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Infamy! Infamy!

the medico-pharma-big sugar industrial complex

They’ve all got it in for me…..

New supplies of tin foil hats required in Ely

14 thoughts on “Infamy! Infamy!”

  1. @Addolff

    No he said them.
    Big Pharma is part of Big Medico.
    Pharma is meant to be Farmer.

    It’s just that he types with his fists…

    Though that makes big Sugar redundant…

    Any ideas what that’s supposed to be?

  2. Bloke in Pictland

    “Any ideas what that’s supposed to be?”

    Maybe he means the manufacturers of HFCS.

  3. What I mean by that is that however good this drug might be, nothing could reduce the risk of heart attacks more than reducing the amount of sugar in diets, the amount of ultra-processed food we eat, and people doing more regular exercise without the need to go to anything like a gym – a good walk at a reasonable pace done quite often would do just as well. These facts are not being mentioned because that would reduce big business profits, which would never do

    I think he must have been living in a bubble or not actually been near either a hospital or a doctor’s surgery in recent times. This despite having contracted COVID at the last count 17 times. When looking at the Guardian’s ‘Society’ section in the Blair / Brown era there were legions of jobs for ‘healthy eating advisors’, ‘5 a day co-ordinators’ and a raft of others. All jobs strictly limited to Left wingers – all guaranteed to vote for Moar Taxers and greater state control. I very much doubt the much – cited ‘austerity’ has made a dent in such people. Most will have been happily working from home for the last four years, collecting a salary and racking up an inflation – linked final salary pension scheme unobtainable in the private sector. Of course he knows this – his entire audience is drawn from such people.

    But we then come to the column’s raison d’etre.

    But this is not on the NHS agenda of either the Tories – whose Health Secretary is married to the boss of British Sugar in a coincidence that is almost staggering in its absurdity – or of Wes Streeting for Labour.

    I happened to go to university as a near contemporary of the current health secretary and to say she was ‘deeply unimpressive’ even as a an undergraduate would be understating it. Indeed ones wonders if she might not be from the Gavin Williamson school of advancement, having a degree of compromising information on Senior politicians that preclude anything other than ‘failing upward’. Nevertheless whenever a cheap shot at an ‘enemy’s family’ presents itself Murphy unfailingly chooses to take it. He’s a rare type of evil that many considered purely hypothetical.

    As the great Boddicker quotes on the earlier post:

    Sometimes this fat sack of shit (I won’t call him a sack of potatoes as I like potatoes) makes my blood boil. Has there ever been anyone who is so keen on tax for tax sake?

    While it would be stretching it to say his evil is unprecedented I’ve certainly seen few more odious people in my life, and a large amount of my volunteer activity at work involves working with convicted felons. None I have met have been as objectionable as Murphy.

  4. “I’ve certainly seen few more odious people in my life, and a large amount of my volunteer activity at work involves working with convicted felons. None I have met have been as objectionable as Murphy.”

    Murphy has the advantage that as far as I know he has not been convicted. Yes, everyone in prison says they’re innocent, but in interacting with you they know you know their records. Murphy can stand on his high horse (well not really, unless he’s a lot more athletic than he looks).

  5. Dennis, Inconveniently Noting Reality

    “Medico-pharma-big sugar industrial complex” is a strange way of spelling “Jews”.

  6. @VP

    I happened to go to university as a near contemporary of the current health secretary and to say she was ‘deeply unimpressive’ even as a an undergraduate would be understating it.

    You should have gone to The Better Place, VP.


    The medico-pharma-big sugar industrial complex is pushing it, but there’s definitely a medico pharma industrial military complex.

    Big Sugar? I dunno.

    I suppose it’s possible that the pharma companies don’t really want an endless pipeline of fat, wheezing, grunting, waddling Yanks to whom they can sell obesity and diabetes drugs (and more besides), and that they and the doctors whom they essentially employ would actually rather cure people than have them as endless cashpoints, but it’s unclear.

    This is one of the very rare posts where the Fat Potato is at least over the same country as contains the target, I suspect.

    Admittedly, I’ve only read the words you excerpt.

  7. I suppose it’s possible that the pharma companies don’t really want an endless pipeline of fat, wheezing, grunting, waddling Yanks to whom they can sell obesity and diabetes drugs (and more besides), and that they and the doctors whom they essentially employ would actually rather cure people than have them as endless cashpoints, but it’s unclear.”

    This is one of the very rare posts where the Fat Potato is at least over the same country as contains the target, I suspect.

    Yep, and Tim, you’d normally be the first to remind us of one of Charlie Munger’s better known quotes:
    “show me the incentive, I’ll show you the outcome”.

    Family medics worked this one out decades ago – all those free dinners weren’t for the sparkling company; there were drugs to push, lots…

  8. One of the founders of the Cochrane Collaboration is of the opinion that the pharma industry is a legalised organised crime syndicate, so its not just Spud who thinks this way:

    The more one reads about the medical ‘profession’ and the pharmaceutical industry the more one comes to think that they are one of the greatest dangers to the public there is today. The whole covid vaccine fiasco would not have been possible without their malign influence.

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