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Extreme misogyny will be treated as terrorism for the first time under Government plans to combat the radicalisation of young men online.

Nice tits, Darlin'” is to be treated, by the law, the same way as blowing up an arena in Manchester?

This could mean teachers will be legally required to refer pupils they suspect of extreme misogyny to Prevent, the Government’s counter-terror programme.

Passing around an Andrew Tate video then?

And yes, that is it. Get dobbed in and you have to go through conversion therapy.

31 thoughts on “Eh?”

  1. Britain, to reprise another old line of mine, is the land where everything is policed except crime.

    Mark Steyn

  2. Standard Labour tactic, learned from the Soviets no doubt. Gordon Brown used the same tactic against Icelandic banks back in the day

  3. Do you actually need terrorism as a crime? The act will be illegal whatever the incentive. And everything else is conspiracy to. It’s seems a strange system to be arbitrarily designating identical acts differently. It is less of a crime to murder someone if you’re not a terrorist?
    I’ve never been comfortable with the idea, anyway. It’s OK for our airforce to bomb this village because uniforms & brass bands. But not OK to sneak a car bomb in.
    And, yes. The end point is governments designating anything they don’t like as terrorism. BLM riots OK. “Far right” riots not OK.

  4. They’ll only find out who’s responsible if the relevant information is recorded and analysed – fat chance.

  5. You tell the boy he is useless, can’t a job and is really just some kind of inferior woman and he will radicalise himself.. And bring his mates along. Which means the teachers and the feminists and the woke media are in the frame for radicalisation.

    Just hoping the boys declare themselves female. Can’t be a misogynist if you’re a girl.

    And what about misandry, any problem with that?

  6. I assume that the penalties for misandry will be the same? What am I thinking? Time for a lie down and fan myself with a copy of Socialist Worker.

  7. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ So first they’ve surely got to agree on what a woman is?”

    Good point, hopefully someone will ask sir Two Tier if he ever gives an interview to a real journalist.

    Presumably anyone who self identifies as a woman? In which case the accused could self identify as a woman and will no longer be a misogynist.

  8. “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry.”

    Sir Tim Hunt
    15years for terrorism, HMP Frankland.

  9. Did I read somewhere, or am I misremembering/imagining that”Community leaders” who assist the Prevent programme use it to identify those who are ripe for radicalisation?

  10. “Nice tits, Darlin’” isn’t misogyny, it’s the opposite. Punching a women in the face because she’s a woman is misogyny. Planting and setting off a bomb in the Ladies’ Toilets while it’s occupied is extreme mysogyny.

  11. “Can’t be a misogynist if you’re a girl.”

    Wrong. Misogyny is hatred *of* women, not hatred by not-women.

  12. This country (and most of the West) is really fucked. All the problems and this (nonexistent problem) is a focus of the government.

  13. It’s gonna be wild when armed police SWAT teams abseil through people’s windows at 5am for pointing out Yvette Cooper is a suppurating cunt.

  14. ““Nice tits, Darlin’” isn’t misogyny, it’s the opposite. Punching a women in the face because she’s a woman is misogyny. Planting and setting off a bomb in the Ladies’ Toilets while it’s occupied is extreme mysogyny.”

    “Misogyny is hatred *of* women, not hatred by not-women.”

    Misogyny will be whatever those in power want it to be.

  15. Planting and setting off a bomb in the Ladies’ Toilets while it’s occupied is extreme mysogyny.
    Depends on who’s in there. If it was a geezer in a frock, it’d be tranphobia. And if it’s just a drunk who got confused & picked the wrong door it’s “Alcohol shortens your life expectancy”

  16. Michael van der Riet

    Meanwhile back in the former colonies, many of whose citizens bear some animosity toward the British, our attitude as the UK self-destructs contains some schadenfreude.

  17. The whole mess pivots on their definition of misogyny and (perhaps more importantly) who gets to decide.

  18. Could just be a tactic to improve the Prevent stats as it’s looking a bit unbalanced with the Islamist majority and they need more diversity.
    They have been trying to push the far right as a threat and include them in Prevent, but there’s not enough so widening the definition will help them. The fact this means less time investigating the real dangers is irrelevant to them

  19. What about attacking a bunch of little girls at a Taylor Swift event?

    Extreme misogyny, or “we have no idea what could possibly be the motive”?

    I suppose it depends on the colour of the perp.

  20. >bloke in spain
    August 18, 2024 at 7:44 am

    . . .

    >I’ve never been comfortable with the idea, anyway. It’s OK for our airforce to bomb this village because uniforms & brass bands. But not OK to sneak a car bomb in.

    The whole thing is – and always has been – about the privileges of those that control nation-states.

    Laws of war – that don’t apply to police actions against your own population or ‘rebels’. “Enemy Combatant” designations, ‘don’t attack an enemy head of state’, etc.

    These are all rules set in place by people who are privileged by them and they are extremely offended when those people disadvantaged by the rules decide to ignore them. The ‘nation’ is a communal hallucination and it really pisses off those benefitting from that hallucination when others show how nihilistic reality really is.

  21. I have a friend who is a teacher in Birmingham. His school averages one PREVENT report per week under the existing rules.

    I suspect that although targeted at white boys with Andrew Tate videos this will effect communities with strong tradition values more.

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