The EU’s new migration pact is intended to neutralise the far right – it risks empowering it
Daniel Trilling
With a heavy focus on deterrence, the agreement shows how far Europe’s centre has shifted to the right
Having experienced the levels of migration the elite think useful the peeps are disagreeing. How Dare The Peeps?
You can see that he sort of gets it:
Support for these parties is rooted in a widespread sense among some voters that conventional politics has failed…
but his solution is, predictably, just more ‘rubbing the right’s nose in diversity’.
A pact making migration to the EU easier is pandering to the ‘far right’???
None of our business, Trilling, you wanker, as we have left the EU. But we can at least rejoice if their policies mean that we are presented with fewer unskilled and unassimilable settlers, and concentrate on eliminating the threat altogether.
Also by Daniel Trilling:
21 Sept 2023 — Daniel Trilling writes about gaining German citizenship as a descendant of a German Jewish citizen expelled by the Nazis
I wonder what pissed off the Germans the first time.
Compared to the alternative, being expelled by the Nazi seems like pretty lenient treatment.
Yes, mr. Trilling… We’re knuckle-dragging club-toting Neanderthals for not seeing the world the way you do.
Hell, when even the wishy-washy career eurocrats of the centrist parties come to the conclusion that it might be a Good Idea to tighten up the screening and allow members to boot out peeps who have proven to be Up To No Good , there just may be something going on that challenges your worldview in ways that actually forces that wishy-washy middle to stop being mere chairwarmers.
Just a thought worth considering, if there’s still room left for thought besides the eternal indignation filling your noggin…
dcardno – one of the “fun” things about living in a dying civilisation is how often we’re told trying to control our own borders is crazy nazi stuff. Even Justin Welby was getting in on that action.
Y’know, like that famous sign at Auschwitz.
The one saying: “And STAY out!”