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And so it begins again

The European Union will demand access to British fishing waters in return for a closer relationship with Britain, The Telegraph understands.

Sir Keir Starmer is pursuing a reset to European relations and last week hosted a summit for European Political Community (EPC) leaders at Blenheim Palace.

The Prime Minister hoped to use the summit as a springboard to forge closer trade, security and foreign policy ties with Brussels, as well as work on a migrant returns deal.

However, the EU is said to be preparing a list of “offensive interests” it will use in any future talks with the UK Government.

It’s not, in fact, “But they’ll take our fish” that is the problem. It’s that the entire idea of how fishing is controlled is wrong. Central bureaucracy handing out quotas on political grounds. It needs to be ownership, by individual fishermen, of the stocks. Unlerss and until the EU moves to ITQs – which will be never – we should not allow them anywhere near “our” fish stocks.

14 thoughts on “And so it begins again”

  1. In America, Trump has a pretty loyal following, in part because he clearly loves America and Americans. Even after nearly being assassinated, his speech was all about unity and coming together.
    I wish I could say the same about politicians here, especially those from the Labour Party, Greens & Lib Dems who give a pretty good impression of loathing a large chunk of the populace. Hence their insistance in trying to replace us.
    When it comes to dealing with the EU, I have no doubt that Starmer will be like a rat up a drainpipe in the speed that he will sell us all out.
    Sadly, there’s not much left to sell off any more, with fishing having gone the same way as our oil & mining industry, as well as much else.

  2. This is where you need to start getting French. Take the negotiations out of the hands of the government. Any EU fishing vessel enters UK waters, no EU registered truck gets out of Dover. Burn them on the sea front.
    You’ve already seen how effectively UK police can handle civil disobedience in Leeds.

  3. I’d also take a tip from the Pali fans. Own the streets. Start using the same tactics as the far left use in France.

  4. I imagine this will be similar to the fish-faced cows supine acceptance of a £40bn EU divorce bill. Something highly significant conceded before the negotiations even begin.

    The first of many.

  5. BlokeinBrum – It is the far right that loathe the working class. The far right see the working class as criminals and parasites.
    Boris called the British working class as criminals, drunk, and hopeless.
    Sunak said he had friends from all walks of life except the working class.

    in reality the left and Labour are the working class. The EU is vital for democracy, freedom, human rights, workers rights, peace, and prosperity in the parts of Europe it inhabits.

    Trump looked like an idiot with that bandage over his ear. Like he had had an operation on his brain. The lunatic who shot him was derranged but that Trump bandage makes him look like a lunatic who is trying to take over the asylum.
    MAGA stands for
    Make Asylum Gaga Again.
    Mad Asylum Goon AGain.

    in fact Trump looked like a character from the goons with that bandage on his ear. Who the Heal told him to put a visible bandage on his ear.

    I do not support terrorism. I support peace.

  6. @ Toledo Zaragoza
    In Britain the “Far right” *are* working class. The liberal left are middle-class, mostly university-educated. The Grauniad etc enjoy publishing polls showing that thesupporters of the Labour Party and the LibDems are “better” educated than the Conservatives and “Reform” are overwhelmingly working class and less educated.
    On this blog we welcome diverse opinions but we do like people to get the facts right (hence the mockery of Richard Murphy)

  7. Labour got more working class votes than Reform or Conservative. And education is confusing issue, as older people are from a generation that was less on academic qualifications than today. So defining class by whether they got GCSEs, and A-levels is a distraction.

  8. @ Toledo Zaragoza
    You’re going “bait and switch” – university education is what I mentioned and that *does* take people out of the working class. Those with an University Education only have to do manual labour if they choose to do so (painters, potters, surgeons etc.)
    I do not define class by whether someone got GCSEs and ‘A’ levels (when I was young you needed 3 ‘O’ levels to get an apprenticeship, and many lower-middle-class small businessmen have no academic qualifications) BUT having a degree does preclude thelucky person from being working class.
    Labour got more votes in total than Conserrvatives or Reform – but not as many as Conservative and Reform and you do not know how many of those were working class (nobody does). Yougov, which is reckoned to be the best estimator, states that Labour plus Green outpolled Conservatives plus Reform in social classes A, B, and C1 but Conservatives and Reform outpolled Labour plus Green in social classes C2, D and E. So your claim is definitely suggestio falsi without being an outright lie because you do not know whether or not it is true.
    If you are American and think social class is defined by income, then the top two income groups (over £70k pa and £50-70k) both had more Labour voters than Conservative and Reform combined whereas for the bottom three income groups each had fewer labour voters than Conservative plus Reform. You’re still wrong.

  9. John77 You simply dont live in the real world if you think people going to former polytechnics are guaranteed middle.class jobs.
    Loads of people who go to ordinary University former polytechnics are still doing working class jobs.
    And you are simply wrong to think working class people voted for the far.tigjt parties
    More voted left.

  10. If only we were members of an organisation that allowed us to buy and sell fishing quotas as if there was a free market. Hmm. Sounds familiar. We were and that orghanisation was the EU, and we sold our quotas to foreigners and then, with our typical anti-capitalism, had a good moan about how all our fish were being taken by foreigners. And then we tried to fight the market with legislation, and who said that was bad and we needed to respect it? The EU. Shame about the Brexit then which has lost this.

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