Because people had noted that the attacker was dark skinned. At which point rumours about asylum seekers, Muslims, foreigners and so on. Pointing out he was Cardiff born was an attempt – however successful or not – at heading off such criticism.
Quite right. Like pointing out that Richie has an Irish passport & that his opinions on UK affairs might in some way be compromised. Which wouldn’t of course be true. He’s just like any other normal two passport holders.
Jesus was born in a stable. Therefore he’s a horse.
I thought he was born of a jackal.
Three little girls, stabbed to death at a dance class.
Ritchie: “sOuNdS liKe rAcISm tO mE!”
When a brown hand switches off his life support machine, it’ll be a relief.
Were the parents from Rwanda or was it that they came to the UK from Rwanda? Their birth country might be somewhat different.
There is a problem with second generation immigrants and violence – the Leeds bombers being another example – they seem to become more radicalised for some reason. Of course, it wouldn’t matter if they weren’t here in the first place, so our political classes are (as usual) to blame.
Pointing out he was Cardiff born was an attempt – however successful or not – at heading off such criticism
Well it wouldn’t. The Welsh aren’t that popular in those parts.
It wasn’t at all difficult to google the main religions of Rwanda. No doubt many, many people had done so before me.
About 40% are Catholic, 48% Protestant, 4% are other Christian denominations and 2% Muslim. Of course these figures come from Wiki. However the Muslims do appear to be a small minority. Like in the UK.
Bboy – maybe it was one of them Episcopalian Fundamentalists?
Damifino, Steve.
“Why did the BBC ever think it appropriate to report that the suspect in the Southport killings was born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda?”
My guess is that it was a clumsy attempt to head off the earlier rumours that he was a Muslim asylum seeker.
So doesn’t that make all the white far right racists look stupid! They are carrying such a huge burden of resentment after the London Bombings, Lee Rigby, multiple grooming verdicts, Glasgow Airport, Ariana Grande concert, London Bridge, Southwark, Westminster Bridge, the Batley teacher, Salman Rushdie, David Amess, etc., etc., that the Islamophobic nutcases mis-heard the starting gun!
Simon – yes, they’ll feel very silly indeed when it turns out our latest child-murdering enricher is merely a violent Third World import, as opposed to a violent Muslim Third World import.
According to Boganboy’s figures, Rwanda is a largely Christian country.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the genocidal expulsions a while back? And where did those expelled go to?
If you see Cid, tell him.
What parallel universe do you have to be living in or what hallucinogenic substances do you have to have smoked or otherwise consumed vast quantities of to imagine the BBC is ‘supporting the Far – right playbook’. For me it’s coverage is quite far left from the KCNA (The North Korean News Agency) – to consider that ‘Far Right’ implies a level of delusion that in more civilised times would have seen the person in question detained for his own safety.
Nice to know he has such concern for the three victims of the attack as well.
What a complete and utter cunt Murphy demonstrates himself to be. Does he really believe the shit he posts or is he just trying to impress someone?
On another note, it looks as though those who were against the Tories’ Rwanda policy may have been right. Rwanda is home to dangerous people after all
Interesting that the Police / Home Office are saying we shouldn’t speculate about the identity of the murderer, but are happy to say that they “believe” the protesters included EDL supporters.
They’re also considering banning the EDL on the basis of that “belief” that “some” of its “supporters” were involved in the protests.
As a wise Welshman sung 20 odd years ago… if you tolerate this then your children will be next.
The potato is always banging on about how far right the bbc is yet will drop everything to appear on it for 10 mins
I have pointed out before that Rwanda is such a dangerous third world shithole, ‘The Arsenal’ recommend you go there for a nice relaxing holiday – “Visit Rwanda”.
And on GBNews a “local Southport businessman” stated unequivocally that those indulging in the rioting ‘were not locals and were bussed in”.
Be nice to see some evidence of that…….
According to Boganboy’s figures, Rwanda is a largely Christian country.
So the Tory Rwanda plan to was redress the balance by shipping Muslim illegals there?
Richard – the police are happy to batter the fuck out of you if they merely suspect you agree with Tommy Robinson on anything, but their natural reaction on seeing Diverse riots is to drop to their knees and open their mouths.
ACAB, innit.
PS – remember a few weeks ago that German policeman got killed because he was too busy trying to arrest white Germans (who had just been stabbed) to notice the Diverse Enricher with a knife at his neck?
What should we do about institutions that are so unfit for purpose, they’re literally too stupid to live?
Murphy complains that the BBC reported that the suspect was born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda.
In so doing he reports that the suspect was born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda.
It would have been interesting, in view of around one million Tutsi being killed by his parents generation , to know whether they were stabby stabby Hutus or their victims and quite how they were allowed to settle here.
I’m not sure the Rwanda card was quite the conversation-ending Ace that the UK authorities were hoping for when they played it so uncharacteristically quickly.
John – Yarp
Like Julia the Wise, I’m not gonna drop the guy’s name either.
But the Rwanda connection seems to be relevant to his motive, because allegedly the perp said something to that effect. I don’t think, based on what I’ve heard, that this was an Allahu Snackbar attack, it may have been racially rather than religiously motivated but I don’t expect the British authorities to ask too many difficult questions on that front either.
He’ll probably disappear from the press as quickly as that guy who stabbed three gay men to death in Brighton, or Huw Edwards. We are still hearing about the murder of Stephen Lawrence twenty one years later, natch, because some lives matter more than others.
Apologies, 31 years later.
How time flies.
I imagine Murphy’s son said something like this to him.
It could have been you Dad, if you’d been there dancing to Taylor Swift
Near to where I live a young mother was stabbed and died a couple of year ago ago and a number of other people injured by someone who was not from the area turning up in a suburban area and going on a rampage.
During the court case (guilty plea) it was stated that the police did not know his motive and likely never will.
You’d be hard pressed to find mainstream media coverage
You could be looking at a spell in clink for implying ‘White Lives Matter’ – that’s before PJF and snag come after you for Crimes
Against Ukraine..
The killer’s parents seem to have ‘fled’ Rwanda to escape the ‘genocide’ and were granted assylum in UK. I’d say very likely killer is a muslim. Was the knife carrying muslim arrested at vigil a colleague of killer?
Good article Southport: The End of the Line
VP – I’m sure they’ll get me one day.
But not, I think, today. x
Pcar – Everybody should read that.