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One possible explanation

Not that I think it’s true, nor even vaguely so:

But that did not appear to influence voters, with the AfD gaining 16.2 per cent of the vote, according to an exit poll by state broadcaster ARD.

Germany’s Greens were the biggest loser on Sunday, falling 8.6 percentage points to 11.9 per cent,

Fairly large chunk of the voters who are grotty little fascists they just wibble a bit about what they want to be grotty little fascists about.

While that’s fun the reason it’s not true is that the AfD aren’t fascists while a signifricant portion of the Greens are.

8 thoughts on “One possible explanation”

  1. The Greens in govt have been badly exposed for their authoritatian policies. When the crook Schroeder was Chancellor, the head Green was Fischer who was foreign minister and said a lot of intelligent things about the invasion of Iraq. With other leftists like Wagenknecht now on the scene, that end of the spectrum is pretty crowded and people have realised what Greenery is all about.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    The biggest problem the Greens have faced is Habeck’s blind insistence on following through on their Net Zero policies despite the energy problems since Russia’s attack on Ukraine. They’re spending €billions subsidising heat pumps for houses that already have efficient heating at a time when their budgets for welfare spending are under pressure, for example. See also shutting Nukes and opening up brown coal open cast mines.

    One area where they’ve really lost out is the youth vote, there was a graphic on Tageschau24 showing that their vote amongst 16 to 24 YOs fell by 23% and by 10% amongst 25 to 59 YOs.

    They didn’t say where it had gone but one teachers’ union has just argued against votes for 16YOs in the next federal elections because of the high support for the AfD amongst 16 to 18 YOs.

  3. Mr Scholz has overseen a programme of government that includes legalising cannabis and making it easier to switch gender.
    Young voters in particular scorned his party, with large numbers of under-30s voting for AfD

    Idk that there’s a huge untapped stoner vote out there. Most potheads are perfectly happy with weed being both ubiquitous and illegal, which means you can buy it anywhere and don’t have to pay any tax. (A pouch of legally sold tobacco in the UK now costs about £25 for 30 grams).

    But perhaps there is, and they just forgot to vote.

  4. I think you’ll find the stoner vote could be 25% or more of the population, Steve The days when stoners were identifiable by dirty hair & tie-dye t-shirts is somewhat in the past. They grew up & now manage your bank. Or retired from managing it some while ago.
    One of the reasons for legalising. Popular across the generations.

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