Mr Musk branded the Prime Minister “two-tier Keir” in a comment on X in response to a video showing the mob attacking the pub. He captioned video footage: “Why aren’t all communities protected in Britain?”
Hopefully the former DPP will be able to find time to tell us.
Sadiq Khan has worked this out.
Everyone hates him, but his opponents are planks. So no one turns up to vote except his particular ‘community’ and he wins without a mandate.
Angela Crayons, Jess and Yvette all have sizeable ‘communities ‘ in their constituencies. The white working class can’t be bothered to vote and again they win by default, thanks to nurturing this alternative pool.
He’s already on the case. We’ll be told that any far-right white people suggesting that there is a two-tier system will be feel the full force of the law.
They new advise should be don’t pick a fight with someone who owns one of the largest social media platforms.
Arghh, advice.
@BinD Wear sunscreen.
Tier Skarmer, armed with all the charisma of a pox doctor’s clerk, is going to … well, I don’t know but he says he’s going to set up a standing army.
Brilliant: since the 17th century the British have viewed standing armies as a threat to their freedoms. But then I don’t expect socialists to know any history, and certainly not the history of their own country. Then again, a threat to their freedoms is presumably exactly what he wants.
Does anyone else see shades of John Major in the way Starmer presents himself?
John Major with a charisma bypass. I can’t see Sir Kneel standing on a soapbox in the high street and haranguing passers by.
It looks like Smarmer’s ‘standing army’ is going to be of police officers. What are they going to do when they aren’t rioting? Is this his poundshop CRS?
Where’s he going to get an extra 6,000 police for his standing army?
Or is he going to take them from the normal bobbies?
How many police is that going to leave to do other things, like crime prevention and investigation?
«Where’s he going to get an extra 6,000 police for his standing army?»
There will be no problem recruiting the 5,000 needed to carry out the risk assessments most of whom can WFH. As for the rest, early release convicts and a small ad in Obese Runts Weekly should make up the numbers. If there’s still a shortfall, those scary cardboard cut-out plods can be pressed into service.
All manner of things might have a distant relationship to the rioting. Such as this: