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I wonder if she means it?

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said those stoking the scenes of disorder “do not represent Britain”.

She posted on X: “Criminals attacking the police and stoking disorder on our streets will pay the price for their violence and thuggery.

“The police have the full backing of Government to take the strongest possible action and ensure they face the full force of the law.”

Very good if she means it is to be enforced upon all. If selectively, then, well…..

27 thoughts on “I wonder if she means it?”

  1. The Meissen Bison

    She is explicitly making a division between those “stoking the scenes of disorder” and the hapless duped “criminals”. This is a game of political pin the tail on the donkey where the instigators are Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage without whom all would supposedly be peaceful and bright.

    This exonerates government from any direct or indirect responsibility for the rioting but the wilfully wrong diagnosis will lead to a worsening situation.

  2. Does anyone else remember recent Tory Home Secretaries patiently explaining that it was not for them to get involved in, or in any way to express a view, on matters of operational policing for to do so would be quite wrong?

    I feel sure I remember that being said.

  3. I can just about make out this large grey shape in the corner, but I’m not an expert…

    I’ve discovered the ultra sensitive point which has pierced the establishment’s skin. If Edwards gets his suspended sentence-which seems to be what the MSM is nudging us toward- then the link would seem to be that if you’re a kiddy fiddler or killer, you’re ok if your skin has a certain melanin content or you work for the State. If you’re white and throw bricks you get a special squad that can fly around the country beating the shit out of you. No “mostly peaceful” or kneeling for you, chum…

  4. She’s correct, those stoking the scenes of disorder (Kier Starmer and Yvette Cooper) “do not represent Britain”.

  5. I think the next lot of protestors should get a job lot of burkas, and wear those. Its going to be a bit hard for Starmer to demand all burkas are taken off to allow his facial recognition Big Brother tech to work.

  6. What Kevin S said, in spades. And they are about to find out that what worked in opposition is no longer so appropriate when you sit in the big seat.

    And no amount of lighting up the HoC in shocking pink is going to make people believe that you care any more about those murdered children than the ‘far right thugs’ lobbing bricks at the police.

  7. Jim

    If arrested, the blokes could also claim they’re actually women. No doubt the woke would then rise up in horror!!

  8. @Kevin

    Absolutely and totally correct!

    Those stoking division primarily include stone age islamofilth and their dhimmi labour whores.

  9. I’ve literally just got back from the Portsmouth demonstration. One of many, apparently, around the country today.

    My first thought is that it did indeed “represent Britain”, as there were pensioners on mobility scooters, young lads, Christian groups, crusties with dreadlocks, and families with toddlers and children.

    My second thought was about attacking the police and “stoking disorder”. There were also large numbers of very large and capable looking men who were holding back out of respect for the others and (let’s face it) and because they were sober. If the demo had been on a Friday night, I suspect the police would have had a very torrid time.

    That shit-scared “constipated rabbit in the headlights” look is going to be with Starmer for a while yet.

  10. I’m waiting for Smarmer to tell me that people like me ought to take his side in this matter. Then I’ll bid him a hearty Fuck Off.

  11. To be fair it’s not just Smarmer. It’s Biden/Harris, it’s Monsewer Micron, it’s the govt in the Krautreich and the one in Oireland, and where else? Low countries, Sweden, Oz & NZ & Canada, …

  12. It is quite fascinating to see the military wing of the Institute of Economic Affairs taking to the streets every night. I really didn’t think they had it in them. There’s hope for the country yet.

  13. Perhaps Tim could inform us. The ASI BovverBoys are in training, yes? Being held in reserve for strategic attacks?

  14. I’m taking the piss. Righfully.
    The left has always played a full spectrum game. There were activists lecturing this stuff to meetings back in the 60s. Any group you care to mention, XR, JSO, Hope Not Hate, Friends of Palistine, you name it, will have communication links lead back into the Labour Party. The Labour Party itself is just a front for certain interests.
    That’s how the left work. The Poll Tax Riots were orchestrated to undermine the Tory government. The environmental movement is a device to bring in socialism by the back door. The footsoldiers are JSO.
    You could play the same game if you wanted. There were people who could have made things very hot for the Tory government over stalling the delivery of the result of the Referendum. Or the continuing arrival of the boats. But you don’t want to know, do you? It’s not cricket or rugby or whatever you play. Most of what passes for the right is a bunch of pussies. But not all of it.

  15. I wouldn’t trust anything you’re getting through the media, PJF. It’s been long hollowed out by the left. It will present a narrative that favours the left. Thus ordinary angry people become far-right thugs. And the remedy of course, more socialist control.

  16. Not the Gevernment in NZ Dearieme..

    Jacinda had no time for the XR and JSO types. The police dismantled their protests quick smart.

    The current government is actually right wing and is engaged in a long and protracted dispute with the “official” Maori about a range of things.

    We also have none of your immigration woes, because we guard our borders firmly. Illegals get thrown out.

  17. “…do not represent Britain”.

    Well, akshually, they do seem to represent Britain. Given that there’s a lot of it about in Blighty right now.

  18. Chester said:
    “Not the Gevernment in NZ Dearieme.. … We also have none of your immigration woes, because we guard our borders firmly.”

    Not sure it’s very different. 226,900 non-NZ immigrants in 2023, according to government statistics. Given the population difference, that’s probably equivalent to about 3 million for the UK.

    Biggest increases: India, Philippines, China, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Vietnam.

    And your annual outflow of your own citizens is 12 times what it was ten years ago.

  19. @RichardT.

    Reading the website quoted tells me that total immigration was 173k less, admittedly record migration, of 47k, mainly to Australia, giving a net of 126k for 2023. Where did your 227k come from?

    Its still a fair few for a small country and apart from many helping staff our health system, probably does not help with issues such as high housing costs.

    And, as Chester states, it’s legitimate. Whether its entirely wise is another matter, but as an immigrant myself, I appreciate the opportunity given for me to live here….

  20. I am not Epstein ir Trump

    We need democracy, human rights, and peace to win. I do not support far right dictatorship.
    We do not need the far right in power.
    The left wing parties won more votes in total at the last election than the combined right.

  21. The left-wing parties gained less than 50% of the votes in the last election (bis will disagree with me because he classes the Tories as “left-wing”)

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