Sweden has registered Europe’s first case of the more dangerous variant of mpox which is spreading rapidly in Africa, after the WHO declared a global public health emergency.
“We have now […] had confirmation that we have one case in Sweden of the more grave type of mpox, the one called Clade 1,” Health and Social Affairs Minister Jakob Forssmed told a press conference on Thursday.
Sweden’s Public Health Agency said: “It is the first case caused by clade 1 to be diagnosed outside the African continent.”
Last time around with this one we had the more actively gay insisting that it was terrible that no one was taking it seriously. Then a few out here said look, if you stop shagging around quite so much then perhaps the outbreak will die down. At which point some of the more sensible actively gay said Guys, why don’t we stop shagging around quite so much for a few weeks? At which point the nascent epidemic did start to fade away. The non gay folk who’d said shag less were still vilified because homophobic bastards, the less shagging as a triumph of the gay community overcoming adversity.
It’s not specifically gay of course. Not the mechanics that is – it’s that there’s that portion of Teh Gayers who are, by the standards of the rest of society, virulently multipartnered, almost randomly orgiastic. Chacun a son gout of course but there are always costs to everything, just as there are benefits.
It’s going to be fun to see whether the spread this time works along the same lines. Well, for observers – this isn’t going to be fun for anyone who gets it.
One more thought on it – PrEP works great against spreading HIV. But the behaviour that allows does leave opportunities for other opportunistic infections, no?
Guys! Don’t worry! The WHO is about to approve mRNA monkeypox vaccines for emergency use! Who wants to wait around for all those safety trials etc?
Last time around, all the “We’re all gonna die! It’s not just the gayers!!” headlines vanished virtually overnight once infections of children and dogs were reported.
@BiW – I expect the same thing to happen again, since nothing has changed in the community and both dogs and children remain vulnerable.
I thought ‘slothpox’ was the latest terrible horrible no good disease?
Can’t they leave the monkeys alone? Inter-species sex doesn’t end well…
What do you call someone who doesn’t want to catch disgusting African diseases?
A racist!
Viruses usually mutate to be less lethal (and more infectious) – it makes transmission more common. Just wondering, does a virus like HIV or monkeypox not follow this pattern? If so, is that because the mode of transmission is different from ones that are spread through the air or casual contact?
It would be a world first if a virus evolved naturally to be both more transmissible and more malignant.
There must be some suspicion that some gain of function research has been going on.
The involvement of the WHO is not reassuring.
Q: I say, I say, I say, why are you a global boiling alarmist?
A: Because I’m not evil enough to be a gain-of-function researcher.
Sweden has registered Europe’s first case of the more dangerous variant of mpox
And we can be sure that the sufferer was keen on Viking re-enactments & reciting sagas can’t we? Of course we can.
BiS – bumsex and bennies, more like.
Can we nuke Sweden?
I think the last & final Swede will probably handle that chore.
ABBA are named for the english words Arse Bandit Beastly Anal and not for Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny and Anni-Frid as per the popular 1970s meme.
And the reason the boys in the band wrote songs like Our Last Bummer, When All Is Said And Bum, and The Day Before You Came was as a homage to a simpler disease-free life. They were warning us.