brothers ethos.
The average IQ in Israel is 92, not even in the top 10… Lol
@Jonathan – not sure why I’m arguing with a baked in anti semite – no doubt if the Israelis find a cure for cancer you’d still be broadcasting your hatred. The fact that you have to drag up cases from 1948 and 1954 with the latter only causing casualties to the operatives, not their targets.
I’d imagine that the average iq of Israelis includes the 20% of Israelis who are arabs which no doubt drags down the average IQ .
And worth pointing out, the Gaza that handed to the Pallys on a plate had a thriving economy. And the first thing the Pallys did when they got control was to tear all that down & turn it into the poverty stricken shithole you now see.
I’ve been waiting for Jonathan to explode.
Must have gotten apoplexy holding that bilious crap down.
“The average IQ in Israel is 92, not even in the top 10… Lol”
92.4 is the lowest result, but there are also results closer to 95. But the point is that it’s still higher, which backs Bongo’s point. And still not great, but do you know what chronic juvenile offender means? It means people who either can’t learn, or people with no other option than to be criminals.
Prior to this hadn’t the Israelis relaxed the border restrictions and were allowing more Gazans free entry, unlike Egypt who haven’t seemed to have gone out of their way to help their Arab brothers.
The article does point out Egypt were involved in the blockade and claiming a Jewish cabal behind Egypt might be a bit far even for the anti-semites.
@ moquifen: …
drag up cases from 1948 and 1954
Oh well, that makes it perfectly ok then: ” The Holocaust was in the 1940’s so let’s never drag it up again …”
…no doubt if the Israelis find a cure for cancer you’d still be broadcasting your hatred.
‘No doubt if Palestinians found a cure for cancer you’d be calling for bombing them!’
See how stupid you sound?
Bloke in Spain,
“And the first thing the Pallys did when they got control was to tear all that down & turn it into the poverty stricken shithole you now see.”
I see them as being like the worst shithole council estates in the UK. Where frankly, most of them cause their problems. “I’m struggling to feed my kids”. Right, but there’s at least £500 of tattoos on your arms. Why do you spend £500 on that instead of feeding your kids, or on learning something? Or the swings are broken by vandals. That’s not poverty, that’s just being a shithead. It takes time and energy to break swings.
And it’s the same people who defend both. “Oh, the poor Palestinians”. Who take things given to them and go to war, rather than creating prosperity. Like, even if they retake Israel, what then? It would rapidly turn into a shithole, wouldn’t it? You wouldn’t have companies making medical instruments or software because you wouldn’t have the sort of rule of law, property rights and education to support that..
@jonathan – you really are a tool. comparing the holocaust to 2 seperate small scale events – really? It’s you who sound stupid , probably one of the most stupid people to grace these pages. – you’re not the potatoes twin by any chance jonathan ?
I doubt the Palestinians could invent anything. The name Palestinians was invented by the russians and i believe suicide vests were invented by the Tamil tigers. Why don’t you list all the Arab and muslim Nobel prize winners and then compare them to the over 100 + jewish nobel prize winners ? If you use Google be aware that segey brin one of the cofounders of google is Jewish. Perhaps you should use one of the Arab or muslim invented search engines – what there arent any ? Colour me surprised.
There’s a DesertSun piece from yonks ago about a mate from NI with an engineering degree and thought fuck that schit back home, I’m off to elsewhere in the world. If all the brightest get engineering degrees and leave a place, the the IQ goes down, the people who remain are the more sectarian and stupid ones. Interesting IQ notes, thanks WB and Jonathan, didn’t know it had been measured for Palestinian children, but I wonder if the gap is even wider for the grown ups and in Gaza.
@ moquifen. tl;dr: ‘ It’s only small scale events – why do you care!’
Twat – I, unlike you obviously, care more about British people being murdered by foreigners than I do about foreigners killing other foreigners. IDGAF about Israel or Palestine, but I do know that their continued existence – or not- isn’t worth the life of one British soldier, sailor or airman.
If Jews and Muslims want to carry on their stupid ethnic disputes let them do it in the Middle-East and not here: deport the lot of them…
I fully support Israel’s right to exist. However, many Jews took the (clearly mistaken) view that Jews outside of Israel were safer in multicultural societies than in even nominally Christian societies. The late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks held this bizarre view, IIRC. Yet how could c.300,000 British Jews be safer in a society with nearly 4 million muslims?
Just savour the irony of the raging anti-semite using the Hebrew name…
“Just savour the irony of the raging anti-semite using the Hebrew name…”
@ Theo
You’ve got to be careful you don’t conflate people like Sacks with the majority of British Jews or you’ll end up a Jonathan. Like all liberals, he’s one of the sharp elbowed ones push themselves to the front the predominately liberal media likes to platform. The majority of British Jews are primarily British who just happen to have Jewish roots. It’s no more important to them than Brits who nominally have Christian roots. Unless, of course, you want to make it important for them.
I think you are right there. But we must also bear in mind that most Jews in Germany, Austria, Holland et al were likewise assimilated and it did not save them.
Now that Britain is an Islamic country they should all think very carefully about leaving.
Now that Britain is an Islamic country
Let’s not be silly, or we will end up sounding like Jonathan
Just wait for “Islamophobia” to become illegal. Blasphemy laws will soon follow.
Politicians and the BBC already run scared of the Religion of Peace and its adherents. We are at its mercy.
If we are concerned about citizens then given the media you’d be hard pressed to know that a number of the hostages are foreign citizen or hold dual citizenship. A number of the dead in the October attack were also foreign citizens, initial reports were 22 Americans killed and 20 missing, Biden originally after October attack said “as president, I have no higher priority than the safety of Americans being held hostage around the world,”
From an early report
“138 of the hostages had foreign passports, including 15 Argentinians, 12 Germans, 12 Americans, six French and six Russians. Many were believed to have had dual Israeli nationality, however some, like the Thais and five Nepalese hostages, almost certainly did not”
I believe there are still 5 American hostages being held
Apparently Civil Service Muslim Network questioned over members being asked to influence policy makers in Gaza……still if it works for the LGBT whatever crowd we shouldn’t be surprised to see others adopt the same policy, the march through the institutions isn’t limited to the left, they could be in for a nasty surprise in a few years
The Arab nations don’t even need to take in refugees – the Palestinians could just move on from ‘exterminate the Jews and take all their stuff’ to ‘make our own stuff’.
They’d go from poor to rich in two generations if they did that.
There are two problems with the arabs and Israel:
1. It is land that was once ‘moslem’ and as far as moslems are concerned that precludes it ever being inhabited / governed by anyone else. Ever.
2. It is land that was once ‘moslem’ and as far as moslems are concerned that precludes it ever being inhabited / governed by anyone else. Ever.
Now I know that, technically that is only one reason, but as it is such a big reason I thought i’d mention it twice*.
But we must also bear in mind that most Jews in Germany, Austria, Holland et al were likewise assimilated and it did not save them.
Unfortunately, that’s not actually true. The original Jews in western Europe were fairly well assimilated. But then you got the influx of Jews from further east, mainly Russia, fleeing the pograms. And they were far from integrated in Russia. Virtually a separate society. They didn’t intend integrating.
I’ve had dealings with the more extreme of them in London’s Stamford Hill. And that’s only because they think I’m Jewish because I grew up with the culture, understand the religious proscriptions & even speak a bit of Yiddish. These are the Hasidim. The black hats. And the furry hat ones in the white stockings dress like they’re in C18th Russia. These are the ultra-othadox. If they didn’t think I was Jewish they wouldn’t talk to me. They’re a totally self isolated community who want nothing to do with British culture. Although they don’t mind taking our money. They’re actually very much like the Muslims. They treat their women the same way except rather than the hijab they all wear wigs outside the house. And it grades down from them through the various types of Orthodox. You don’t need many of these to really piss people off. Like people say about the UK’s Muslims these days. They feel like they’ve been colonised.
And, of course, a lot of the less Orthadox Jews came out of Russia were active communists who got themselves involved in the virtual civil war In Germany following WW1. The attempt to export the Russian revolution to Germany. And the other side in that gave birth to the Nazi Party through the veterans organisations. Troubled times.
It’s worth understanding that Jews are inherently political. They take to it like a duck to water. It’s right through the religion. It constantly spawns breakaway factions with different interpretations of the Talmud. Been doing it for centuries. It’s what produced Christianity, originally yet another Jewish faction. Even the Hasidim fission into competing groups each with their own hereditary rebbis all fighting each other like cats. Not surprising so many turn up in British politics.
@ BiS:
The majority of British Jews are primarily British who just happen to have Jewish roots.
Not quite. According to a 2015 survey carried out by City University London, 93% of British Jews say Israel plays a part in their Jewish identity, 73% see it as an “important” or “central” part and a further 20% say it plays “some” role.
As it says in the Bible – no man can serve two masters.
Anti-Western scum like Marius want us dead.
Actually, I can’t think of any worse punishment for you than to be the sort of cunt you so obviously are.
Lol. Cry more you anti-Western scumbag…
Jonathan. Now you’re conflating their religion with Israel. Most Jews won’t see the connection. Jews feel Israel is part of their identity because most will have family there. It’s got little to do with religion. Most Israelis aren’t particularly religious. Nor are most Jews for that matter. Sounds like their religion is more important to you than it is to them. But why does that not surprise me?
There is actually a certain amount of friction between Israelis & the more religious of the diaspora because the latter see Israel as a religious project whereas Israelis just regard it as their home.
I suppose there’s a parallel between the Irish diaspora & the Irish in the Republic. Are you saying the Anglo-Irish can’t serve two masters? I’d be careful where you voice that opinion.
No I’m talking about their shared ethnic identity as Jews; and as for the friction between Hasidim and non/ less religious Jews that’s merely an internal dispute.
I think Anglo-Irish means more Anglicised/ Elite families in Ireland who were part of the Establishment from before independence rather than Irish people who happen to live in England.
I think you’d have to ask Tim about that. Are you elite Tim?
Anglo Irish does have that meaning of the Protestant Ascendancy. The Landlords who owned the place. The Celts and Catholics are not – usually – included in their ranks. No, I’m from the other side, the lot that weren’t Anglo Irish.
What we supposed to call English of Irish descent these days, then? Since we have the Scots-Irish. I’m OK with Paddies but you might not be. There’s Irish-Americans for that way round. But Irish-English sounds too much like someone’s got a lisp. Anglo-Indian, Anglo-French, Anglo-Portuguese all work don’t they? Hopefully we won’t find Anglo-Brasilian does. I’ve got enough problems
Now that Britain is an Islamic country
Let’s not be silly…
Or we might find a Hindu prime minister holding a Moslem Eid celebration at No10
What we supposed to call English of Irish descent these days, then?
Scousers? From which the smart ones then worked out where the bus terminal was….