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Ooooh, lovely

Is this the one seat Labour is set to lose on election night – not to an imploded Conservative party, but rather to the Greens? It would be easy, but ultimately facile, to write off Bristol Central as an outlier. It is a trendy, bohemian enclave of the south-west, where locals once rioted over the opening of a new Tesco, and which polling suggests is the most pro-migrant constituency in Britain.

And there are certainly ingredients here that are particularly favourable to a left-of-Labour message: estimates from 2021 suggested most residents are under 35, about half are private renters and about a quarter are born in another country. But with research suggesting that millennials are the first generation not to move rightwards with age, the number of private renters in England and Wales doubling this century, and Britain becoming ever more diverse, Bristol Central could simply be a window to the near future.

So Owen Jones gives us the plan. Build houses and stop the immigration or the Greens will gain political power.

Fair old urgency to that, no?

12 thoughts on “Ooooh, lovely”

  1. “It is a trendy, bohemian enclave of the south-west, where locals once rioted over the opening of a new Tesco, and which polling suggests is the most pro-migrant constituency in Britain.

    And there are certainly ingredients here that are particularly favourable to a left-of-Labour message”

    Left of Labour, you say? So middle-class kids turning off the electricity, demonstrating against cheap supermarkets, and importing misogynistic homophobic religious barbarians is now “left”, is it?

  2. research suggesting that millennials are the first generation not to move rightwards with age

    So, the first generation thick enough to actively support their disenfranchisement by foreigners at the same time as moaning about the effects of that disenfranchisement?

    about a quarter are born in another country

    Switzerland maybe, or Japan? Hang on, no-one from those nations would move to Bristol. It’s “3rd world Islamic shit holes” again, isn’t it?

  3. OT – I notice that both the Times and Telegraph are running hand-wringing articles about the horrors of Modi winning a huge majority in India and potentially being nasty to Muslims.

    Bearing in mind how much grief 4m Muslims causes the UK, I am not going to lecture India which has to deal with 200m, as a result of that “imperialism and settler colonialism” we hear so much about. (You might contrast that with the alleged colonialism of the Raj) Imagine the state of India today if the demographics had been reversed. Although if that were the case, we’d probably not be talking about “the state of India”.

    In any case, I’d guess most Indians support Modi because of the economic reforms and infrastructure development which are starting to make up for those lost decades of post-independence socialism.

  4. Diversity news:

    A police officer who was left in critical condition after a mass stabbing in the German city of Mannheim on Friday has died, local authorities say.

    The 29-year-old was one of six people, including anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger, to be wounded by the alleged attacker, who was detained at the scene.

    The police officer was stabbed several times in the head.

    The alleged attacker, believed to be a 25-year-old Afghan who arrived in Germany in 2014, was shot and injured at the scene.

    His alleged motive remains unclear, according to police.

    What the media won’t tell you is that the Kraut cop won the Walter Lubcke Memorial Prize because, on hearing the ruckus, he instinctively attacked all the white people within grabbing distance, and had his throat slit by the Diverse Enricher because he was too busy trying to subdue unarmed Germans.

    Oopsie! Maybe Lt Columbo can help the Keystone Krauts figure out a motive.

    Radicalised by Brexit, no doubt.

  5. His alleged motive remains unclear, according to police.

    Don’t let anyone tell you Germans lack a sense of humour.

  6. “anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger,”
    One understands that the said Michael Stürzenberger was widely criticised (& possibly I believe prosecuted but found not guilty?) for suggesting that Muslim immigrants were potential terrorists. And one truly wonders how he could have formed that opinion.

  7. @Marius
    You’d have thought after more than a millennium, Indians would have learned to appreciate the benefits of the diversity & enrichment immigration has brought to their culture. I wonder why they haven’t?

  8. India wasn’t united under the Moghuls, nor the East India Company. It was united by Queen Victoria and that lasted until 1947. About ninety years. It has not been united since. Just as in Ireland, united only under ‘colonialism’, domestic patriots recreate the myth of a history that never really happened.

  9. “the most pro-migrant constituency in Britain.” Ah, a clear solution presents itself.

    Sure, but you’ll need to protect the Clifton Suspension Bridge from the blast if you’re going to do that.

  10. Bloke in North Dorset

    Well at least Nige is standing so the entertainment value of the election has just gone up a couple of orders of magnitude.

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