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It’s not the sex and it’s not even the gay sex

The commander of a nuclear-armed submarine has been sacked after filming a sex video with a junior sailor.

The officer of the Vanguard-class submarine, who was awarded an OBE, had a relationship with a younger sailor while on patrol. The commander was also accused of sharing explicit photographs, The Sun first revealed.

It’s sex up or down the chain of command that’s the real problem.

20 thoughts on “It’s not the sex and it’s not even the gay sex”

  1. I mean really. It’s not HMS Vanguard 1798 where the captain has a choice of cabin boys or 12 year old midshipmen.

    A captain of a sub caught bumming junior ratings and taking pictures ! He should not only be sacked, but keelhauled.

  2. Actually, it is the sex. The fundamental problem with sex within military organisations is that instead of everyone having relationships based on rank, it allows a whole different reward structure to develop. In a normal company, it’s just something that has to be managed. In the Services, where you can be ordered to die if necessary, it’s quite another matter 🙁

  3. That’s one of the sad things about now compared to the BC era. You no longer get to play “guess who is shagging whom”, because nobody is shagging anybody.

  4. @Rupert
    In a normal company, it’s just something that has to be managed

    In the big financial firms (ok not too “normal”) that pay big bonuses there was the unwritten rule that managers don’t shag any of their own workers. I know many who fell foul of that rule and got fired very shortly after it got known. What you can’t have is any allegation that the bonus was a reward for sex. It also puts a very powerful weapon in the hands of the underling (no pun intended). I know of one girl who got rid of two of her bosses that way, possibly in revenge to them firing her boyfriend.

  5. If you command a submarine it’s very important to always know where the bottom is.
    And when to flood the chamber.

  6. The officer of the Vanguard-class submarine, who was awarded an OBE,

    Order of the Bumhole Expanders.

    The commander had previously had relationships with younger men occupying junior ranks, the Times understands. “He had a reputation for it,” one source said.

    The Royal Navy is basically just a medium sized homosexual conga line with a small flotilla at this point.

    A Royal Navy spokeswoman said: “It would be inappropriate to comment as we have a common law and Data Protection Act duty to protect the personal details of our current and former employees

    Well, that’s gay.

  7. So what’s long, hard and full of seamen? A submarine!

    Is that a joke these days?

    And please, no more about roger the cabin boy or who’s turn it is in the barrel.

  8. Churchill famous said the navy’s traditions consisted of ‘Rum, Sodomy and the lash’. Given that the rum ration was abolished in the 70’s and flogging long before that, sodomy is the only tradition it still has going…

  9. During my time at sea (I am, or was, a Crab so just there on loan) in one of Her Majesty’s aircraft carriers, we had a court martial of a flight deck handler caught committing sodomy in the cold meat store. He was discharged with dishonour.

  10. To quote Patrick O’Brian in “Master and Commander” –
    ‘Could you not set them both down on shore – on separate shores, if you felt strongly about the moral issue – and sail quietly away?’

    (He was talking about an able seaman and the ship’s goat, but the same principle should apply)

  11. “flight deck handler caught committing sodomy in the cold meat store”

    He should have been sacked on hygiene grounds alone.

    Thank you AS I have been larffing at that for the last quarter hour.

  12. I was looking at a sketch from, I think, the 17th century. It showed two execution mounds, each with a stake and (I think) some supply of firewood nearby. I asked the curator what the condemned man’s crime was. “Sodomy”. “Why are there two mounds?” “The other one is for his pony.”

  13. “Sodomy is a sin:
    Just let Jesus in,
    And your Redemption can begin…”

    Was, I believe, the chant of the [now defunct] evangelical NI Anti-Sodomy League.

    For my part, I’ve no objection to homosexualists, providing they don’t indulge in identity politics.

  14. It was General Patton who said Bad morals mean good morale. Good morals mean bad morale.
    By the way I try to have good morals and tend to have low morale.

  15. Thinking about what Mary said.

    A lot of the US Armed Services are dry. Which is probably why they underperform so badly.

    Although I am not reassured by visions of the RN nuclear fleet acting as submersible gay saunas.

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