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But, you know, Russia!

FBI agents have raided and searched the Virginia home of Dimitri Simes, an author and policy analyst, who advised Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign and who currently hosts a current affairs program on Russia’s state-run Channel One.

So far as anyone can see it’s all complete tossery. But it’s an election period, folk can now say – but Russia!

10 thoughts on “But, you know, Russia!”

  1. “Having failed to kill Trump” SO FAR.

    It turns out that the event was the first Trump rally where the Secret Service sent a counter-sniper team. My interpretation is that it was the first rally where they knew they’d have to silence a patsy.

    Similarly, it was the first Trump rally where most of the mainstream telly channels set up live coverage which implies, to me, that the plot was rather widely known about in Dem-adjacent circles.

    Other clues: the FBI hosing down the sniper’s nest the next day, presumably to remove any remaining traces of evidence, the FBI rather promptly handing over the patsy’s body for cremation. Hell, it’s as if they’re boasting “we can do whatever we like, matey, so watch your step.”

  2. Dm – yarp, this is also the first would be presidential assassin in history to have no motive (according to the FBI)

    For me, the FBI’s guilt in the murder plot was confirmed when FBI Director Wray went to Congress to spread lies and disinformation about the shooting, he even implied Donald Trump wasn’t shot. This is not how a police force trying to prevent the murder of politicians would behave.

  3. @BiND: I did wonder whether the coup against Biden was partly motivated by the thought “this useless bugger’s underlings can’t even organise a successful assassination.”

  4. @ dearieme
    They didn’t watch the finale of the UK’s version of “House of Cards”. Did the US version have a different ending?

  5. Any US voter can ‘register’ for whatever party they wish. Democrats may register as Republicans (and v.v.) in order to influence the choice of candidates for the ‘worse’, just as in the UK many Conservatives joined Labour to vote for Corbyn. “said to have” – by whom?

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