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Been puzzling over this Egypt thing

Report reveals secret US inquiry into alleged 2016 Egyptian $10m gift to Trump
A Washington Post report details that an Egypt-linked group withdrew funds days before Trump’s inauguration

The Egyptian secret service picked up – in Egypt – $10 million in cash. Three days before Trump’s inauguration – inauguration, not election.


There’s no evidence at all that this went anywhere near Trump’s campaign coffers (traditionally, at this point, there would be a defincit, which the politician then tries to fill after the election. On the grounds that you might as well max out your credit rating in those last couple of weeks to try to win office).

On the other hand Egypt did bribe a Democratic Senator, Menendez.

And there we are. Scandal!

8 thoughts on “Been puzzling over this Egypt thing”

  1. ‘Trump was convicted on 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records.’

    So, having succeeded in having Trump ‘convicted’ of everything under the sun, they decided to give ‘bribed by the Gyppos’ a try. After all, they could then claim that Donald faked the evidence that a Democratic senator actually got the loot.

  2. Four men “carried away the bags, which US officials later described in sealed court filings as weighing a combined 200 pounds and containing what was then a sizable share of Egypt’s reserve of US currency”.

    So $10m is a sizeable share of dollar reserves in what is currently the 34th wealthiest country in the world. Seriously?

    He should have simply started a Trump Foundation or Trump Global Initiative, charged $10m for a single speech and then spent it on himself and his family. Works every time.

  3. While doing this, the head of the FBI has been spreading lies suggesting that Donald Trump wasn’t shot.

    I think we’ve found the shooters guys.

  4. The Telegraph:

    The deep state conspiracy theory holds that a permanent, shadow government of agents, operatives and bureaucrats exists to thwart Trump. One of the theory’s chief propagators, Steve Bannon, has said it is “for nut cases”. Nonetheless, it remains popular on the US right and among Trump’s aides.

    You don’t hate journalists enough, but let’s send them one-by-one to the Saudi embassy and see what happens.

  5. “$10m is a sizeable share of dollar reserves in what is currently the 34th wealthiest country in the world.”

    Supposedly there’s somewhat more than 2 trillion (10^12) US dollars in circulation in cash worldwide. I suspect most of that cash would be in the US itself.

    Divide that evenly among all the countries (about 200) and you get 20 billion each. Divide it in half for Egypt being non-US (I think this is an overestimate) and you get 10 billion in cash circulating.

    If you treat “sizeable” as being “more than 0.1%” then I could see it being not too much of a stretch, at least for the Gruniad attempting its usual sensationalism.

    “200 pounds” of money (we’ll assume 100kg of mass, this would be just the money, and reporter-based conversion) would be about 100,000 bills (since they all mass about the same and a US dollar is about 1 gram). Which would make the bulk of this being hundred dollar bills.

    That actually works out. Well done Gruniad.

    Unless they made up the 200 pounds bit by saying “what would $10m mass?” and working it out that way.

  6. I should expect the President of the USA to have serious links to the equivalent person: “President”, “Prime minister”, “Supreme Leader”, “Secretary of the Communist Party”, Pope, or whatever, of every other state in the world.
    Donald Trump was, for four years, President of the USA.
    “Trump Epstein” lives in a different universe.

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