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Same-O, same-o

‘Climate change is here and it kills’: Heat-related deaths rise by 30pc in Europe, says Lancet

And what’s the decline in cold related deaths? As cold kills more than heat, many, many, more, we could be better off by this measure, no?

28 thoughts on “Same-O, same-o”

  1. I stopped reading the article when it proudly claimed to include deaths from wildfires. Poor forest management ≠ climate.

  2. Unfortunately, while there remains a raft of useful idiots accepting the premise of man made climate change and concocting ‘innovative’ and ‘efficient’ means of dealing with the ‘costs of climate change’, these cunts will continue their war on humanity. Stand up and point out the Emperor has no clothes.

    Carbon Dioxide follows an increase in temperature – see T. Sowell, W Happer, R Lindzen, J. Clauser et al.

  3. The Lancet is yet another once respected institution that has gone irreversibly wrong.

    The fact that, in this instance, it is being quoted by the telegraph is ironic.

    The Christian name of the columnist is the cherry on top of the cake.

  4. to near-record high river flows in major basins, including the Rhine and Danube, 2023 saw a record number of days with “extreme heat stress”,
    Odd because I’m sure I was reading about the Rhine being so low it was curtailing its use for cargo carrying barges. Or could that have been a different Rhine?
    “Limiting global warming to less than 1.5C degrees through a just and healthy transition would deliver life-saving benefits for people across Europe and beyond.
    How many people could recognise a 1.5° change in the temperature let alone suffer from it?

  5. From raging wildfires in Greece to near-record high river flows in major basins, including the Rhine and Danube, 2023 saw a record number of days with “extreme heat stress”, according to the World Health Organization.

    What sort of drivel is this ? If it is too hot in Summer then there are droughts. There were complaints not too long ago that the Rhine was becoming unnavigable because it had dropped so low.

    Do these journos read back to themselves what they have just written ?

    ( Also “near record highs” so not a record then, that was probably in 1763 or something daft ).

  6. It is an absolutely appalling article. Just some examples

    “As scorching summers hit the continent, heat-related deaths per 100,000 people have increased by 30.8 per cent from the period 2003-12 and 2013-22, according to the report.”

    What does this sentence even mean? I think they are trying to compare the periods 2003-12 and 2013-22 but that is not what the sentence says. Also, even the Lancet “report” seems to suggest that this is not controlling for population composition. (Elsewhere they acknowledge that the “population at risk” has increased but the Telegraph article obvious ignores this)

    ““Climate change is here, in Europe, and it kills,” the 2024 Europe Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change said. ”

    I searched for that sentence in the Lancet report and it does not say this, the Telegraph is basically lying

    “From raging wildfires in Greece to near-record high river flows in major basins, including the Rhine and Danube, 2023 saw a record number of days with “extreme heat stress”, according to the World Health Organization. ”

    I know that people are trying to claim a correlation between rain downfall and climate change but even if it was the case it has nothing to do with “extreme heat stress”. Also the wildfires in Greece have very little to do with climate change and more with poor forestry management and arson. Also, it’s not like there weren’t wildfires before 2012

    “The Lancet report found that Southern Europe tends to be more affected by heat-related illnesses, wildfires, food insecurity and drought.”

    No shit, it’s hotter in hotter countries… what a surprise

    “It also said that Southern Europe is also “more vulnerable” to climatic suitability for various climate-sensitive pathogens and disease vectors.”

    Again, I don’t understand this sentence what does “more vulnerable to climatic suitability” mean? Nothing

    “Comparing 2012–22 to 1990–2000, the mean annual risky hours per person for moderate intensity activities falling outside the hottest four hours of the day increased by 107 per cent in eastern Europe, 382 per cent in northern, 94 per cent in southern and 101 per cent in western. ”

    I wonder why they are always comparing different periods – must be that the cherry picking gets them the results they want… Also there is obviously no mention of the absolute number of hours we are talking about. 382% in northern Europe can mean an increase from 1 minute to 5 minutes

    “It said that regular physical activity is a key component of a healthy sustainable lifestyle, but that exercising in hot weather poses a risk of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion or exertional heat stroke.”

    Amazing finding

    “The report concluded that a lack of political action to protect people from climate change is one of the biggest issues facing Europe. ”

    There is no lack of political action. You can argue that more is needed (although I disagree) but claiming that there is a lack of political action is BS.

    “Many European countries remain major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and are still providing net subsidies for fossil fuels – despite their health harms.”

    1) Greenhouse gases are vital to life, 2) “net subsidies for fossil fuels” is a lie, 3) what are the health harms from fossil fuels? The claims are that there are 3rd order health harms from fossil fuels (emissions from when they are burnt). It’s similar to saying that there are health harms from taxes as some taxes are used to finance the NHS which kills people

    ““Limiting global warming to less than 1.5C degrees through a just and healthy transition would deliver life-saving benefits for people across Europe and beyond. Instead of facing ill health and threats to our livelihoods,” said Professor Cathryn Tonne, co-Director of the Lancet Countdown in Europe.”

    What does a “just and healthy transition” mean? Just in what sense? Healthy in what sense? Transition from what to what?

    The Lancet report ( also make a very interesting claim:

    “With ongoing global warming, climate projections for Europe suggest a progressive reduction in cold-related deaths, and a simultaneous increase in heat-related deaths, with a 2021 study indicating that heat-related deaths have started to exceed reductions in cold-related deaths around 2010”

    The study the themselves quote ( doesn’t however seem to say this but instead says: “Projections consistently indicated that the increase in heat attributable fraction will start to exceed the reduction of cold attributable fraction in the second half of the 21st century, especially in the Mediterranean and in the higher emission scenarios.”

  7. I suspect certain organisations are working towards “heat-related” becoming the new “with Covid” as in “died falling over a cliff (or being hit by a bus) while the temperature was at a near record high”.

    Possibly due to the monitoring equipment having been strategically re-positioned adjacent to an industrial kitchen.

  8. I can’t help thinking they’re just trying to see how gullible we are. The fabric of the lies is fraying at the edges as the lies become ever more silly…

  9. ‘Climate change is here and it kills’

    Quite possibly true.

    Those Africans who are too dumb to change their agricultural practices are likely to come over here and stab your mum.

  10. @Emil, that last bit you quote is remarkable for its sheer dishonesty. And even the research they misrepresent is talking about ‘projections’ and ‘scenarios’ 50 years away.

    I find it amazing that the climate scare monkeys are still twatting on about 1.5C when it is abundantly clear that neither this nor net zero are ever going to happen. How many years of blather and emissions continue to rise. Only a handful of nations outside Europe give a shit.

  11. “If it is too hot in Summer then there are droughts. There were complaints not too long ago that the Rhine was becoming unnavigable because it had dropped so low.”

    As I recall, the droughts that dropped the levels of various German rivers in 2022 revealed ‘hunger stones’ that had been carved with inscriptions during a drought 500 years previously…….which was a time of great SUV use of course.

    One wonders how barking mad you have to be to be able to see something like that, or the evidence of ancient plant and animal life under a retreating glacier and not join up the dots. That things have been like this before, and the world didn’t end.

  12. Something nobody seems to have noticed that since 1990 the proportion of the population being highly elderly has increased significantly. Could there be a relationship between a higher proportion of the population being composed of people more suseptable to heat stress and a high number of cases of people suffering from heat stress? Or are such sums too complicated?

  13. The report highlighted that this could “result in reduced physical activity” and therefore increase the risk of “non-communicable diseases”.

    If it gets slightly warmer in Britain, nobody will go outside and you’ll all die painful deaths from leprosy.

    And the only way to stop this is to pay a lot more tax.

    It’s SCIENCE, bigots.

  14. The Meissen Bison

    Swannypol «I thought they all died of Covid.»

    That was last year.
    This year it’s they all died by helping save the NHS and not going for treatment.
    Next year, it’s they’re all dying from the AZ shot which nobody recommended but people stupidly went and had it anyway.

  15. @BiS
    How many people could recognise a 1.5° change in the temperature let alone suffer from it?

    Mrs. Greenie has that ability. Let the temperature in the house drop half a degree below 72, and out come the parkas, comforters and the electric blanket.

  16. Bloke in North Dorset

    Excellent Fisk, Emil.

    If you want to see how the climate 3-card-trick works have a look at these 2 screen shots from a German weather forecast: the first from 21 June 2017 the second from 21 June 2022.

    I also have a picture of of a Pegel (water gauge) from the Rhine close to Deutsches Eck where the Mosel flows in to the Rhine. The highest mark is Dec 1993 and a brick and a half below it is Jan 26. Which is hardly surprising is that you’d expect it be be higher now because of the increased development causing more run off.

  17. They achieve the 1.5 C by starting to count at the industrial revolution, which entirely coincidenetally was around the end of the little ice age, a period of cold unaccounted for by climate science. However, to illustrate just how scary one-and-a-half degrees is, the temperature varies that much within the room I’m sitting.

  18. Am re-reading the below sentence and it now makes even less sense to me:

    “With ongoing global warming, climate projections for Europe suggest a progressive reduction in cold-related deaths, and a simultaneous increase in heat-related deaths, with a 2021 study indicating that heat-related deaths have started to exceed reductions in cold-related deaths around 2010”

    It seems as if they are actually saying that TOTAL HEAT-RELATED DEATHS are exceeding the REDUCTIONS IN COLD-RELATED DEATHS. If this is what they are saying it may not be factually wrong (can’t be bothered to check) but would be:
    a) totally irrelevant (unless there were no heat-related deaths in previous periods)
    b) very misleading as the second part of the sentence would not have any connection to the first part of the session

    So in essence – they have either
    – misrepresented the 2021 study which would be very bad regardless if being sloppy or outright lying
    – very carefully constructed a phrase that is factually correct but extremely misleading

  19. Speaking of illnesses etc, Murphy’s just developed a new one.

    Thankfully, it’s not a world record breaking repeat bout of Covid or Long Covid.

    The sub-par, pus-filled Potato is currently on antibiotics and painkillers .

    It’s called otitis externa and from what I can see it could be colloquially called “Thick Ear”.

  20. I have just been listening over the Interwebs to a “science” programme on Austrian wireless.
    Some earnest sounding twat as saying that we haveat the outside a decade to halt CO2 emissions. It might even be to late !
    But we might well soon have the technology to cool the Earth once more.

    Idiot. Let’s go back t o constant failed harvests and famines, shall we ?

  21. Bloke in North Dorset


    According to Bjorn Lomburg in response to the Lancet:

    “ Heat waves deadly and more frequent bc climate

    But we’re badly informed when not told:

    1) solution over next decades:

    air-con, cheap energy, more heat-resilient cities

    2) ~10x more temperature death from cold

    Again, solution cheap energy for heating”

    He also reckons:

    “ Some 166,000 fewer people die from extreme temperatures now as the world is getting warmer, because cold is much deadlier than heat.

    We should still prevent heat deaths. But that’s mostly about smart adaptation and cheap energy, not emission cuts.”

    Although I think he’s confused some of the numbers from his supporting chart.

  22. “Poor forest management ≠ climate.“
    Very true
    The latest wildfire that has resulted in a town being evacuated in Canada was due to trees falling on power lines in a remote area that the fire services could not get to in time to stop the fire spreading beyond their ability to control.

  23. “halt CO2 emissions”? So, exterminate every single animal on the entire planet, along with all bacteria and fungus that breaks down rotting material, as well as plugging every volcano. I’m fairly certain that that is well beyond human capability. I think it would require steering the Earth into the sun.


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