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Oh dear, how sad

Anjem Choudary jailed for at least 28 years over terror offences

18 thoughts on “Oh dear, how sad”

  1. Jailed ‘for life’. Ooops ‘with a minimum of 28 years’.

    Will spend ‘more than 26 years in jail’. Oh!!!

  2. Since he is so passionate about his religion, would it not be nicer to apply his religion’s favoured punishment?
    I like being a nice person…

  3. BB: in 28 years, or possibly earlier, he has to face a parole board who may or may not decide to let him out. I wonder what the composition of the parole board will be then?

  4. Apparently when the sentence was handed down he was visibly shocked and “rocked on his feet”.

    That’s why we need cameras in courtrooms.

  5. That isolation will last until his lawyers successfully argue (at taxpayer’s expense of course) that it would be excessively cruel.

  6. They released a police interview where there was a back and forth about use of the past and present tense. All i can say is that i hope they put him away for all that time with a lot, lot, more than that. It just wasn’t the clip i would have chosen to illustrate what damning evidence convicted him beyond reasonable doubt.

  7. The Pedant-General

    Why is he even here still? He doesn’t like this country: there are plenty of others that are run along lines with which he is much more sympathetic.

    If we are supposed to be so compassionate, wouldn’t it be nicer to bundle him off to one of those?

  8. Second bit of good news today.

    But as has been remarked, prison is expensive. Building more takes time.
    There were 10,321 foreigners in British jails at the end of 2023. To make room we should sub contract the incarceration to cheaper institutions overseas.
    Come to think of it, we already divert half our carbon emissions to foreign, so we could do the same for our home grown scrotes.

  9. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ Why is he even here still? He doesn’t like this country: there are plenty of others that are run along lines with which he is much more sympathetic.

    If we are supposed to be so compassionate, wouldn’t it be nicer to bundle him off to one of those?”

    We could deliver him by Herc or whatever the Paras jump from nowadays and forget to give him a parachute.

  10. @philip

    Building prisons doesn’t necessarily take time

    The Germans built prisons to house millions in a couple of years….admittedly with shorter sentences

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