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You can say one thing for the British elite

In stark contrast to the harrowing experiences of the 155th Brigade, the Bars Kaskad unit represents a haven for Russia’s upper crust. Established by Dmitry Sablin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma’s Defence Committee, the unit is comprised of members from the pro-Putin United Russia Party and sons of Kremlin high-ranking officials. These individuals are stationed far from the front lines, engaging in drone operations that keep them out of harm’s way.

Those sons weren’t protected, they lined up to be commissioned as 2nd Lts on the Western Front.

16 thoughts on “You can say one thing for the British elite”

  1. Different times. Those were the lads who’d been brought up with noblesse oblige. The offspring of our current rulers would be blocking traffic protesting that we should just let J Foreigner invade.

  2. Matt is right

    The indoctrinated youth of the middle and upper classes are too ashamed of our past to preserve the present.

  3. In a recent intelligence update, the UK Ministry of Defence detailed the existence of

    Lol. The MoD / security services used to have a few tame journos they could feed stories to and have them present it as their own work, but now it’s all of them.

    So you get a bit of Commando Comics Warspunking to give you the vague idea that Russia is continuing its cowardly and disastrous retreat into Ukranian front lines, lathering us up nicely for the soapy titwank of another “Putin has 20 clones and they all have turbo cancer” type tale of the tediously expected:

    the elite’s ability to opt-out of danger raises serious questions about how long Moscow can continue to mistreat ordinary citizens before facing a revolt.

    “Any day now, you’ll see, Putler!” (shakes tiny gay fist)

    Remember when Prigozhin was going to overthrow the Russian government? Good times.

  4. Talking ennui with someone recently revealed a completely different mindset. It was about taking the bins out she say ‘yes last week i wanted to complain because i saw one of the bin persons (! but ok) tip a non recyclable bin in the recycle lorry. But you know as a white woman, i didn’t feel i should. (!!)’

  5. Otto – The indoctrinated youth of the middle and upper classes are too ashamed of our past to preserve the present

    Well, yarp. Have you talked to any serving Army orifices in the last 10 years?

    The armed forces got Blaired, and hard. There’s nothing worth saving there, the wokies are in with the woodwork. Like Cromwell, we should start again with a new model army.

    Our enemies are not in Moscow or Peking.

    HB – But you know as a white woman, i didn’t feel i should

    Eloi will be eaten by the Morlocks.

  6. Whatever happened to all the: ” Russia is on the verge of collapse…” stories that started in the week the invasion began?

    @Steve: Our enemies are not in Moscow or Peking.


  7. “Between 1997 and 2010 net migration to Britain totalled 2.2million”

    13 years? Tory government says “hold my G&T”. Between 2021 and 2023 – THREE years – net migration to Britain totalled 2 million.

    And “net” hides the actual immigration:
    2023: 1.2million
    2022: 1.1million
    2021: 0.9million

    1999: 0.4million

  8. Bloke in North Dorset

    Our enemies are not in Moscow or Peking.

    You might not think it but they know they are our enemies. Why do you think Xi went to Serbia? To mark the 25th anniversary of the bombing of their embassy which they still claim was deliberate and they are busy educating their people about how evil NATO is for that attack, ignoring what was happening in Kosovo.

    As always listen to what Putin says, not what his Verstehers will have you believe he said and he too is at war with NATO.

    Anyway, now that Blinken has said there’s no limits on using US equipment lets hope that Ukraine has enough long range Himars to take out a few of those drone operators and now that he can’t hide behind the Whitehouse Scholz drops his objections to Tauraus missiles being sent so that the Kerch bridge can be taken out. .

  9. “offspring of our current rulers”
    The emphasis is on “rulers” – Andrew fought in the Falklans War and Harry in Afghanistan

  10. But you know as a white woman, i didn’t feel i should

    What’s the betting the offender was a BPOC (Bin Person of Colour)?

  11. “Eloi will be eaten by the Morlocks.”
    Indeed Steve sigh. I just thought what on earth, and filed it under i’ll riddle that one later. I can’t decide whether it was an attempted virtue signal, or at a relatable quandary, or just leakage from a guilt ridden personality. The fact that 3 , 4 people can speak like this matter of factly about basic stuff buffets my mind somewhat. Of course i didn’t push back probably cowardly but also its just unsuspected when talking about bins.

  12. asiaseen—At least initially i took it to mean that the Council have more important things than listening to her complaints, but yes it could be the interpretation you give. I can say we both suspected a bit of astroturfing was going on, ie. they pretend to have a really green policy (e.g. three separations required.) but in practice it isn’t. Idk or particularly care but i do think voters should get what they’re promised.

  13. You might not think it but they know they are our enemies.

    They are now, but why? I don’t think it’s Russia’s fault – I think we (on the coat-tails on the demented old twat in the White House and Nuland and the rest) turned them into our enemy for reasons linked to the military-industrial complex.

    As always listen to what Putin says

    You mean like when he said to Zelensky, ‘Yep I’ll sign that peace treaty on the basis of Ukrainian neutrality which you’ve agreed to’ in early 2022, which treaty was then ripped up after Boris Johnson told the Ukrainians they couldn’t sign it?*

    Anyway, now that Blinken has said there’s no limits on using US equipment lets hope that Ukraine has enough long range Himars to take out a few of those drone operators

    Let’s hope that… things escalate nicely by the use of long range missiles supplied by the West being used to hit targets inside Russia?!

    Are you day-drinking?

    We should have stayed well out of this shit, and we are quite likely to end up paying a mindbogglingly heavy price indeed for not doing so.

    I wouldn’t rule out actual nuclear war – probably a limited exchange, in Western Europe, far away from Loony Tunes Biden – though I still think it’s unlikely.

    But we have an open country and Putin could stage a thousand acts of sabotage this year if he wanted to.


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