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Labour backs Greens’ call to end ‘emotionally harmful’ Edinburgh Tattoo flypasts

Whose emotions? When?

But now Edinburgh’s Labour council is considering calling for an end to the Royal Military Tattoo RAF flypasts.

The aerial displays have come under attack over claims they cause environmental damage and inflict “emotional harm” on residents.

Scottish Greens have won cross-party support to scrap the flypasts over Edinburgh Castle, with Cammy Day, the Labour council leader, writing to military chiefs to express “concerns” over hitting net zero targets.

Campaigners are now calling for this year’s flypast to be the last.

Oh, the emotions of the people on hte ground. Well, tough tittie really, no?

Not that any of these arguments are to be taken seriously. Just the usual ghaslty types wanting something to whinge about. If it wasn’t this it would be kids playing football in the close.

23 thoughts on “Eh?”

  1. If the environment was really such a priority, you’d stop holding the Edinburgh Festival entirely. The amount of fuel used to transport 1.5 million visitors to Edinburgh is colossal compared to the cost of flying a few small jets for a couple of hours.

    It’s all just a load of attention-seeking showing off, really, this whole Green thing, isn’t it?

  2. “Whose emotions?” The emotions of those who have to listen to the dreadful noise these things make. The Telegraph’s article is written to give the impression that it is all Marxists, greenies and sandal-wearing Guardian readers who are objecting on global warming grounds. But if you actually read the links given to previous stories
    it is very clear that the objections are really to the noise. Of course that doesn’t fit with your agenda, Tim, but that’s the reality. And if you’re not convinced that this level of noise matters, think about dogs.

  3. Spiro Ozer. Don’t be such a bedwetter. The average flypast last about 4 seconds. As to dogs, do you want to ban thunder too?

  4. What seems to disturb my neighbour’s dogs is ME!!

    Chelsea, being a little puppy, skitters backwards if the monster behind the fence comes near her. But Eddy barks on valiantly.

  5. One of Spiro’s totally stable and so worth listening to residents: “We thought the Germans were trying to bomb Edinburgh. Truly terrifying!” one wrote.

    Don’t mention the war! I did but I think I got away with it.

  6. We still rush out to watch and listen to a Red Arrows display. Although they seem to have got tamer recently, with a lot less derring-do.

    I thought the whole point of them is to say to potential aggressors “If our best can do this in ancient kit, they can probably fuck you up if you mess with us”.

  7. I always stop what I’m doing when any military aircraft goes by.

    Blessed with loads of them here flying into Akrotiri and Pafos… Having a C-17 Globemaster flying over my house on finals to Pafos is wonderful!

    Plus, the Red Arrows practice at Akrotiri before each season – always draws a big crowd. They generally arrive each year flying under the flightpath into Pafos and low-level over our village!

  8. Bloke in North Dorset

    Plus, the Red Arrows practice at Akrotiri before each season – always draws a big crowd.

    When I was based at Troodos we used to watch them practicing from one of the towers, amazing seeing them from above if they were a long way off.

  9. They’re warplanes, not the Red Arrows. They fly directly above my street which is en route to the Castle. They are loud as they fly low.

    Pity they don’t bomb the residences of whiny Green cvnts on their way.

  10. I thought this was going to be a complaint about bagpipes. Some years back there was a bagpiper who practised every night on Midsummer Common and that got a lot of complaints.

  11. There used to be a Spitfire based at Bentwaters but I haven’t seen it for a while. I’ve seen a Jet Provost recently, and what might have been a Gnat flew over last week. When I was learning to fly little aircraft in the 80s there was a Hawker Hunter parked up briefly at the late lamented Ipswich airport. Definitely a sterling sink running those things privately!

  12. Climate is the latest excuse for those puritanical ban groups, they are also using it as an excuse to ban fireworks in a lot of places

  13. There was some filthy sod who wanted to ban the firing of the one o’clock gun from the castle. I hope he didn’t succeed.

  14. During the ’90s when I was living in Cumbria, I had the pleasure of watching through my living room window,14 Hercules flying line astern down Wasdale , just above tree top level. They then executed a steep left hand turn and disappeared up Eskdale.When Fell walking, RAF aircraft are a common sight passing below the fell tops.

  15. And at the Mach Loop in Wales. We were staying near Aberystwyth, when a couple of F-15s came over at a few hundred feet and then stood on their tails and fired up the afterburners. Impressive – the sound of freedom!

  16. @spiro ozer

    The original noise complaint that led to one not four aircraft was some stupid git in Portobello moaning the jets scared him and he thought we were being invaded

    Dogs don’t care about aircraft, ours look up and watch. They’re also not scared of bangs, gunshots unless trained / influenced to be. Ours happily wander around garden on 5 November

    The moanering, fear mongering miserabliists as usual want to ban anything that is pleasurable, entertaining, exciting

  17. BniC

    While fireworks haven’t been banned in Oz, the building of the good old bonfire, with an effigy of Guy Fawkes being burned alive on top, has. On the usual grounds of safety.

    They’ve also cracked down on gun ownership, and protected the crocodiles. Just recently, a bloke was eaten by a croc in North Queensland.

    In the good old days, the damn things were shot on sight. Indeed the idiots protecting them claimed they were in danger of extinction. If only!!

    PS. I note that the Indian Express says ‘sources’ say that, although Hasina has fled to India, she’ll be dumped on the UK. Looks like everyone has guessed right.

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