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This is how all politics starts, no?

Hinkle and Al-Din have been ridiculed by critics as pseudo-intellectual, cravenly opportunistic grifters who have carved out an intentionally provocative niche designed to siphon followers away from other highly online political communities.

Suits Gerry Healy, for example. Bob Avakian.

Promoted by its two most prominent spokespeople, Haz Al-Din, 27, and Jackson Hinkle, 24, Maga communism comprises a grab bag of ideas that can seem lacking in coherence – ranging from a belief in the power of Donald Trump’s followers to wrest power from “global elites” to an emphasis on masculine “honor”, admiration for Vladimir Putin and support for Palestinian liberation.

No more deranged that those groupuscules from the left…..

17 thoughts on “This is how all politics starts, no?”

  1. A mix of pretty standard views from the nuttier American right: the fetishisation of “strong man” Vladdy, a bit of Andrew Tate-style ‘women know your place’ stuff and of course that sort never like the Jews. All those positions are also rooted in Islam, which seems a likely source of inspiration here and which the Graun neglects to mention, funnily enough. I can’t detect any communism, which suggests they just say that to annoy actual commies, which is fair enough.

    Islam is the world’s leading source of toxic right-wing thought, but despite their hysteria about “fascists” the likes of the Graun choose not to notice.

  2. “If you look at their policies, like what they actually propose, it’s clear that this is a deranged fringe movement that doesn’t really have a great deal of articulation,” said Alexander Reid Ross, a lecturer at Portland State University and author of Against the Fascist Creep, which explored how rightwing movements co-opt the language of the left. “It seems ludicrous, but I would say it’s really a symptom of the erosion of rational political life.”

    Precisely the same could be said about DIE and Big Trans as well as ideologies like MMT, yet governments mandate them all over. That’s before you even start with policies such as those from the COVID era.

  3. Harry Haddock's Ghost

    ranging from a belief in the power of Donald Trump’s followers to wrest power from “global elites”

    They also propose exiting Nato; deporting the Obamas, Bushes and Clintons to the International Criminal Court

    Because nothing says “dismantle the global elites” like making them final arbiter of the guilt of your ex presidents.

  4. “If you look at their policies, like what they actually propose, it’s clear that this is a deranged fringe movement that doesn’t really have a great deal of articulation,” said Alexander Reid Ross, a lecturer at Portland State University and author of ‘Cut Off Your Son’s Penis And Immolate Your Nation For Gaia’.

  5. They sound like neo-Islamists to me. Very dangerous, these “neo” people.

    I asked for the view of the neo-Scotnaz government but was told to neo-fuck-off.

  6. VP – Precisely the same could be said about DIE and Big Trans as well as ideologies like MMT, yet governments mandate them all over. That’s before you even start with policies such as those from the COVID era.

    Bingo. White genocide is a lot more unreasonable than Tucker Carlson interviewing someone.

    Both Haz and Hinkle say they support Trump not out of admiration for the man, but out of the belief that his followers represent the most significant mobilization of the American working class in decades.

    This is actually true tho. Similarly, the truckers’ protests in Canadia. Why do Western governments want to kill the white working classes?

  7. Dennis, Asking The Tough Questions So You Don't Have To

    What, exactly, is a “highly online political community”?

  8. Speaking of political cults on the lunatic fringe

    Hallelujah! “Venn diagrams for our times” are back on TRUK!

  9. @BraveFart
    Hallelujah! “Venn diagrams for our times” are back on TRUK!

    Has anyone seen Kamala Harris recently?

  10. Happy Saint George’s say everyone. I hope your rioting in memory of the patron saint of drug addicts, wife beaters, grifters and counterfeiters was mostly peaceful.

  11. @philip. Apart from St Georges day being over a month ago, what are you fucking talking about ?

  12. @Dennis… – “What, exactly, is a “highly online political community”?”

    It’s a group of people who cannot risk meting in person as it would show just how few of them they are.

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