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Allow me to translate

The Black Lives Matter era is over. It taught us the limits of diversity for diversity’s sake
Nesrine Malik

Hastily established racial equality schemes are being shuttered. What survives is a movement that’s achieving real change

So, that was a ghastly piece of shit, wasn’t it? But everryone should still do as I say.

24 thoughts on “Allow me to translate”

  1. By almost anyone’s standards, the whole thing was a PR disaster. Sacralising a career criminal addict who was resisting arrest while on drugs. Portraying him as an angel with wings. Adopting a slogan which could be expected to alienate white people (“Don’t all lives matter?”) and which was so easy to parody to reveal deeper truths (“Black knives matter”, “Black wives matter”, etc.) The destruction of public property by ugly crusties, and the exposure of double standards within the police and judiciary. Cheering on wooden dullards like Starmer as he desperately tried to conjure up relevance. The lack of any sober analysis of statistics regarding police shootings and the ethnic composition of criminal groups.

    Are there no competent black PR professionals?

  2. The Meissen Bison

    The Black Lives Matter era is absolutely not over.

    BLM was a comfortable charade for the platoons of the stupid and gullible who felt the need to validate themselves by “opposing oppression”.

    The herd has moved on: today it’s mass outpourings of boo-hoo for Gaza. No doubt a few cattle are already accusing the West of the Iranian chopper crash, not that I want to tell Nesquik what to write tomorrow.

  3. Let’s be honest, the fundamental demand of BLM was that black people shouldn’t have to obey the law if they don’t feel like it.

    BLM UK has for three years been disbursing funds to people affected by deaths in police and psychiatric custody, and to groups combating the hostile environment.

    The only ‘Hostile Environment’ is for English people:

  4. Sam, they’ve got one of the best funded PR organisations in the world. It even has its initials based on BLM.


    It’s still pretty crap though…

  5. The biggest personal effect BLM had on me was that I stopped watching football.

    It was bad enough the England team kneeling, but my own team did it as well. They were relegated that year so that served them right.

  6. WTF does she mean blm is all over?

    Didn’t she see the final games of the season yesterday, or were all the players doing their pre-kickoff performing seal routine for some other vacuous reason?

    (Answer – “We are committed to using our platform to help celebrate diversity and show our support in the fight against racism.”).

    As Father Jack would say – Feck Off Football. .

  7. TMB, as you well know, the Mossad can neither confirm nor deny involvement.

    But it sure as hell looks like revenge served lukewarm.

  8. BLM was a convenient flag for the haters and destroyers of Western Civilisation to sail under for a while. Of course it was fake and fatuous and I’m rather glad that the idiots who handed over money were largely robbed. Quite fitting.

    As TMB notes, the scum fight on, under a different flag this time. Of course pretending that Hamas are noble freedom fighters is even more of a stretch than pretending a drug-addled career criminal was a great American, hence it’s not catching on quite so well…

  9. The Iran chopper crash: Inshallah. But I suspect the Iranians don’t see it that way, despite their philosophy of Allah running everyone and everything down to the last millisecond.

  10. Bloke in North Dorset


    TMB, as you well know, the Mossad can neither confirm nor deny involvement.

    But it sure as hell looks like revenge served lukewarm.

    Pre revolution air frames that haven’t been maintained using OEM parts or support, they probably didn’t need to do much if it was them and I’m not betting against.

  11. On the death of Raisi, when you’ve got a helicopter, high ground and cloud/fog, you need look no further for a cause. I’m sure the suspicion of the serviceabilty of the helo being a factor is misplaced, surely Iran can get parts for a widely used Bell 212, it’s not really a military type.

    And another thing, when you have a VIP on board who believes in Inshallah it’s is not easy for the pilot to refuse to fly. Poor sod probably told them it wasn’t safe and succumbed to pressure. Note, not over-ruled, (at least here in the west) the captain of the aircraft is in charge of whether it flies

  12. JuliaM,

    I can’t help but respect that. They didn’t rob old ladies. They got a load of rich white liberals to feel guilty and hand over loads of dosh after a career criminal resisted arrest, no questions asked.

    Not saying all charities are immoral, far from it. But I think charity is probably the best grift going, if you can figure one out. Because no-one really knows what’s going on in them.

  13. Regarding the serviceability of the crashed helicopter, it’s not a question of parts availability. There’s lots of Rolexes and Johnnie Walker Black in Iran if you know where to look, I’m sure they can get their hands on pretty-much anything they want. It’s more a matter of attitude on the part of those doing and supervising the servicing. See Shak Lin, Constantine, et al., and of course the ‘Inshallah’ attitude is no help at all. Wasn’t there the case of an airliner that went nose-first into the ocean while the Muslim pilot busied himself praying to Allah – well, this uncommanded nose-dive must be His will, can’t change fate, here we go . . . .

    And, BTW, it’s not a question of race or nationality, but of culture. I had the unpleasant experience of having to read the full report on the crash of a 747 at Bagram air base in 2013, and the litany of truly-horrendous decisions and actions taken by the all-American, all-white flight and loadmaster crews would curl your hair. Flight safety is all about attitude, nothing else.



  14. @Jonathan:’ Let’s be honest, the fundamental demand of BLM was that black people shouldn’t have to obey the law if they don’t feel like it.’

    And that’s now been expanded to ‘public transport requirements’, in London, at least.

  15. I think BLM was one of the most racist movements I have ever seen. Indeed when one Cambridge academic said quite openly ‘White lives don’t matter’ and the phrase ‘All Lives matter’ was decried as ‘racist’ it rather gave the game away.

    Besides which Malik is behind the curve- ‘DIE’ isn’t about ‘Equality’ – that’s yesterday’s concept (and indeed in ‘Diversity’ training at my firm if you used the term as a White male you’d almost certainly be put on a list for redundancy even quicker than otherwise) the ‘E’ is for Equity. That means that any black personal is entitled to a share of your wealth (if you are white) because you only got it on the back of slavery.

    The entire ‘DIE’ industry is one of the biggest cancers in contemporary British society. Indeed my hatred for its advocates is so intense you half hope the Russians can invade and kick out/ wipe out its practitioners post haste.

  16. OK, how many of us knew who Connie Shak Lin was, as referred to by llamas?

    I do, but surely nobody reads Neville Shute nowadays.

  17. I really am depressed enough without reading any more Neville Shute. I gave him up half a century ago.

  18. Rhoda klapp wrote “. . . surely nobody reads Neville Shute nowadays.”

    Well, I correspond from time to time with Heather Mayfield, and she has commented in the past that the royalty income is still very steady. Shirley Norway, who passed away in 2009, lived very comfortably off her share of the income until the end of her life, without the necessity to work. So somebody’s still reading Nevil Shute, and I think our gracious host has indicated in the past that he’s a fan. That’s why I used the reference, not the first time, either.



  19. The justice for postmasters has Clive Bates as a central figure, the villains are yet to be established.
    The justice for Asian girls getting an education has Malala Yousafzai.
    The justice for black discrimination had George Floyd as their talismanic victim, and the villains, well that’s everybody else.
    Did it not occur to BLM to ask themselves this: let’s hold on to our ammo, if discrimination is so prevalent then a better icon will be along shortly.

  20. If we’re talking of our friend Floyd, I must admit I feel Chavin’s conviction and sentence was a trifle excessive.

    But as you know, I have a white skin.

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