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Whose culture, Matey

English courts are in talks to abandon compulsory wigs for barristers amid claims that they are “culturally insensitive”.

The Telegraph understands that the judiciary is poised to update its court dress code following complaints by some barristers that the traditional headpieces discriminate against those with Afro-Caribbean hair.

9 thoughts on “Whose culture, Matey”

  1. I didn’t know that those in the dock were also supposed to wear wigs. Every day is a school day!

  2. That and the lack of necklacing as a judicial punishment makes me despair for this country.

  3. @BiW: /applause!

    This has been shot down in flames on Twitter with numerous photos of African and Caribbean judiciary still happily wearing wigs and gowns…

  4. Person in Pictland

    It’s the first good argument I’ve heard for keeping the wigs.

    Mind you, in Scotland nowadays judges could replace their wigs with bonnets bearing the words “Wholly owned subsidiary of the neo-Scotnaz government”.

  5. The logic employed with the coming act of destruction that is oh so carefully calibrated to maximise the fuck you.

  6. Michael van der Riet

    Wigs, a ridiculous anachronism that should be cast aside along with titles and forelock-tugging. The British Royal Family is just the world’s longest-running reality show.

  7. Wigs, a ridiculous anachronism that should be cast aside along with titles and forelock-tugging.

    Maybe so, but if foreigners don’t like it they are welcome to stay in foreign.

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