Therapists must be allowed to question children who believe they are trans, the author of a landmark report on the dangers of gender ideology has said.
Dr Hilary Cass, whose review found that children should have extensive therapy before they are allowed to transition, said “exploration of these issues is essential”.
She was speaking amid a row at Britain’s psychotherapist body over the issue of conversion therapy for children.
The UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) has been a signatory to a memorandum of understanding (MoU) opposing conversion therapy, the practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, since 2016.
However, the UKCP’s leadership has now withdrawn, claiming that the document was updated to include children specifically and therefore may prevent therapists from discussing changing gender with young patients.
On the gibbering idiots side “conversion therapy” is defined as anything that isn’t “Here’s your injections right now and we’ll take the willy off Monday”.
Therefore anyone saying even “You sure?” is an anti trans hater and evil and should be jailed.
A ban on “conversion therapy” really does rather depend upon what is meant by that phrase.
Ban any treatment before 16 ( after all they’re mature enough to vote ).
Then operate immediately.
No questions asked.
Send them to Turkey or somewhere if cheaper.
Regret it afterwards ?
Die of terrible infection ?
Hard Cheese.
My 15 year old son believes that he is nocturnal – should schools change their schedules to accommodate teenagers like him?
And the geniuses at the UKCP couldn’t see that one coming, eh?
There was an experiment of starting school later, around 11am IIRC, for teenagers and the results showed some improvement in results and behaviour. It wasn’t very rigorous though but having raised a boy I can believe it.
@Bloke in North Dorset
I think starting school later would be a good idea but very difficult
a) as younger children would probably still like to start earlier, children coming home in the dark etc etc
b) the British state generally doesn’t change to improve things for the consumers of its services
c) unions
d) it might discourage people from becoming teachers.
Chopping off the bits sounds very like therapy to convert them from looking like their inate biological sex to looking like the other.
Conversion Therapy
So should be banned.
I have a nasty feeling that the average teenager, soon after acceptance as nocturnal, would become diurnal.
Big hullabaloo in the papers any time some dim, drugged teenager takes a knife or machete and wounds innocent passersby.
No hullabaloo when a doctor cuts bits off children who are far too young to give informed consent. Sounds a bit hate-crime-ish to me.
Isn’t it time to jail some of the fuckers?
This debate gets a lot simpler when you realise it’s about people who want to fuck children versus people who want to protect children.
Millstones delivered by lions.
One relatively short report (396 pages, costing about 1/1000th of the Hallett enquiry) is sufficient to blow up an entire industry of evil grifters.
I wonder if Dr Cass could be persuaded to chair an enquiry into carbon dioxide.
“Here’s your injections right now and we’ll take the willy off Monday”.
Should be: “We’ll take the willy off. See You Next Tuesday!”